口语实训.我的100句 第二版 unit 6

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1、Unit 6 Secretary,世纪英语口语实训我的100句,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,http:/,,Contents,,Part A Everyday English,1. Do you have an appointment?,请问您预约了吗?,2. I am at your disposal 1 Mr. Manager.,经理先生,我听候您的吩咐,3. Would you please sign the visitors book?,请在来客簿上签个名好吗?,4. Ill copy/duplicate 2 them and file them both ways.,我会复制一份,然

2、后两种方式各存一份,5. Im going to clean out off the old files.,我会理出旧的文件,,Part A Everyday English,6. Would you like me to file them in?,你需要我归档这类文件吗?,7. Ill get those plans over to your office by Friday.,我会在周五前把计划送到您办公室,8. Ive arranged todays reports for you to examine.,我已将今天的报告整理好了,请您过目,9. Ill make a note of

3、that and ask Mr. Liu to confirm.,我先记下来,再让刘先生来确定吧,10. Can I be of any assistance?,能替您效劳吗?,,Part A Everyday English,11. Would you please take a seat, Mr. Black?,布莱克先生,请坐一会儿好吗?,12. Ill tell Mr. Brown you are here.,我会通知布朗先生您来了,13. Mr. Black is here for his 10 oclock appointment.,布莱克先生来赴十点钟的约会,14. Its ur

4、gent. Could I have her mobile phone number?,我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码?,15. Could you tell me where I can reach her?,能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到她?,,Part A Everyday English,16. Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible?,能不能请她尽快打电话给卡洛?,17. May I speak to Mr. Ira Black, head of the Export Section, please?,可以和出口部负

5、责人Ira Black先生通话吗?,18. This is Daan Commercial Bank. What can I do for you?,这里是大安商业银行我能为您效劳吗?,19. Ill connect you with the Export Department.,我替你接到出口部,20. Ill just find out if hes in his office.,我去看看他在不在他的办公室,,Part A Everyday English,21. Would you mind calling back around three oclock?,您可以三点左右再打来吗?,2

6、2. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.,很抱歉让您久等了,23. The best time to catch him would be 5:30.,最容易找到他的时间是5:30,24. Please forgive me, I didnt mean to start a fight.,请原谅,我本不想和你吵架,25. Something happened that you might not like.,出了一件事,也许你听了会不高兴的,,Part A Everyday English,26. In the middle of some

7、thing?,正在忙吗,27. Can you just give me a ballpark 3 figure?,能不能给我一个大概的数字呢,28. Lucy just called in sick.,露西刚打电话来请病假,29. In fact, we would like to discuss internally regarding item B.,事实上,我们希望可以内部讨论B项议题,30. Could you please tell me the fax number of your company?,请你告诉我贵公司的传真号码好吗?,,Part A Everyday Englis

8、h,31. Can you give me a quote?,能跟我报个价吗,32. I was referred to you by Mr. Gordon.,我是Gordon先生介绍来的,33. Its very nice to finally meet you.,非常高兴终于见到您,34. Youre certainly on top of things.,一切当然在你掌握之中,35. Thank you for the vote of confidence.,谢谢您的信任票,,Part A Everyday English,36. Do you think the trend will

9、continue?,你认为这种趋势还会维持下去吗,37. Did you have a comfortable flight?,请问您旅途愉快吗,38. The manager is expecting you.,经理正在等你,39. Im sorry, the boss is not here at the moment. Im Chinese, and I cant speak Korean.,对不起,老板现在不在我是中国人,我不会韩语,40. I cant handle this alone.,我无法单独处理这件事,,Part A Everyday English,41. Im afra

10、id all my efforts were in vain 4 .,我担心我的努力全白费了,42. I dont feel up to that.,我觉得不能胜任那工作,43. This is the schedule for tomorrow.,这是明天的日程安排,44. I see what you mean.,我明白你的意思.,45. Let me explain why I was late.,请让我解释迟到的原因,,Part A Everyday English,46. Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.,实际上我是想事先通知你的,

11、47. Im to blame. I should have thought of that.,都怪我,我应该想到这一点的,48. This program is working really well.,这个程序执行得很顺利,49. Could you help me write this proposal 5 ?,你能帮我写这个计划吗,50. Did you get that, OK?,你明白了吗,,Part B Specialty English,1. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.,会议原

12、计划是两个小时,不过现在还没有结束,2. But some other business held him back, so he asked me to come in his place.,他因公务缠身,才由我替代,3. I really have no idea when Mr. Black could be available in the office.,我真不知道布莱克先生什么时候会在办公室,4. Could you call back later or would you mind leaving a message?,您可以过一会儿再打来或者给他留言,行吗?,5. Let me

13、 repeat your message to see if Ive got it all.,我重复一遍留言,看看是否记全了,,Part B Specialty English,6. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment Im afraid. Can I help you?,布什先生恐怕正在和总经理开会,我可以帮你忙吗?,7. Shall we continue this later? Ive got a call waiting.,我们可不可以一会儿再继续谈?我有一个电话,8. The date o

14、f the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday.,会议日期已经从星期五提前到星期一,9. Good morning, Mr. Winthrop. This is Sally Parker, Mr. Emorys secre- tary. Mr. Emory has asked me to set up a meeting with you.,早上好,温斯罗普先生我是莎得帕克,埃莫里先生的秘书埃莫里先生让我与您约定一个会晤,,Part B Specialty English,10. Well, Mr. Brooks. Im sorry

15、again for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back.,好的,布鲁克斯先生,我再次对耽搁表示歉意,您下次回来时我们会把所有的事情都办妥的,11. Only 25 minutes or so. Well send somebody to meet you. Thats 11 30 a.m. Friday, the 15th?,只有25分钟左右的车程,我们会派人接您是星期五(15号)上午11:30,对吧,12. Id like to speak to someone in the Importin


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