八年级英语上册_unit 7 lesson 42 show and tell课件2 (新版)冀教版

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1、Unit 7 Lesson 41 Show and Tell!,1. Where is Dannys hobby ? Its in a big box in the parking lot. 2. Can Dannys hobby go through the door ? No, it cant. 3. What does the sign say on the box? The sign says “fragile this side up!” 4. How many hobbies does Danny have? What are they? Two. They are learnin

2、g his family and gardening .,Read and answer,Focus on,1.指上文已经提到的人或事物; She found an interesting photo yesterday. The photo was of her grandpa. 2.特指某(些)人或某(些)物; The man near the window 靠近窗户的男人 3.指世界上独一无二的事物; Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? 太阳、地球和月亮哪一个最大?,定冠词the的用法,4.用在乐器名称前; Do y

3、ou like playing the piano or the violin? 5.指谈话双方都知道的人或事物; Open the window, please. 请把窗户打开。 6.用在序数词前; The first truck is carrying a few baskets. 第一辆卡车装运一些筐。 7.用在形容词最高级前; Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 8.用在某些形容词前,表示某一类人; the rich 富人 the poor穷人 the sick 病人 the old老人,9.用在姓氏复数形式前,表示“全

4、家人”或“夫妇俩”; The Turners are going home on a train. 特纳夫妇在回家的火车上。 10.用在方位词前; on the left/right在左/右边 in the east/west/north/south在东/西/北/南方 11用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前; the Great wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园 12.用在某些固定词组中。 all the same 仍然 all the time 一直 at the age of 在岁时,1. Finally, its Dannys turn. 句型Its ones tu

5、rn to do sth. 表示“轮到某人做某事了”。 Its Jims turn to do housework. 轮到吉姆做家务了。,4. It wont fit through the door. through是介词,表示 “通过、穿过” 表示从物体的内部空间中“穿过”,它强调一个立体范围,具有in的意味。 It took me three hours to walk through the forest. 我花了三个小时才穿过森林。,Language points,3. Take your hobby out of the box getout of 相当于takeout of 表示

6、“把.取出来”。 Please get them out of the bag. 请把它们从书包里拿出来。,4. Many people enjoy learning about their family trees. learn about sth. 了解 其间可以用much, a lot ,more 等词修饰。 Would you like to learn more about the history of China? 你想更多地了解中国历史吗?,1. _ sun rises in _ east 2. _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 3. Are you going to do it _ second time? 4. Washington is _ capital of _ USA 5. _ Turners are living in a small village.,练一练,The,the,the,the,The,the,The,a,/,Thank you!,


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