商务英语函电 教学课件 ppt 作者 王维平chapter 8chapter 8

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1、Chapter 8 Shipment,Contents,Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7,Case Study,Learning Aims,identity shipping instructions and shipping advice; acquaint yourselves with some names of mould products terms and expressions of shipment; know the structure of letters on shipment as well as rela

2、ted terms and useful expressions; learn how to analyze cases and write letters on shipment.,Background Information,The shipping process B/L Parties involved in the shipment Shipping instruction Shipping advice,letters on shipment,(1)买方的装运指示和卖方的装运通知 装运时间 告知指定货代信息并要求订舱 通知走货船名班次 强调适合海运的包装 (2)买方催运以及卖方的回

3、复 (3)买方与卖方就某种原因需修改装运条款,Case 1,韩国的K.Ly贸易公司去函中国上海的百司得贸易公司,韩方已经在首尔的友利银行开立了2233号保兑的不可撤销的信用证,金额为5 000美元。同时提出希望中国公司能够尽快安排到货,并建议能够预定在5月15号左右从上海出发的FAST船公司的红星号轮船。,Key points,保兑的不可撤销的信用证 船公司,Useful Expressions,Shipping instruction Have the pleasure of doing Confirmed irrevocable Letter of Credit Amount to 5.

4、Be supposed to do 6. Be due to 7. In cooperation with 8. In advance,1. 装船指示 2. 很高兴做 3. 保兑的不可撤销的信用证 4. 总计 5. 应该做 6. 车、船预定到达 7. 与某人合作 8. 提前,预先,Useful Sentences,1. For the goods under our Contract No. 116, please book space on S.S. “Victory” which is due to arrive in EMP on/about 10 April. 2. Please sh

5、ip the first lot under Contract No. 247 by S.S. Lion scheduled to sail on or about March 8. 3. Please make a confirm and I will send you the shipping instructions later. 4. As the market is sluggish, please postpone the shipment of our ordered goods to May.,Useful Sentences,5. As our users are in ur

6、gent need of the consignment, please get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time. 6. May I know if you are in a position to make shipment by the middle of March? 7. The packing should be double bags lined with kraft paper so as to be suitable for a long sea voyage. 8. Please see to it that t

7、he goods are to be packed strong enough to withstand rough handling.,Letter 1,Dear Ms Lisa, We have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 2233 amounting to $5,000 has been opened this morning through Woori Bank.,Letter 1,It is of great importance to our b

8、uyers that the arrival date of this order should be arranged as early as possible to meet their requirements. So you are supposed to ship the goods by the steamer “Red Star” of Fast Co., which is due to sail from your city to our port on or about May 15.,Letter 1,Thanking you in advance for your coo

9、peration. Best regards, Leeyoun,Notes to Letter One,1. have the pleasure of informing 很高兴地告知 e.g. We have the pleasure of informing you that your fax on June 1st has been received. 我们很高兴地告知您于6月1日发出的传真已被我方收到,Notes to Letter One,2. amounting to 总计。类似表达还有 add up to totalize e.g. The contract amounting

10、to $2,500 has been signed by both parties. 双方已签订金额总计为2500美元的合同。,Notes to Letter One,3. it is of great importance意思是“非常重要”,也可以用it is very important来表述。 e.g. It is of great importance that the total quantity would be delivered by one shipment. 所有数量的货物一次装运发货是非常重要的。 4. are supposed to 被期望,应该,Notes to Le

11、tter One,e.g. We are supposed to be here at five. 我们应该于5点到达。 5. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. 对贵方的合作深表感谢。该句式用在结尾处,类似的句式有: Your close(kind)cooperation will be highly appreciated. 对贵公司的友好合作深表感谢。,Case 2,2012年7月份韩国K.Ly贸易公司与上海百司得贸易公司达成一笔交易。韩国K.Ly公司要求订购2副手机模具,但经过多方努力,上海百司得公司未能在开往首尔的直达船上定到舱

12、位,而信用证规定禁止转船,因此不得不要求韩国K.Ly公司修改信用证。,Key points,订舱 转船 信用证修改,Useful Expressions,1. strenuous effort 2. value of export/export value 3. direct vessel 4. space booking或book a space,1.坚持不懈的努力 2.出口货值 3.直达船 4.订舱,Useful Sentences,1. As there is no direct liner to the destination, please allow transshipment.

13、2. According to the shipping documents, transshipment and partial shipment are permitted. 3. If transhipment is allowed, the port of transhipment is marked 4. Your present letter seems to contradict the previous one. Please make a clarification.,Useful Sentences,5. In compliance with your request, w

14、e have to arrange transshipment. 6. The container was off-loaded by the shipping company at Busan, we have to transship. 7. On account of lack of direct steamer please allow transshipment in your L/C. 8. Please amend L/C No. 1636 to allow transshipment and partial shipment.,Letter 2,Dear Mr Leeyoun,

15、 We thank you for your Letter of Credit No.E- 204 Regarding shipment, we regret to inform you that despite our strenuous efforts, we are still unable to book a space on the direct steamer sailing to Seoul. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to ship 2 sets of mobile mould to Seoul directly.,Lette

16、r 2,In view of the difficult situation, We would appreciate it if you could amend the L/C to allow transshipment at Hongkong. Please be assured that we will ship the goods to Hongkong immediately upon receipt of the L/C amendment.,Letter 2,Your early amendment to L/C will be appreciated. Best regards Lisa,Notes to letter 2,1. consignment of 托运物为 e.g. On July 22nd, we received your consignment of 25 cardboard cartons of smart phones. 我们已于7月22日收到贵司托运的25盒智能手机。 2. We accept that the damage w


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