数控技术应用专业英语 第二版 学习情境4Task 3

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1、,数控技术应用专业英语 大连理工大学出版社 李桂云 冯艳宏主编,Learning Situation 4 Safety Notes and Maintenance for CNC,Task 3 Daily Maintenance,Task 3 Daily Maintenance,Part A,New Words and Phrases,Text,Exercises,Reading Material,Part B,New Words and Phrases,maintenance meintinns n.维护,保养 external ekst:nl adj.外面的,外部的 top off 装满,

2、平仓 slide way 导轨 lubrication lu:brikein n.润滑 hose huz n.橡皮软管 filter filt n.过滤器 residue rezidju: n.残渣 screw skru: n.螺钉,螺丝钉,螺栓 amplifier mplifai n.扬声器,扩音器,放大器 abnormally bn:mli adv.反常地,不规则地,变态地,Task 3 Daily Maintenance,The General of Daily Maintenance 1.Checking the External View 2.Checking the Inside

3、of the Control Unit,The General of Daily Maintenance,Daily maintenance is one of the most important maintenance ways. 日常保养是保养工作中最重要的一种方法。 If you often maintain your machine and read the maintenance manual, you will deal with many minor issues in your work. 如果你经常保养你的机器并且阅读保养手册,那么你就可以处理在工作中出现的很多小问题。 T

4、hese required specifications must be followed in order to keep your machine in good working order. 为了使机床正常工作,必须遵守这些必要的规范。,1.Checking the External View,(1)Top off coolant every eight hour. (1)每八小时加满冷却液。 (2)Check lubrication tank level of slide way. (2)检查导轨润滑油箱液位。 (3)Clean chips from slide way covers

5、and bottom pan. (3)清理导轨防护罩和底板上的铁屑。 (4)Clean chips from tool changer. (4)清理换刀装置上的铁屑。,1.Checking the External View,(5)Check oil level in gearbox. (5)检查齿轮箱中的油位。 (6)Inspect slide way covers for proper operation. (6)检查导轨防护罩是否正常运行。 (7)Check all hoses and lubrication lines for cracking . (7)检查所有软管和润滑管路是否破裂

6、。 (8)Check oil filter and clean out residue at bottom of filter. (8)检查润滑油过滤器,清除过滤器底部的残余物。,2.Checking the Inside of the Control Unit,(1)If the cable connectors are loosened? (1)电缆连接器是否松动? (2)If the cable is damaged? (2)电缆是否损伤? (3)If the installing screws are loosened? (3)装配螺钉是否松动? (4)If the screws us

7、ed to attach amplifier are loosened? (4)固定放大器螺钉是否松动? (5)If the cooling fan operates abnormally? (5)冷却风扇工作是否异常? (6)If the printed circuit boards have been inserted abnormally? (6)印刷电路板插入是否不规则?,Exercises,.Translate the following phrases into Chinese. 1.maintenance manual 1. 保养手册 2.slide way 2. 导轨 3.co

8、oling fan 3. 冷却风扇 4.oil level 4. 油位 5.lubrication lines 5. 润滑管路,Exercises,6.top off coolant 6. 加注冷却液 7.oil filter 7. 润滑油过滤器,Exercises,.Complete the following dialogues by translating the parts given in Chinese into English. A: Hello, I havent seen you for ages. Where have you been? B: Ive been to a

9、training center for a few days. A: Oh, really! You went to learn the new knowledge of CNC machines. B: Yes. I learned (1.启动,怎样操作以及怎样停止) the CNC machine in the training center. 1.how to start, how to turn and how to stop A: What else?,Exercises,B: Apart from that, the most important is that Ive learn

10、ed (2.理论和实际的东西) about the maintenance. 2.how to start, how to turn and how to stop A: (3.你能对数控机床进行保养吗)? 3.something theoretical and practical B: Not really, but at least Ive understood (4.定期对机 床进行保养). 4.Are you able to maintain the CNC machines A: Very good. B: This training will allow me (5.既会保养机床又

11、能处理一些小毛病). 5.how to do periodic maintenance to the machine to maintain the machine and deal with most minor issues,Part B Reading Material,Some warnings and notes related to daily maintenance: 1.Memory Backup and Absolute Pulse Coder Battery Replacement When replacing the memory backup and the absol

12、ute pulse batteries, keep the power to the machine(CNC) turned on, and apply an emergency stop to the machine. Because this work is performed with the power on and the cabinet open, only those personnel who have received approved safety and maintenance training may perform this work. When replacing the batteries, be careful not to touch the high -voltage circuits. 2.Fuse Replacement Before replacing a blown fuse, however, it is necessary to locate and remove the cause of the blown fuse.,谢谢使用!,



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