外贸英译汉方法与实践 教学课件 ppt 作者 朱香奇第三章

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1、第二章 外贸英译汉一般句子翻译,外贸英译汉一般句子翻译,句子(sentence)是比词语更高一级的语法层次,是能够单独存在并能表达相对完整意义的语言单位。一般说来,外贸英语交际活动都是以句子为基本语言单位展开的,因此句子在外贸英语翻译过程中占有最重要的位置,必须予以高度重视。,外贸英译汉一般句子翻译,1 句子成分转译,1.3 谓语,1.4 定语,1.5 状语,1.1 主语,1.2 宾语,转译为汉语中的,1 句子成分转译,1.1转译为汉语的主语 英语的动词宾语转译为汉语的主语 例1 Be careful, the building must have a solid foundation. 译文

2、 注意,建筑物的基础要坚实。 英语介词宾语转译为汉语的主语 例2 Ethnic groups differ in customs and habits. 译文 各民族的风俗习惯是不尽相同的。 英语的表语转译为汉语的主语 例4 Of all the metals the best conductors are silver, gold and copper. 译文 银,金和铜是金属中最好的导体。,1 句子成分转译,1.1转译为汉语的主语 英语的状语转译为汉语的主语 例6 There are thirty subsidiary companies in our group 译文 我们集团有30个子

3、公司。 例7 In many countries, free-port areas or foreign-trade zones have been established, where foreign merchants need not pay tariffs fort their unloaded goods if the goods remain within these areas or zones. 译文 许多国家都建立了自由港和保税区,在那里,外国商人只要是在 本区内,未卸船的货物可以不纳税。 谓语译为主语 例9 The communications system is chie

4、fly characterized by its ease with which it can be maintained. 译文 这一通讯系统的主要特征是容易维修。,1 句子成分转译,1.2转译为汉语的宾语 .英语主语转译为汉语中的宾语 例11 The importance of values in economical activities must be given due attention. 译文 必须适当关注价值观念在经济活动中的重要性。 例12 After he was elected chairman of the committee, Mr. Smith was found

5、working in the lab early in the morning. 译文 史密斯当选以后,人们发现他一大早就到办公室工作了。 状语译为宾语 例14 Materials to be used for strutural propose are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental condition. 译文 必须选择好结构上用的材料,使它们在周围环境条件下具有弹性。,1 句子成分转译,1.3转译为汉语中的谓语 英语中的定语转译为汉语中的谓语 例15 The two machines have the same

6、 efficiency. 译文 这两台机器的效率相同。 比较 这两台机器有相同的效率。 英语中的表语转译为汉语中的谓语 例16 This explanation is against our claim. 译文 这个解释违背我方投诉。 主语转换成谓语 例19 Extreme care must be taken to the selection of raw materials. 译文 必须特别注意原材料的选择。 状语转译成谓语 例19 Time Warner will pay TCL 360 million dollars for the Southern Satellite company

7、 译文 时代华纳愿付给TCL三亿六千万美元购买南方卫星这家公司。,1 句子成分转译,1.4转译为汉语中的定语 例20 The service of our firm is characterized by several features: promptness, completeness and satisfaction 译文 我们公司提供服务的特点有:迅速、全面、满意。 例21 The operating system uses this device in varied forms. 译文 操作系统上的这种装置有各种不同的形状。,1 句子成分转译,1.5转译为汉语中的状语 主语转译成状语

8、 例22 His carelessness in the shipment of goods led to a great economic loss to our company. 译文 由于装货粗心大意,他给我公司带来了巨大经济损失。 定语转译成状语 例23 We need a dialogue which promotes our cooperation to develop international market. 译文 我们需要对话来推动我们两公司合作以开拓国际市场。 宾语译成状语 例25 There is high probability that in the 21st cen

9、tury a good number of enterptises will excel in service rather than conventional tech research 译文 在21世纪,很多企业极有可能会在服务而不是传统的技术研究方面大显身手。,课内外练习,The wings are responsible for keeping the sir plane in the air. High-tech products of various types also can be manufactured in our company. Machinery has made

10、the products of manufactories very much cheaper than formerly. The secretary cast impatient glances at the businessman,and turned away without answering his question. Careful comparison of them will show you the difference.,课内外练习,In recent years,increasing attention had been paid to the economic ben

11、efit in production of our factory. Scientists in that county are now supplied with necessary books ,epuipment and assistant ,that will ensure success in their scientific research. There always has been gaps in the economic interests of the two countries which cant be bridged by one bilateral talk .

12、Many factors enter into unemployment in our country. Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.,2 句子结构转换,2.1 英语的定语从句转译成汉语的状语从句,2.3 英语的复合句转译成汉语的单句,2.2 英语的状语从句转译成汉语的定语从句,2.4 独立结构译成并列句,2.5 状语短语译成句子,2 句子结构转换,2.1 英语的定语从句转译成汉语的状语从句 例26 To accept this offer, the buyer m

13、ust sign and return it without any modifications to the sell, who must receive it no later than Jan.9th.2005. 译文 如接受这一要约,买方必须在2005年1月9日前,在不改变要约的前提下签字并返给对方。(时间状语) 例27 Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 译文 电子计算机虽然有许多优点,但它们不能进行创造性的工作,代替不了人。

14、(让步状语),2 句子结构转换,2.2 英语的状语从句转译成汉语的定语从句 例28 Television, which is one of the great new powers-for good or bad-of this century, lets a public man talk to millions while they sit in the private homes seeing him as it he were there in front of them. 译文 电视是本世纪伟大的新成就之一,既可以用来造福人类,也可以用来宣扬邪恶;知名人士通过电视可向坐在自己家里的成

15、百万观众做演讲,使观众看着就好像他在面前一样。,2 句子结构转换,2.3 英语的复合句转译成汉语的单句 例29 The use of an inspection/test stamp is limited to the person to whom it is issued. 译文 检验或试验印章仅限于印章持有者本人使用。 例30 While I sympathize,I cant really do very much to help. 译文 我真是爱莫能助。,2 句子结构转换,2.4 独立结构译成并列句 例31 With the job finished,they went to the

16、seaside for a holiday. 译文 工作做完以后,他们就到海边度假去了。 例32 With all his savings gone, he started to look for a job. 译文 积蓄都用完以后,他就开始去找工作。,2 句子结构转换,2.5 状语短语译成句子 例33 In the event of force majeure or any other contingencies beyond the Sellerscontrol, the Sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods. 译文 如因人力不可抗拒的事故而致延期交货或无法交货时,卖方不负任何责任。,课内外练习,We are sorry to say that we cant ac



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