新编外贸英语函电课件徐美荣编著 9787 81134 951 1Module 3 Inquiry

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1、English for Business Communication,DLVTC XU MEIRONG,Xu Meirong from Department of Intl Business Communication of Dalian Vocational & Technical Collage,English for Business Communication,Third Edition,Learning Objectives,Be able to write a letter of first inquiry Be able to write letters of general i

2、nquiries Be able to write letters of specific inquiries,First enquiry General enquiry Specific enquiry,Main & Difficult Points,Key Words & Expressions,Inquiries first inquiry general inquiry specific inquiry Commission delivery effect delivery make delivery take delivery delivery date all necessary

3、information catalogue sample book All information terms and conditions Quotation Sheet,(1) Identifying the reference of your letter,Key Words & Expressions,a. We have noticed from your advertisement in “Trade Directory” that you export garments. b. We are interested in your mens shirts and approach

4、you for quotations. c. Thank you for your letter of May 5 and your latest catalogue enclosed.,(2) Making an inquiry,Key Words & Expressions,a. We are interested in silk blouses and please let us have your latest C.I.F.C3% London together with your terms of payment and state whether you would be able

5、 to effect delivery within one month after receiving our order. b. We shall be grateful if you will send us some brochures and samples for our reference. c. Please quote us your best CIF Dalian price, giving a full specification of your product and time of shipment. d. Please enclose the sample-book

6、 covering all the styles of your products.,(3) Stressing the hints of terms,Key Words & Expressions,a. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a substantial order. b. If the goods and your trade terms prove satisfactory, you may expect from us a large

7、order in the future. c. Please let us know if you can give a special discount on orders more than 1 000 dozen of the goods. d. Please inform us of your payment terms so that we may arrange our purchase so long as your price is workable.,Writing Steps,State clearly and concisely what you want general

8、 information, a catalogue,price list, sample, quotation,etc. If there is a limit to the price at which you are prepared to buy,do not mention this otherwise the supplier may raise the quotation to the limit you state. Most suppliers state their terms of payment when replying so there is no need for

9、you to ask them unless you are hoping for special rates. Keep your enquiry brief and concise.,In a routine letter of enquiry follows these guidelines:,Task 1,Warming-up Discussion Suppose you are Fashion Trading Co. Ltd. in London., and recently you have received a letter from China National Garment

10、s Imp. & Exp. Corporation,Dalian Branch. They want to export silk blouses, which happens to be your requirements. What will you write to them?,Writing Steps for reference,1. Identifying the reference of your letter 2. Making your specific inquiry clearly and concisely a catalogue, sample and etc. 3.

11、 Giving the hints of your important terms 4. Providing your bank reference 5. Endings,Specimen Letters for Analysis (1),Language Points,我们高兴地得知贵方已接受我们的订单。,learn vi 获悉;得知,to learn from (书面表达) to note that(书面表达) to understand that (书面表达) to know (更口语化),Your turn,We are glad to learn from your letter o

12、f June 18 that you have booked our order.,从你12月30日来信得知你方对我羊绒衫感兴趣。,We note from your letter of Dec. 30 that you are interested in our cashmere sweaters.,Language Points,The characteristics of a reply to the letters,stating the date of the letter that youve received making a brief summary ( or the mai

13、n idea ) of the letter youve received you should express your thanks for the letter youve received,happen v 发生,Your intention happens to coincide with our wishes.,你方的意图碰巧与我们的愿望相一致。,happen强调事情的偶然性 occur比较正式,尤其指经过预防而仍然发生的事情,你的报盘碰巧和我们昨天收到的韩国报盘吻合。,Language Points,Your offer happens to be exactly the sam

14、e as what we have received from Korea yesterday.,Crepe Georgette 乔其纱,Tips,Language Points,cotton piece goods 棉布,effect delivery交货 make delivery交货 take delivery提货,To ensure fastest delivery, you are required to forward the above order by air freight.,为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空运货。,silk piece goods 绸缎,delive

15、ry n 交货,你方能否在收到订单后五周内交货?,Will you be able to deliver within 5 weeks of receipt of order?,我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。,We must insist on delivery within the time dated, and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later.,Language Points,Language Points,明 佣:包括在价格内的佣金,如USD1050 per M

16、/T C.I.F.Oslo including Commission of 3% 暗 佣:不在合同中列明 双头佣:指中间人从买卖双方的一笔交易中同时收取佣金。这种情况往往是一边拿明佣,一边拿暗佣。,C.I.F.C3% 价格术语:成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三,回扣,折扣的概念,在标定的价格基础上给与买方一定比例的减让。,commission n 佣金,Language Points,两笔(或几笔)佣金 two items of commission / several items of commission 一切佣金all commissions,In view of our long-standing business relationship, we would like to allow you another 2% commission for further promotion of our products.,考虑到我们之间长期的贸易关系,我们愿再给你方百分之二的佣金,以促进我方产品进一步扩大销售。,including our commiss



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