口语实训.我的100句 第二版 UNIT 10

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1、UNIT 10,Interior Decoration,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,世纪英语口语实训我的100句,http:/,Contents,Part A Everyday English,Part B Specialty English,Top 10 Decorating Trends in 2007,Relationship Between Interior Design &Architecture,Interior Design Arts,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Heading to Where the Road of Green Interior

2、 Design,Design & Materials Environment & Health,Section 1,Section 2,Part A Everyday English,1. Hand carved furniture. Look for wood with intricate carvings and hand, woven finishes such as rattan 1 .,手工雕刻的家具:木雕和手工编织的藤制品,2. Leather combined with fabrics, This year leather will be seen in a whole new

3、way as it is mixed in with different fabrics to create texture and interest in home accent pieces 2 .,皮革与织物的混搭:今年皮革由于与不同织物的混合会以一种崭新的面貌出现,在家居装饰重点物件上形成不同的肌理,3. Retro is in, Chrome 3 vinyl and plastic have been revived. Forties and fifties memorabilia is everywhere.,镀铬五金件和塑料制品的流行:四五十年代怀旧风格的陈设开始复兴,Part

4、A Everyday English,4. Natural elements, Bamboo flooring and rattan furniture are hot. Anything that reflects elements of nature such as wood are in.,自然的元素:任何自然的元素,如木材,竹地板和藤制家具易于被人们接受,5. Colors, Blue and green set in a neutral background are the in colors for 2007. Wall colors in creamy beige and gol

5、d with warm browns and pumpkin 4 spice accents will be the dominant force.,色彩方面:在中性背景下的蓝色和绿色是2007年的主色调,带有暖棕色和南瓜味道的米色和金色的墙面将会成为主流,6. Ethnic furniture and accents. The global influence in home furnishings is huge. Its easy to find furniture made in countries all around the world.,民俗化的家具:全球化的影响在家具中尤为显著

6、,来自世界各地的家具在市场上随处可见,Part A Everyday English,7. Space saving furniture. Big and bulky is out. Scaled down 5 modular 6 sofas, narrower coffee tables, and dining furniture are all in.,节省空间的家具:大体积家具不再流行,组合沙发窄咖啡桌以及餐厅家具开始盛行起来,8. Functional art, Look for artistic home accents that serve a purpose.,功能艺术:寻求有艺

7、术气质的家居装饰,9. Wall paper, Big bold patterns and metallic or textured furnishings used on only one wall to create a feature wall or a canvas of focus.,墙纸:大型而且大胆的图案以及有金属或织物饰品或者油画被用于装饰主题墙或者视觉焦点,Part A Everyday English,10. Room divider screens, Both decorative and functional, they are definitely making a

8、comeback. Used in studio apartments to define living spaces they provide privacy and a feeling of separate rooms. in larger scales, room dividers are used to break up spaces or strictly as a home accent piece. They are also used creatively, for example, as a headboard.,分隔屏风:既有装饰性又有功能性的屏风再次流行起来,在工作室的

9、隐居的起居单元里分隔出一个较独立的空间营造出独处的氛围在较大的空间里,分隔屏风则用于分隔空间或者仅仅是作为一种家居装饰物件分隔屏风也会有一些创造性的用法,比如作为床头板,Part A Everyday English,11. Nowadays, Interior Design just separates from architecture, and become a brand new explanation to those old spaces.,如今,室内设计已完全从建筑范畴中独立出来,成为一种对室内空间的全新解释,12. No matter how to distribute the

10、 work between the architecture and interior design, and who will be in charge at the end, and which detail method will be applied and to what degree, designers shall keep the harmony of integration and synergy 7 between these two aspects.,不管建筑与室内环境设计工作的分工如何明确,不管最后由谁来负责室内环境设计工作,也不管最后的室内环境设计采用何种具体的手法达

11、到何种程度,建筑与室内环境设计之间的整体统一关系永远都是设计师应该重点考虑的内容,Part A Everyday English,13. Interior Design and Architecture follow the same principle and theory language and method, such as space and form, comparison and harmony 8 balance and scale, color and lighting, etc.,室内环境设计与建筑设计都遵循着同样的原则和原理,使用着同样的设计语言和手法,所研究的范畴是统一

12、的诸如空间的造型对比与协调平衡尺度色彩采光等等,14. Interior Design is a kind of extension of architectural work, it can become the organizer to change the original space.,室内环境设计是建筑的深化与继续,它能组织和诱导原有建筑空间概念的改变,Part A Everyday English,15. Interior Design will be a recreation of the interior space. It is based on the architectu

13、ral concept, peoples activities in this space, special function and related culture background.,室内环境设计应该是室内空间环境的再创作其素材应该是建筑所提供的空间人在空间中活动的行为特征特定的使用功能以及与之相关的文化背景,16. The more and more interior spaces seem to become completely different from the exteriors now, and the special space order, subplo 9 limi

14、t and shadow designed by the architect have been changed by the interior designer “rudely”.,现今的许多建筑室内空间正在被室内设计师们打扮得与建筑的外在形式越来越大相径庭;建筑师苦心经营的空间序列穿插限定光影变幻被室内设计师改得面目全非,Part A Everyday English,17. You can do your own Interior Designs using the homeowner, friendly tool Smart Draw 10 .,你可以使用便捷的“Smart Draw”

15、工具做你自己的室内装饰设计,18. Abstract art is a nonrepresentational 11 style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.,抽象派艺术是一种强调形式超越内容的非写实主义风格,19. Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.,康定斯基创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美,20. Abstract expressionism is

16、 a nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the art of painting.,抽象表现主义把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格,Part A Everyday English,21. Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.,二十世纪四五十年代是抽象表现主义艺术发展的顶峰时期,22. Action painting is a term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.,动作画派是指绘画作



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