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1、Unit1 易混淆单词和短语辨析1. 辨析:join,join in,take part in 如:He joined the Party in 1978.他是1978年入的党。Come and join in the ball game.来参加球赛吧。Ill take part in the meeting at 10:00. 10点钟我要参加会议。You like singing and dancing. I think you should _ the music club.A. take part in B. join inC. join D. attend【答案】C【解析】join指

2、加入某种组织,如军队、俱乐部等,成为其中的成员;take part in 指参加某种活动;join in后接表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词。句意:你喜欢唱歌和跳舞。我认为你应该加入音乐俱乐部。join the music club加入音乐俱乐部。1. He _ the League in 1985.2. The old man _ the Long March(长征). 3. Will you _ us for dinner?【答案】1. joined 2. took part in 3. join2. 辨析:play的用法(2017 黔西南)Tom is going to paly _ s

3、occer and play _ violin this weekend.A. a; the B. the; / C. the; the D. /; the【答案】D【解析】句意:汤姆这个周末准备去踢足球和拉小提琴。play+球类,球类前面不加冠词,play+the+乐器,乐器前面加定冠词the。故选D。3.辨析:say,speak,talk,tell如:Let me talk to him. 让我和他交谈。What do you want to say? 你想说什么?May I speak to Mr. Zhang? 我可以和张先生通话吗?I can speak English. 我会说英语

4、。Please tell me your name. 请把你的名字告诉我。 Jim, can you _ this word in Chinese?Yes, I can _ a little Chinese.A. speak; say B. say; speakC. tell; speakD. talk; say【答案】B【解析】tell意为“告诉、讲述”;talk“讲,说话,谈话”,与to, with, about等介词连用;say一般着重讲话的内容,通常作及物动词;speak+语言,表示讲某种语言。故选B。(1) Jenny and Mary can _ English well.(2)

5、Amy always _ about clothes with her friends.(3) Bob _, “I can play chess well.”(4) Mr. Li often _ us interesting stories.答案:(1)speak (2)talks (3)says (4)tells4.辨析:talk about,talk with,talk to例:Lets talk about the TV shows.我们谈论电视节目吧。Dont talk to me about that fellow. 别跟我谈起那个家伙。Id like to talk with yo

6、u. 我想和你谈谈。The students are _ a new movie.A. talking toB. talking aboutC. talking withD. talking【答案】B【解析】talk to和talk with意为“和谈话”,后面一般接表示人的名词或代词作宾语;talk about意为“谈论”,后面一般接谈论的事情。根据题意可知选B。5.辨析:与good有关的短语Food is good _ our health, and my friend Lily is good _ cooking(烹饪) nice food.A. at; forB. with; forC

7、. for; atD. at; with【答案】C【解析】句意:食物对我们健康有益,我的朋友莉莉擅长烹饪好吃的食物。be good at 擅长;be good for 对有好处;be good with善于应付的。根据句意选C。6.辨析:also,too如:My brother can also play the piano.我哥哥也会弹钢琴。He plays the guitar and sings too. 他会弹吉他,也会唱歌。1. I went there last year, and I _ had a good time.2. I want to go to the movies.

8、Me, _.【答案】1. also2. too7.辨析:home,family,house如:His home is near the station. 他的家在车站附近。His family is a big one. 他的家庭是一个大家庭。My family are all watching TV. 我的家人都在看电视。There are four rooms in the house. 这所房子有四个房间。My _ is very old and my parents and my sister are not at _ now, but my _ is big and the _ are all very happy.【答案】house;home;family;family7


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