实用阶梯英语—跨文化交际Unit 6

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1、Unit 6 Cultural Values,,,大连理工大学出版社,Hot Tip,单元导读,价值观是文化中最深层的部分,它支配着人们的信念、态度和行为。中西方文化是两种不同的文化体系,不同的民族有着自己特殊的文化心理素质、思维方式、价值尺度、道德规范和情感取向。中国思想家把“善”放在价值观的首要位置,认为个人的行为应符合集体要求。西方思想家强调“真”的重要性,以利润最大化 为终极价值目标,尊重个人,奉行能力主义,这些都与中国文化有着巨大差异。,,大连理工大学出版社,Hot Tip,Learning Objectives, To identify some relevant concepts

2、 about values To be able to recognize and analyze different values in different countries To possess the specific strategies in intercultural communication,,大连理工大学出版社,Contents,Afterclass Reviewing,Inclass Exchange,Inclass Learning,Leadin Activities,,大连理工大学出版社,Leadin Activities,Just Ask,Out of the Ne

3、st Directions: Read the following letter without using your dictionary. After reading, work in groups to discuss the following questions. Dear David, This is Fly and I am still in the U.S. Last week while I was getting on a bus I dropped one of my packages and a young man who was also getting on the

4、 bus picked it up for me. He seemed nice, so I chatted with him a bit. He said his name was Sam, and he was 18 years old and lived in this town. His family also lives there, but he lives alone in a small apartment. He just graduated from high school this year and is now a student at the local univer

5、sity.,,大连理工大学出版社,I asked where he was going, and he said that he was going to workhe has an evening job at a restaurant to make money to pay for university. He said that he didnt want to live with his family or ask them for money. I dont understand why American young people leave home when they reac

6、h 18. Is this true for most Americans? Sincerely, Fly,Questions,Why do you think Sam doesnt live with his family or get any money from them? 2. What do you think Davids answer will be?,,大连理工大学出版社,Davids Response Dear Fly, Many Chinese assume that all Americans have to leave home at 18, so let me sta

7、rt by noting that it is not terribly uncommon for young Americans to live with their parents longer than that. For example, young Americans who go to college in their hometowns often live at home for a few years in order to save money. Likewise, some young Americans live at home during the first few

8、 years after graduation from high school while they work and save enough money so they can afford to move into their own apartment 1ater.,,大连理工大学出版社,However, it is true that most young Americans will move out of their parents home sometime around the age of 18, and the main reason for this is the un

9、derlying cultural belief, shared by Americansyoung and old, that an important part of growing up is “leaving the nest”. American culture places considerable emphasis on independence and self reliance, and in many ways the whole process of rearing(养育)children is training them for the day when they wi

10、ll be able to go out and take care of themselves. There is even a tendency to assume that until children move out of their parents home, they arent really full adults.,,大连理工大学出版社,Of course this general cultural tendency can work itself out in many different ways. In Sams case, one possibility is tha

11、t Sams family is willing to help, but that he wants to be independent. Another possibility is that his relationship with his family is not very good so he doesnt want to ask them for help or be obliged to them. A third possibility is that Sams family is not very welloff financially and perhaps doesn

12、t have much room, so Sam has moved out in order to be 1ess of a burden on the family.,,大连理工大学出版社,In this last scenario(情况), it might be that the family would really like to help Sam more but simply cant, or that they feel that he has now reached the age where he should take care of himself, so they

13、would not be very happy about him continuing to live at home or asking them for money for college. If you have a chance to meet Sam again, this might be a good question to ask himmost Americans are fairly open about discussing this kind of thing. Just be careful not to be too pushy(强求的)if he doesnt

14、seem very willing to discuss it. Sincerely, David,,大连理工大学出版社,Directions: What values are reflected in the following proverbs? 1. Blood is thicker than water. (Scotland) 2. Beauty is only skin deep. (Greece) 3. Time is money. (USA) 4. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. (England) 5. Too many

15、 cooks spoil the broth. (England) 6. The early bird catches the worm. (England) 7. Haste makes waste. (England) 8. A mans home is his castle. (England) 9. Think three times before you take action. (China) 10. Modesty makes you progress, conceitedness makes you lag behind. (China),Before You Read,,大连理工大学出版社,Cultural Puzzles,Directions:Read the following situations and choose the appropriate answer(s). There may be


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