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1、新编商务英语函电 编著:郑书燕,天津轻工职业技术学院,Chapter 7 Payment Terms 支付方式,7.1 Case 1 7.1.1 Background & Task Background(业务背景) 达成交易后,“Pilot”向天津文具用品公司“Elite”寄出合同。在审核合同条款时,“Elite”发现日方将付款方式规定为预付货款(Prepayment)。鉴于与“Pilot”公司刚刚建立业务往来,并且小额进出口货物经常可以采取货到付款的支付方式,所以“Elite”考虑提出不接受日方合同中预付货款的要求而建议货到付款。请参考以下背景信息构思相应的业务和函电内容:,Senders

2、information: Sender: Miss Lucy Luo (Manager of Purchase Department)Company: Elite Stationery Co., Limited Address: 15 Jian She Road, He Ping District, Tianjin, China 300067 Telephone: 0086-22-23201259 Fax: 0086-22-23201258 E-mail address: , Status: After receiving the sales contract sent by Pilot,

3、Elite found that prepayment is stipulated as the payment term. Elite considers to inform Pilot that prepayment is not acceptable.,Recipients information: Recipient: Mr. Kevin Funakoshi (Account Manager in charge of sales to the Chinese market) Company: Pilot Corporation Address: 3-6-22, Kyobashi, Ch

4、uo-ku, Tokyo 104-8304, Japan Telephone: 81-3-3538-3700 ext. 210 Fax: 81-3-3538-3701 E-mail: Scope: Specializing in the manufacture of quality ink pens and markers Market: Products sold to countries worldwide Status: After settling the price with Elite, Pilot plans to require prepayment in order to

5、minimize the risk.,Task(工作任务) “Elite”公司以电子邮件告知“Pilot”无法接受预付货款,同时提出以货到付款作为付款方式。为表示诚意,“Elite”主动提出可以在货到两周内付款,较通常两个月的付款期大大提前。此外,提请对方尽快发货。拟写邮件时,请参考下列要点: Key points 确立洽谈起点(合同)后,明确己方意见 通过介绍常规做法来支持己方意见 主动提出早于较常规周期付款 催促尽快发货以免错过销售旺季,7.1.2 Specimen Letter To: Mr. Kevin Funakoshi From: Lucy Luo Date: August 15,

6、 2009 Subject: Payment Term Dear Mr. Kevin Funakoshi, Thank you for sending us the contract dated August 5, 2009. However, we regret to tell you that we can not accept prepayment. According to the general practice of this industry, we will only be able to collect the payments three months after rece

7、ipt of your goods. That is why we normally pay you within 60 days after delivery.,7.1.3 Key word and phrases 关键字词 1,dated 在()时间 2,prepayment 预付款 3,general practice 惯例 4,timeline 时限,7.2 Case 2 7.2.1 Background & Task Background(业务背景) 我国医疗器械进口商“Hanson”公司在与对德国生产商“Ace Group”敲定合同内容后,发函请对方提供开立信用证所需信息。“Han

8、son”公司为避免因信用证开立延期而导致“Ace Group”延迟发货,在函中特别明确请对方尽快答复。请参考下列信息拟写确认函内容:,Senders information: Name: Jennifer Li Company: Hanson Medical Equipment Co., Limited Address: 151 Hong Qi Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China 300112 Telephone: 0086-22-23234658 ext. 126 Fax: 0086-22-23234659 E-mail: Business scop

9、e: Import agent for hospitals Subject: Hanson asked Ace Group to provide them with all the necessary information for the issue of the related L/C.,Recipients information: Name: Mr. Friedrich Kilian Company: Ace Group Address: Johann-Maus-Str. 271254 Ditzingen Germany Telephone: 49-7156-303-0 Fax: 49

10、-7156-303-30309 E-mail: Scope: a leading manufacturer of electron microscope Status: Ace Group is planning the manufacture of the articled goods after receiving the related L/C as stipulated in the contract.,Task(工作任务) “Hanson”公司向“Ace Group”发出传真,请收信人尽快提供信息,以便于依照合同开立以其为受益人的信用证。请参考下列要点拟写传真: 明确以双方敲定业务

11、为基础开立信用证 请收信人尽快提供详细信息 提供己方联系方式,7.2.2. Specimen Letter From: Jennifer Li/Hanson Medical Equipment Co., Limited (Fax: 0086-22-23234659) To: Ace Group (Fax: 49-7156-303-30309) Attn: Mr. Friedrich Kilian Date: November 30, 2009 Subject: Confirmation for Electron Microscope Dear Mr. Friedrich Kilian, Tha

12、nk you for your offer made on June 10, 2009. As the contract is concluded between us, we are preparing to ask our bank to open the corresponding L/C for you. Please kindly inform us the detailed contact information of your bank to us which is required by our bank.,Your early reply will be highly app

13、reciated. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to call me at 0086-22-23234658 ext. 126 or send e-mail to me at “. Yours truly, Jennifer Li Manager of Import Department Telephone: 0086-22-23234658 ext. 126 Fax: 0086-22-23234659 E-mail: ,7.2.3 Key words & phrases 关键字词 concluded 敲定,7.3

14、Case 3 7.3.1 Background & Tasks Background(业务背景) “广发”公司在接到“Ackerman & Son”公司的订单后,发现订单中规定的付款方式为“见单付款(D/P)”。而根据“广发”公司实盘报盘所确定的付款方式,应该为“不可撤销的即期信用证(Irrevocable L/C at Sight)”。考虑到订单金额及相应的收款风险,“广发”公司拟提请客户对付款方式作出必要的修改。请参考下列信息构思相应的业务及报盘内容:,Senders information: Name: Wendy Xu(Manager of Export Department) Com

15、pany: Guang Fa Co., Limited Address: No.1 Guo Bin Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China 215000 Telephone: 0086-20-8357 1999 Fax: 0086-20-8357 1999 E-mail: Business scope: various sizes and styles of picture frames Issue: When receiving the purchase order of “Ackerman & Son”, “Guangfa” found the payment term is D/P. Based on the offer made by “Guangfa” the payment term should be L/C at sight. So, “Guangfa” will ask the client to make the necessary change.,Recipients information Name: Mr. Ackerman Siedenburg (Gen



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