商务英语写作实训pptChapter课件10 minutes

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1、Minutes,Contents,Composing Your Message,Meeting Minutes,What is meeting minutes? a record of discussion and decisions made at a meeting. What tense you should choose? past tense What skills you should use? formality: formal tone: objective (no opinions, but facts) How important is meeting minutes? M

2、inutes are considered legal documents by the auditors, IRS (international revenue service美国国税局) and courts. Many assert that if its not in the minutes, it didnt happen.,Preparation for Minutes,Before the Meeting,During the Meeting,Add your title in here,After the Meeting,Choose your tool: Decide how

3、 you will take notes, i.e. pen and paper, laptop computer, or tape recorder. Make sure your tool of choice is in working order and have a backup just in case. Use the meeting agenda to formulate an outline.,Pass around an attendance sheet. Get a list of committee members and make sure you know who i

4、s who. Note the time the meeting begins. Dont try to write down every single comment - just the main ideas. Write down motions, who made them, and the results of votes, if any; no need to write down who seconded a motion. Make note of any motions to be voted on at future meetings. Note the ending ti

5、me of the meeting.,Type up the minutes immediately after the meeting. Include the name of organization, name of committee, type of meeting (daily, weekly, monthly, annual, or special), and purpose of meeting. Include the time the meeting began and ended. Proofread the minutes before submitting them.

6、,Content of Minutes,Heading,name, title and signature of the minutes keeper,name of the organization / meeting date, time, place of the meeting name of the chairman / host nature of the meeting,name list of attendees and absentees statement of previous minutes, announcement & reports list of proposa

7、ls & reports being read all motions, actions taken detailed description of adopted resolutions & simple description of rejected statements record of the ballots cast time, date and place of next meeting time of adjournment,Body,Signature,Reference Expressions,Note-taking Skills - Symbols,= + ,equals

8、/is equal to/is the same as is not equal to/is not the same as is equivalent to Therefore, thus, so, because and, more, plus more than, greater than less than less, minus gives, causes, leads to, results in, is given by, is produced by, results in,Note-taking Skills - Abbreviations,c.f. (confer) i.e

9、.(id est.) e.g. (exampla grate) NB (nota benne) No. (numero) etc. (et cetera) 1st, 2nd, 3rd Q1, Q2, Q3,Q4,= compare = that is = for example = note well = number = and so on = first, second, third = first, second, third, fourth quarter of the year,Sample Sentences,Apology for absence No apology was r

10、eceived from The meeting was called to order A motion was made by Motion seconded by Motion was approved. The meeting was adjourned at The vote encompassed approval The chairman highlighted the background of The chairman kicked off the discussion by The member inclined to provide more information ab

11、out The information reviewed at the June meeting suggested that The Manager reported on recent developments of,Sample Sentences,Participants expressed concern about Participants observed thatothers noted that Participants also discussed the role of Participants interpreted the incoming Several parti

12、cipants pointed out that In their discussion of, participants observed that In their discussion of, meeting participants sawas In light of the possibility that In their discussion of The staff forecast prepared for The Committee unanimously approved the minutes of With regard to the Committees annou

13、ncement to be released after the meeting, members expressed some difference in views about,Sample Minutes,Friends of Mapleleaf Park Minutes of meeting June 12,2006 The regular quarterly meeting of the friends of Mapleleaf Park, Inc., was held at the Colonial Lodge, 2:00 p.m., June 12, 2006. The meet

14、ing was called to order and presided over by Dr. Elaine Di Martello, president. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Treasurers Report Thomas Martin, treasurer, reported receipts of $275.00 and expenditures of $158.75 since the last meeting, for a current balance of $2480.

15、82. The report was accepted. Committee Reports Andrew Fine presented the report of the Social Committee. A benefit concert by the Apple Valley Jug Band will be held in the park on July 5. The report of the Improvements Committee was presented by Lucy Warren, who distributed the results of a survey o

16、n the use of Mapleleaf Park. New business It was moved by Caria Wade, seconded by Andrew Fine, that up to $500 be spent on a new drinking fountain, to be chosen by the improvements Committee. After discussion, the motion was approved. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Edward Willing Secretary,Sample 1,Minutes of the Meeting of Board of Directors Hanson Industries, Inc. March 18, 2006 The re


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