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1、UNIT NINE PAYMENT AND SHIPPING,To know something about payment and shipping To get familiar with expository writing and news report To learn new words and expressions To master how to analyze difficult and long sentences,Objectives,Text A Popular Payment Methods in International Trading,1. Backgroun

2、dInformation,2. Introduction to the Text,3. Business Terms,4. Words and Expressions,5. Notes to the Text,1. Background Information,The methods of payment in foreign trade are Open Account (记帐交易) and Irrevocable Letter of Credit. The advantages are that the buyer is not required to make payment until

3、 the supplier has dispatched the goods and the supplier is protected by law and also knows that money owing against bills of exchange can easily be obtained.,2. Introduction to the Text,Theme of the Text Text A mainly introduces several methods of popular payment for trade. They are T/T or Cash , Le

4、tter of Credit (L/C), Escrow, Document Against Payment/Bill of Exchange(D/P) and Open Account. Each method of payment has its own advantage for different business.,2. Introduction to the Text,文体特征分析 本商务语篇为说明文体, 介绍了在国际贸易中常用的支付方式。全文为总分结构。第一段总的说明了在国际贸易中有许多的支付方式,然后采用使文章条理清晰的分类说明法,在接下来的几段里分别具体地介绍了在国际贸易中常

5、用的付款形式:有电汇或现金垫款、信用证 、信托付款等。“电汇或现金垫款” ,一般是在已经建立了相互信任的买方和卖方之间使用,“信托付款” 则是买卖双方彼此不认识时,会使用信托付款。最后又介绍了跟单付款/汇票以及记账交易。而且在具体介绍每种方式时,有些细节又采用诠释说明让读者或使用者对通用的支付方式更加清楚。 文中涉及的语言准确、平实、严谨,趋于高度的专业化。所使用的言简意赅的缩略语,有利于提高阅读效率,便于理解和记忆,如“T/T”、 “L/C”和“D/P”。,3. Business Terms,T/T/电汇(para.2) elegraphic Transfer or Telex Transf

6、er, often abbreviated to T/T, is an electronic means of transferring funds overseas. A transfer charge is collected while sending money.A banking term commonly called “T/T,” meaning a cable message from one bank to another in order to effect the transfer of money. 电汇通常缩写成T/T 是向海外汇资金的一种电子方式。转账费是在寄钱时收

7、的费用。银行术语通常为“T/T”,意思是为了实现金钱转账,从一家银行到另一家银行的电报信息。,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,1.mutual/:/ adj.,experienced or done by each of two or more parties,Sales promotion has mutual benefit to both the sellers and the shoppers,促销活动对卖方和买方是互利互惠的。,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,2.provided/ c

8、onj.,on the condition that,假如为我负担费用, 我就同意去。,I will agree to go provided that my expenses are paid.,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,3. whereby/ conj.,by what or which means,有一个可以使他得到赔偿的方法。,There is a way whereby he can get his compensation.,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,4. pending

9、/ adj.,not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation,那件讼案因而尚未解决。,The lawsuit was then pending.,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,5.whereupon / conj.,immediately after which,仲裁员走进了房间,随之当事人全站了起来。,The interceder entered the room, whereupon the parties got to their feet.,4. Word

10、s and Expressions,Meaning,Example,6. due to,because of,由于风雨交加他没来。,His absence was due to the storm,4. Words and Expressions,Meaning,Example,7. in favor of,in support of; approving,我们赞成她升为总裁,We are in favor of her promotion to president.,5. Notes to the Text,(1) Due to the physical distances between

11、buyers and sellers, and the fact that the transaction may have taken place without the two parties actually meeting, minimizing exposure to risk is on the minds of both parties. (Para. 1) 释义 Because of the real distances between buyers and sellers and the fact that the deal may have happened without

12、 needing them to meet actually, they both have been thinking of reducing risk. 解析 在本句中,due to the physical distances between buyers and sellers, and the fact that the transaction may have taken place without the two parties actually meeting 是原因状语,minimizing exposure to risk 是动名词短语在句子中做主语。due to 是介词短

13、语,意为 “owing to;because of 因为”, 例如:Our victory is due to teamwork. 我们的胜利是集体合作的结果。,5. Notes to the Text,(2)The L/C is a guarantee, given by the buyers bank that they will pay for the goods exported, provided that the exporter can provide a given set of documents in accordance with clauses specified in

14、 the L/C and in a timely manner. (Para. 6) 解析 provided 是连词,意为“on the condition; if在的条件下;如果”, 例如:Well have several days off provided the job is completed on time. 如果工作及时完成的话,我们会放几天假。given在句中是形容词,意为“specified; fixed指定的;确定的”,例如:We will meet at a given time and location. 我们将在指定的时间和地点见面。,5. Notes to the

15、Text,(3) Most letters of credit are “irrevocable“ once the importer has had them sent, which means it cannot be changed unless both the buyer and seller agree. (Para. 8) 释义 As long as the importer has had the letters of credit sent, he cant cancel them, which means that it cannot be changed unless b

16、oth the buyer and seller agree. 解析 once 在句中是连词,是“as soon as; if ever; when一就;一旦;当时”之意,例如:Once you get into a bad habit, youll find it hard to get out of it.一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。,Text B Consumers Increasingly Shift to Credit Card Payment,1. Background Information,2. Introduction to the Text,3. Business Terms,4. Words and Expressions,5. Notes to the Text,1. Ba


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