Lesson 10 Notes on the English Character课件

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1、Lesson 10,Notes on the English Character,Author & Background,Author,Edward Morgan Forster (January 1,1879June 7, 1970) English novelist, short story writer, and essayist. He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British so

2、ciety. Forster was homosexual, but this fact was not widely made public during his lifetime. His posthumously(死后的)-published novel Maurice tells of the coming of age of an explicitly homosexual male character.,His Novels,1. Where Angels Fear to Tread 1905天使不敢涉足的地方 ; 2. The Longest Journey 1907 最长的旅行

3、; 3. A Room with a View 1908 看得见风景的房间 ; 4. Howards End 1910 霍华兹庄园 ; 5. A Passage to India 1924 印度之旅; 6. Maurice 莫瑞斯 (supposedly written in 1913-1914, published posthumously in 1971, attributed to Forster); 7. Arctic Summer 1980 (posthumous, unfinished),Works of E. M. Forster,Key Themes,Forsters view

4、s as a secular humanist are at the heart of his work, which often depicts the pursuit of personal connections in spite of the restrictions of contemporary society Sexuality is another key theme in Forsters works, and it has been argued that a general shift from heterosexual(异性恋的) love to homosexual

5、love can be detected over the course of his writing career. Forster is noted for his use of symbolism as a technique in his novels,PARA1 Line5,The Reform Bill of 1832 1832年改革法案是英国在1832年通过的关于扩大下议院选民基础的法案。该议案改变了下议院由保守派独占的状态,加入了中产阶级的势力,是英国议会史的一次重大改革。,PARA1 Japanese samurai(日本武士),武士是10世纪到19世纪在日本的一个社会阶级。

6、一般指通晓武艺、以战斗为职业的军人。除了受到汉语语系影响的国家以外,多种语言以日语的“侍”(罗马字Samurai)来显示。武士的精神被称为“武士道”(Bushido)日文中,武士一词其本意是侍者,贴身随从。武士要遵守不畏艰难,忠于职守,精干勇猛。然而这一准则代表的只是理想,武士的忠诚、勇猛是建立在他所效忠的领主能对武士所作出的贡献给予奖赏的主从制度上。,PARA1 Mr.Bull,即John Bull,是约翰牛的意思。特指英国或英国人。在漫画家的笔下,约翰牛是一个头戴高帽、足蹬长靴、矮胖而愚笨的绅士形象。 The national figure of England is Mr. Bull.B

7、ull is usually pictured as a short and fat man in a coat with breeches (马裤) and a Union Flag vest(国旗背心), dressed in the fashion of the early 18th century. He also wears a top hat and is often seen with a bulldog (斗牛犬). His size and rosy cheeks (红润的脸颊) were a sign of good health.,Mr. Bull,The name wa

8、s popularized by Dr John Arbuthnots political satire History of John Bull (1712), advocating the Tory(英国保守党) policy of peace with France.,18世纪初,苏格兰一位名叫约翰阿巴思诺特的医生兼作家出版了一本政治讽刺小说,借以讽刺当时辉格党的战争政策,书名叫约翰布尔的历史。 书中的主人公约翰布尔是一位保守的乡村绅士,他身材矮胖、性情急躁、举止笨拙滑稽,身后总跟着一条斗牛犬。由于这个形象很能代表英国乡绅,因此19世纪以来,英美等国的漫画家纷纷用约翰布尔这个形象指代英国

9、人。由于人物刻画逼真,形象生动,“约翰布尔”很快传播开来,逐渐成为英国人的代名词。 “布尔”在英语里是“牛”的意思,我国将“约翰布尔”译成“约翰牛”,体现了英国人性格中固执倔强的一面,十分传神。,Uncle Sam,a figure symbolizing the United States, is portrayed as a tall, thin man with a white beard and wearing a blue swallow-tailed coat, red-and-white-striped trousers, and a tall hat with a band o

10、f stars.,那是在1812年,美国和英国为了争夺殖民地而大动干戈,打得不可开交。当时,纽约州的特罗伊城有一名叫山姆尔威尔逊的商人,专门负责向美军提供牛肉。他因此而小有名气,认识的人都称其为“山姆大叔”。 根据有关规定,政府采购部门在收购“山姆大叔”的牛肉时,都要在包装箱盖上“US”(美国国名的缩写为“US”或“USA”)的符号,以此作为美国财产的标记。十分凑巧的是,“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)的英文缩写也是“US”。人们看到那些经过“山姆大叔”之手的牛肉成为了美国的财产,很自然地把这两个“US”名称联系在一起。这样一传十,十传百,结果“山姆大叔”渐渐地成了美国的“绰号”。,PARA

11、1 Saint George,Saint George,St. George is a hero, the patron of arms, symbolizing chivalry(骑士精神), his image often appears on banners, and his name is often mentioned in the speeches of politicians. He is used as a symbolic figure for political purposes.,Saint George,In paintings St George is always

12、shown as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red cross). It is also very common to see him sitting upon a horse and killing a dragon.,Saint George,这是一个阿拉伯民间故事,圣乔治屠龙与圣乔治救少女,有消灭兽性的压迫者和拯救无防御者的概念。 据说圣乔治是罗马帝国时代生活在近东地区的一位基督徒。他因为成功杀死一条遗害当地人的毒龙而深受爱戴。现在,在英国不少地方都可以看到一位身穿盔甲的骑马武士屠龙的图

13、案,这就是圣乔治。 即使圣乔治从未存在,他的故事传达了保护弱者、直面侵略者、牺牲成就圣洁的精神。,PARA1 Edward Gibbon,爱德华吉本(Edward Gibbon,1737年5月8日1794年1月16日),英国作家、历史学家,启蒙运动的杰出代表之一。罗马帝国衰亡史的作者。,PARA3 Line12 The battle of Waterloo,滑铁卢战役 拿破仑一世的最后一战。于1815年6月18日,由法军对英普军在比利时小镇滑铁卢决战。由于种种原因,英普军获得了决定性胜利。这次战役结束了拿破仑帝国。后世形容遭遇了惨败。,Waterloo滑铁卢是比利时首都布鲁塞尔南郊18公里处的

14、一个小镇。,Eton College is located on Windsor(温莎) which is 20miles away form London It was founded in 1440 by the English king Henry the Sixth It was known as the best college in British,PARA3 Line14 Eton(伊顿公学),Eton(伊顿公学),The achievement: It was once developed 20 British prime ministers ,Cultivated the p

15、oet Shelley, economist John Maynard Keynes, and it is also the school of princes William and Harry . Every year about 250 of graduates, more than 70 into the Oxford or Cambridge, 70% into other famous schools around the world.,PARA 7 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1882),“True love in this differs from g

16、old and clay, That to divide is not to take away.”,PARA7 Percy Bysshe Shelley,珀西比希雪莱 (4 August 1792 8 July 1822) ,是英国文学史上最有才华的抒情诗人之一。William Wordsworth曾称其为 “One of the best artists of us all“,同时期的拜伦称其为 ”Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew”, 更被誉为诗人中的诗人。恩格斯称他是“天才预言家”。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个伟大的理想主义者。 创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上。,PARA 9 line6 Lake Poets,The Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century. As


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