对外经贸英语函电第四版课件孙爱民pptlesson1 12Lesson4

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1、Lesson 4 An Enquiry for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods,I. About the letter:,(A) This is in reply to a letter written by the exporter who is willing to enter into direct business relations with the writer. In this letter, the importer expressed the same desire and showed interest in Printed Shirting. As

2、a prospective buyer, the writer asked for all necessary information regarding these goods.,II. Additional notes:,1. enquiry n. enquire v. 询价, 询盘;询问,咨询;调查; (后接商品时和 for 连用;向某人询问时用to sb.;询问某件 事时用about, on ;of,调查某事时用into sth.) 名词 enquiry 是动词 enquire 的派生词,这两个词也可分别写 作inquiry 和 inquire 在日常用语中 inquire 和 enq

3、uire 以及 inquiry 和 enquiry 只是拼写不同, 没有什么区别,但inquire/ inquiry 比enquire/enquiry普遍,商业信电中,美国人喜欢用 inquiry/inquire, 而英国人两者都用。 We are pleased to have your enquiry for our raincoat. 兹收到你方雨衣的询盘。,We have received a number of enquiries from our trade connections here for your new products. 我们从这里客户那里收到了很多你们新产品的询盘

4、。 Our offer will be made on receipt of your specific enquiry. 一收到你们具体询盘,我们就发盘。 A number of importers in your district have inquired to us for the supply of household electric appliance. 你处许多进口商询问我方你们家用电器供货事宜。 The goods you enquire for are out of stock for the moment. 你方询购的商品目前缺货。 The sellers write t

5、o inquire if there is any possibility of selling their mens shirt in Kuwait. 卖方写信询问在科威特有没有销售他们男士衬衣的可能性。,2. note v. 注意到 相当于汉语里的“ 得悉 “ , 一般可以与 learn 或 understand 通 用, 在意义上接近于know, 用在书信中显得郑重 , 在口语中常 用know。 You will be pleased to note that we are importers of bed sheets and other home textile products.

6、你方将很高兴地注意到我们是床单和其它家用纺织品的进口商。 We note with pleasure that you are interested to buy a large quantity of Sewing Machines. 我们高兴地注意到你方有意购买大量缝纫机。 3. Cotton Piece Goods 棉匹布,棉织品 各种布匹的说法:Sheeting(粗布) ; Shirting ( 细布 ) ;,颜色:grey(本色); bleached(漂白); dyed(染色); printed(印花). Printed Shirting: 印花细布 4. desirous adj.

7、 渴望的;想的 be desirous of + n. be desirous of doing sth. be desirous to do sth. desire n. / v. 渴望,想要 have desire /have no desire to do sth. to desire + n. to desire to do sth. to desire + 从句 We desire a whole set of samples for your leather gloves. 我们想要你方皮鞋的一整套样品。,It is desired that the proforma invoic

8、e be sent to us before the end of this week. 请贵方在本周末以前将形式发票寄给我方。 Though we are desirous of starting business with you, we are sorry that we are unable to accept your price. 尽管我们渴望与你方开始业务,但是抱歉我们无法接受你们的 价格。 5. happen v. 碰巧 happen + inf. It ( so ) happened that Your quotation happens to be exactly the

9、same as what we have received from Japan. 你方的报价碰巧与我们从日本收到的报价完全一样。,It so happened that I was out on business when your letter arrived. 当收到你方信函的时候,我碰巧因公出差。 6. samle book 样品本 7. information n. 消息, 报道, 情报 不可数名词,后常接介词on 或 about, 也可接 concerning 或 regarding。 We need all necessary information about Tianjin

10、carpets. 我们需要有关天津地毯的所有必要资料。 all necessary information 一切必要的情况;所有必要资料 8. regarding prep. 关于 类似的词组有: with(in) regard to; as regards,We shall be pleased if you will send us by airmail sample books and all necessary information regarding printed shirting. 如蒙贵方航寄关于印花细布的样品本和一切必要资料。 With regard to your req

11、uest for our catalog, we are arranging for the same to be sent to you in a couple of days. 关于你方索要目录的请求,我们正在安排几天内寄给你方。 As regards commission, 3% is the maximum we can allow. 关于佣金,我方最多给予3%。 9. supply n. 供应, 供应的商品 表示抽象的概念以及用于一些习语时, 常用单数。表示具体的概 念时, 用单、复数皆可。 Present supply of wood oil is quite sufficient

12、. 当前桐油的供应很充足。,Supplies of this commodity in world markets greatly exceed the demand. 世界市场上这种商品的供应超过了需求. We expect a fresh supply of black tea next week. 我们期待下周红茶的新货。 在某些固定的介词短语中,使用单数。 be out of supply be in free / short / scarce / light supply The goods are short of supply now. 该货现已短缺。 Type 35 is in

13、 short supply but type 38 is in good (large, abundant, free) supply 35型供应短缺,但38型供应充足。.,10. quote v. 报价 Pattern 1: to quote a price Please quote your lowest price CIF Lagos. 请报给我方拉各斯到岸价的最低价格。 Pattern 2: to quote sb. a price Please quote us your lowest price CIF Lagos. 请报我方拉各斯到岸价的最低价格。 Pattern 3: to q

14、uote sb. for sth. Please quote us for Printed Shirting CIF Lagos. 请报给我方印花细布拉各斯到岸价。 Pattern 4: to quote sb. a price for sth. Please quote us the price for Printed Shirting.,请报给我方印花细布的价格。 We are interested in your X brand TV sets; please quote your best prices for various specifications on CIF Singapo

15、re basis. 我们对你方X牌电视机非常感兴趣,请报给我方各种规格新加坡 到岸价最低价格。 We have quoted them the price CIF Hamburg for our Printed Shirting. 我们已将印花细布的汉堡到岸价报给他们。 11. inclusive of 包括 也可用:including, 不包括:exclusive of 或:excluding Please note that our quotation is inclusive of your commission of 3%. 请注意我们报价包括你方3%佣金在内。,We should b

16、e glad if you would send us full particulars of your bed-sheets,including sizes, colors and FOB prices inclusive of packing charges. 如贵方能寄来床单的详细情况,如尺寸、颜色和包括包装费用的 FOB价格,我们将十分高兴。 12. commission n. 佣金 关于佣金的一些习惯说法: 1)百分之几佣金可说: a commission of .% 或 .% commission We allowed them a commission of 3%. 我们给予他们3%的佣金。 2)你方/我方百分之几佣金可说: your/our commission of .% 或your/our .% commission,3)两笔佣金或几笔佣金不可说: two or several commissions 应该说: two or several items of commission 4)一切佣金或各项佣金可以说: all co


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