unit 6 Visions of Business课件

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1、Unit 6,Visions of Business,This unit is like a collection of route plans of business successes. It presents stories of some people well known for their glorious achievements in their respective areas. It also provides some basic knowledge about business organizations and business planning. listening

2、 to these success stories not only helps students learn the English language but also helps them learn about the world.,Part I Getting ready B Listen to an economics report about business organizations. Complete the following chart.,Part I B,Scale 刻度,大小,等级 Proprietor prprat(r) n.所有人;业主;老板 Individual

3、 Proprietor个体所有者 Dividend dvdend n.股息;红利;被除数;彩金;回报 Board of directors Partner n.伙伴;搭档;伴侣;合伙人 Partnership n.合伙人身份;合股;合伙经营 Liability lablti n.责任;债务;倾向;可能性;不利因素 Cooperation n.合作;协作 Non-profit,Keys to B,Tapescript of B,Businesses are structured to meet different needs. One basic difference involves who

4、is responsible for the business. Another involves how long the organization stay in business. The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship. The word proprietor comes from French and Latin words for property owner. The proprietor owns all the property of the business and is re

5、sponsible for it. The law recognizes no difference between the owner and the business. Most small businesses in the United States are individual proprietorships. Another kind of business is the partnership. Two or more people go into business together. An agreement is usually needed to state how muc

6、h of the partnership each person controls. They can end the partnership at any time. But partnerships and individual proprietorships have a limited life. They exit only as long as the owners are alive.,Some states permit what are called limited liability partnerships. These have full partners and li

7、mited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits. But their responsibilities to the organization are also limited. The most complex is the corporation. This kind of business organization designed to have an unlimited lifetime. Investors in a corporation own stock. This is a shar

8、e of the ownership. Investors can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business. Investors may get paid dividends, a small amount of money for each share they own. A board of directors controls the corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors

9、might or might not hold any shares in the corporation. Not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. The American Red Cross, for example, is organized as a non-profit corporation.,Part II Michael Dell Vs. Frederick Smith (I),Bands 乐队 Build to order revolution 订单革命 Middle man n.中人;

10、经纪人;中间转手人 Efficacy efksi n.功效 Nuts and bolts n.具体细节;基本要点,最基础的部分 From the ground up adv.从头开始; 完全地,彻底地 Tenured adj.享有终身职位的 Home-grown adj.自产的;本土产的 Hands on adj 亲自动手,Part II A,Michael Dell: Michael Del serves as Chairman and CEO of Dell Computer Corporation. He is the longest tenured CEO in the whole c

11、omputer industry. By using his innovative direct-to-consumer marketing approach and by pioneering the industrys first service and support programs the build-to-order revolution. Dell Computer Corporation has successfully eliminated the middle-man and established itself as one of the top vendors of p

12、ersonal computers worldwide.,Frederick Smith: Frederick Smith is Chairman. President and CEO of Federal Express Corporation, or FedEx. a global provider of transportation, e-commerce and supply chain management services. But when he first came up with the idea of overnight delivery service, nobody s

13、eemed to be interested in it. And now with its just-in-time delivery system, Smith has made FedEx a multi-billion dollar industry. FedEx used to provide mainly water and air delivery, but now its making a big push into the ground delivery business,Keys to B,B. Listen again and answer the question. W

14、hat does Michael want from Fred? Fred must stay competitive in the following aspects: 1) the quality of service 2) the breadth of the network 3) the unique services needed 4) the cost,Tapescript:,Jeff Greenfield: Thank you. Ok look, its not all that unusual to dream up a business idea while youre in

15、 college. You know, you book the bands for the parties, you deliver pizzas to the dorm. Ok, dreaming up a new multi-billion dollar industry from the ground up, this is a little less usual. But it is something both of our guests accomplished even if not everyone realized it at the time. When Fred Smi

16、th wrote a term paper outlining his idea for an overnight delivery service, his teacher gave him a C minus. He off and went on to create Federal Express. Well be talking about that and other matters with Fred Smith, the Chairman, President and CEO of FedEx Corporation, a little later in the program. But first Michael Dell, who dropped out of college after a year start the business, he still heads. As Chairman and CEO of Dell Computer, Michael Dell happens



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