世纪商务英语综合教程1 ppt课件Unit 8

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1、世纪商务英语 综合教程I (第四版),CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH,Unit 8,Job Satisfaction,Whether you are starting your own business, applying for a job, considering a change of career or simply keen to make the most of your life, it is important that you should be satisfied with your job. Lack of job satisfaction will r

2、esult in low efficiency and productivity, and will ultimately cause work-related diseases. Thus, improving job satisfaction of employees should be one of the priorities of the boss.,Lead-in,Text A,Text B,Practical Writing,Time for Fun,Lead-in,1 Listening Listen carefully to the following dialogue an

3、d answer the questions.,Script,1. The man is worried about Sandras_. A. way of living B. attitude towards her work C. relationship with her colleagues D. interest in watching TV 2. What does Sandra think of her present job? A. She doesnt enjoy it. B. She finds it difficult to do. C. She dislikes it

4、and wants to change it. D. She takes an interest in it.,B,( ),A,( ),3. The man talks to Sandra because she_. A. wants to dismiss Sandra B. will give Sandra a promotion C. plans to transfer Sandra to another department D. wants to punish Sandra The man implies that we cannot always expect to do work

5、that is _. A. exciting B. difficult C. boring D. worrying,A,( ),C,( ),5. How can you describe the man talking to Sandra? A. Difficult to deal with. B. Hesitant and caring. C. Straightforward and understanding. D. Careless and rude. 6. What is the possible relationship between the man and woman? A. T

6、eacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Employer and employee. D. Salesman and customer.,C,( ),C,( ),2 Role-play Work with a partner. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation, and role-play it to the class.,One of you acts as the manager of customer services of a hotel and the othe

7、r as a receptionist. The manager finds that the receptionist is impatient and always makes mistakes when handling reservations on the phone. The manager would like to find out what the problem is with the receptionist, and come out with a solution.,I do a lot of management 1 each year for the KK Com

8、pany. Among the topics we discuss in our classes is the keeping of 2 employees. “What has caused you to 3 enough to become a manager? ” I asked. After a while a new manager took the 4 and said slowly, “it was a baseball glove.” Cynthia said she used to take a KK clerk job as an interim one while she

9、 looked for something 5 . On her second day behind the 6 , she received a 7 from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for the little League. She explained that as a 8 mother, money was 9 , and her first check would have to go for paying 10 .,stay long,_,training,_,call,_,quality

10、,_,question,_,3 Spot Dictation Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing information.,single,_,better,_,tight,_,counter,_,bills,_,When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the 11 , asked her to come to her small office and 12 her a box. “I overheard you talking to your

11、son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is 13 to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills 14 you can buy gloves. You know we cant 15 people like you as 16 as we would like to; but we do 17 and I want you to know how 18 you are to us.” The though

12、tfulness, empathy and love of the store manager show vividly that people 19 more how much a 20 cares than how much he pays. .,hard,_,store manager,_,care,_,handed,_,before,_,important,_,much,_,remember,_,pay good,_,manager,_,4 Discussion Discuss with your partner the following questions and report y

13、our answers to the class.,Suppose you are to graduate from college next summer. Besides salaries, what other elements do you consider when looking for a job? What makes a person satisfied with his/her job? What makes a person dissatisfied with his/her job?,1. What makes an ideal job according to Par

14、agraph 1? 2. What reasons are given as to why people are not satisfied with their jobs?,1 Reading Read the passage about job satisfaction and answer the following questions.,An ideal job is one where you feel motivated, inspired, respected and well paid.,_,The reasons include: Conflict between co-wo

15、rkers Conflict with your supervisor Not being appropriately paid for what you do Not having the necessary equipment or resources to succeed Lack of opportunities for promotion Having little or no say in decisions that affect you,_,3. What is an effective way to improve job satisfaction? 4. What techniques are offered


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