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1、八年级英语期末复习难题再自考一、 单项选择1,Lets make a poster, ?A、will be B. shall we C.will you D.dont you2.Most young people find exciting to watch a football match.A.it B.this C.that D.one3.If you practice a lot,you will find that to be a host is easier than you imagine.Which of the following is WRONG?A.much B.a lit

2、tle C.a little bit D.very4. Your pocket money can be used to ,but you used to a lot on snacks.A.supporting;spend B.support;spending C.support;spend D.support;spending5. Black broke his leg.He has just had X-ray examination. Doctor said he needed operatiuon.A.a,The;an B.a;A;an C.an;A;an D.an;The;an6.

3、 The story in the sixteenth century.A.wa taken place B.happened C.waw happened D.have taken place7. -Do you ride to work every day ?Well,I ,but I drive to work now.A.used to B.used to do C.used to be D.am used to 8. -Could you please pass me the knife?Sorry, .A.I neednt B.I couldnt C.I wont D.I cant

4、9. -Make sure that your friend will come here on time. - .Certainly,I will. B.Of course,I can. C.Dont worry,Mum. D.Thats OK.10. -Are you tired after the long walk?-No, .A.not a little B.not a bit C.a little D.not a few11. Changjiang River is longer than in America.A.any other river B.the other river

5、s C.any rivers D.any river12. Take it easy,Children.Theres nothing .A.frightened B.to be frightened C.afraid D.to be afraid of 13. Great fun we had snowmen!A.What,making B.What a ,to make C.What ,to make D.What a,making二、单词拼写1.There is a picture on the wall,My mother it this morning(hang).2.She ofte

6、n sings classes the students to relax herself.(在中).3.The (歌迷)voice (提高)because of Jays appearance on the stage.4.Tom listened to the (speak)spoke with the (目的) of learning about the history of China.The (speak)spoke so wonderfully that he was greatly moved.5.The (organize)chose me to be the (主持).My

7、(工作)is (介绍)such a big (活动)to local (企业).6. Yesterday he (choose)as the chairman of the StudentsUnion.7. These homeless children (look)after in the SOS village now.8. The patient (treat)with (kind).After knowing the doctors wree trying to (治好)his (病),he was pleased with his (medicine) (治疗).9. No one

8、can do everything (完美的).We believe that all children should be able to get an (提高)。10. Tom is an (energy)boy.He likes playing football.11. Youd better plan your free time (wise).Dont play too many computer games.12. He was let (enter)the room.So he was seen (leave)unhappily.13. What do you think (ma

9、ke)Bill so angry yesterday evening?14. -Do you believe that God the world?-I believe not.But slowly,humans learnt to be (创造).15. She got into an (argue)with the teacher about what she wears is (合适的)or not.16. He shows a good sense of ,because he has a (wide)mouth and grey eyes.(humour)三、翻译句子1. 他是如此地

10、紧张,以至于他不停地自问,演出是否会成功?2. 帷幕徐徐升起,手拿麦克风的组织者们出现在舞台上。3. 在休息期间,一阵大叫声打破了礼堂的寂静。4. 我们感谢政府提供给我们一次教育的机会。5. 窗帘必须挂到窗子上去阻挡强烈的光线。6. 他剩下的零花钱太少了以致这本书他都买不起。7. 这个男孩出生右眼就瞎的,但他的失明给他的生活没有带来什么影响。8. 我们为我们队赢得了第一名而感到骄傲。9. 在我们下结论之前,我们最好对这个话题进行大量的调查。10. 对青年来说看不起残疾人包括盲人、聋哑人等是很不礼貌的。11. 我认为不是所有的人都能在48小时之内走完如此艰难的一次行走。12. 18岁以上的人分成

11、了10人一组,带上所有物品,走完100公里的行程。13. 病人们真的感激那些帮助治愈头疼的医生。14. 他过去经常犯许多错误,已经习惯了被老师叫到办公室。但是最近,他开始谦虚地向周围同学学习了。15. 当你迷路时,保持冷静尤其重要。16. 如果我想使得这个慈善表演成功还需要注意什么?17. 公园是完美的锻炼的地方,如果你一大早到那儿,你甚至可以听到有人在练习唱歌。18. 希望将来你是我们的骄傲,我们为你而感到自豪。19. 她有足够的自信使得她的课堂生动有趣吗?20. Amy有足够的耐心花很长时间向老师解释她为何迟到。21. 暴风雨使我一夜未眠。八年级英语期末复习难题再自考(答案)一、单项选择1

12、,Lets make a poster, B ?A、will be B. shall we C.will you D.dont you2.Most young people find A exciting to watch a football match.A.it B.this C.that D.one3.If you practice a lot,you will find that to be a host is D easier than you imagine.Which of the following is WRONG?A.much B.a little C.a little b

13、it D.very4. Your pocket money can be used to C ,but you used to a lot on snacks.A.supporting;spend B.support;spending C.support;spend D.support;spending5. Black broke his leg.He has just had D X-ray examination. Doctor said he needed operatiuon.A.a,The;an B.a;A;an C.an;A;an D.an;The;an6. The story B

14、 in the sixteenth century.A.wa taken place B.happened C.waw happened D.have taken place7. -Do you ride to work every day ?Well,I A ,but I drive to work now.A.used to B.used to do C.used to be D.am used to 8. -Could you please pass me the knife?Sorry, D .A.I neednt B.I couldnt C.I wont D.I cant9. -Make sure that y


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