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1、地道的美语惯用语600句 - 旺旺英语论坛 旺旺英语论坛 我们的网上家园1. Have a ball 欢度时光 I feel like having a ball. Lets splurge. 我心情很好,我们去花钱找乐子吧! Foreget it. Im broke. 不要,我没有前。 Dont worry. Ill pick up the tab, Im loaded today, Ill treat you. 别担心,我买单。我今天有钱,我请客。 No, well go Dutch. I dont like to freeload. 不各付各的,我不喜欢让别人请客。 VOCABULARY

2、: Have a ball: 欢度时光,享乐 Splurge: 花大钱 Broke: 身无分文 Pick up the tab: 付账 Loaded: 身边带着很多钱 Treat: 请客 Go Dutch: 各付各的 Freeload: 让别人请客 2. Footing the bill 付账 Im always running out of food. 我的食品总是不够。 Why dont you pick up some odds and ends at the store? 为什么不到商店里采购一番呢? Because Im fed up with having to foot the

3、bill. I dont like to throw my money down the drain. 我已经厌烦了老是付钱,不想乱花钱。 Have everyone chip in. 跟大家募集一些钱把! No, just skip it. 不,我才不要呢。 VOCABULARY: Run out of: 用完 Pick up: 购买 Odd and ends: 各种东西 Fed up with: 厌烦了 Foot the bill: 付账 Down the drain: 浪费 Chip in: 捐助 Skip: 忘记,漠视 3. Making Ends Meet 平衡收支 Youre a

4、clotheshores. 你很会穿衣服 I know. I love dressing up. 是啊!我喜欢打扮。 Do you shop around a lot for bargains? 你经常去逛商场买便宜货吗? Im lucky. I work for a department store and I get a discount on merchandise. 我很幸运。我在百货公司工作,可以享受折扣。 Thats great because everything is sky-high. 真好,每一种东西都贵的吓人呢! Yes, its difficult making end

5、s meet. 要收支平衡还真不容易呢! We have to cut corners. 不节省一点不行。 Me too, Ive cut down on luxuries. Clotheshorse: 很会打扮的人 Dress up: 打扮 Shop round: 逛街 Great: 很好的 Sky-high: 昂贵的 Make ends meet: 平衡收支 Cut corners: 控制花费 Cut down on: 减少 4. Raking it in 大捞一比 He was in the casino and started to make a bundle. He was real

6、ly raking it in. 他在赌场赢了很多钱,狠狠捞了一笔。 I bet he thought he had it made. 他一定觉得很有成就感 Then he started losing his shirt. 但是之后却开始输钱。 With his temper, he probably hit the ceiling. 依他的脾气,可能大发雷霆。 Sure. The casino took him to the cleaners. 是啊。赌场赢走了他所有的钱。 Was he a good sport? 他输的起吗? Oh no,. He was a sore loser. 输

7、不起,他气疯了。 Make a bundle: 赚大钱 Rank it in: 大捞一笔。 Have it made: 相信自己的胜利 Lose ones shirt: 失去所有的钱 Hit the ceiling: 发脾气 Take someone to the cleaners: 赢走某人所有的钱 Good sport: 输的起 Sore loser: 输不起 5. Caught Short 缺钱 At the end of the week, Im always caught short. 每到周末我就缺钱。 Thats because money burns a hole in you

8、r pocket. I dont feel sorry for you. 那是因为你太会花钱,我可不同情你。 How can I tighten my belt? 我要怎么省钱才好。 Youre going to have to do without in order to get along. 你必须节省开支。 I known. Ill try to brown bagging it. Within a short time Ill be in the chips again. 我知道,我会试着带饭,这样没多久就可以省下不少钱。 Caught short: 钱渐渐不够用 Burn a hol

9、e in ones pocket: 花钱如流水 Feel sorry for: 同情 Tighten ones belt: 节约 Do without: 不去用某些东西 Get along: 处理 Brown bag: 从家里带饭 In the chips: 有充足的钱 6. An arm and a leg 非常昂贵 That car is in A-1 condition, but it would cost an arm ang a leg. 那辆车很棒,不够看起来很昂贵。 I didnt know you were in the market for another car. 不知道到

10、你想买车。 Im thinking about it, but for the time being, Ill use this jalopy, itll do in a pinch. 是啊,不够目前还是开破车,有总比没有好。 Im sure a new one will set you back 10 grand. That aint hey! 新车要一万美元,是一大笔钱呢! A- 1: 优秀的 an arm and a leg: 非常昂贵 in the market for: 想要,准备买 for the time being: 目前 jalopy: 状况差的旧车 in a pinch:

11、有总比没有好 set one back grand: 1000美元 that aint hay!: 一大笔钱 7. a nest egg 私房钱 Hes always squawking about money. 他总是在金钱上唠唠叨叨。 If he had a nest egg, he wouldnt have to worry. 如果他有私房钱,就不需操心。 Its difficult to salt away money today. 这年头要存私房钱可不容易。 Thats true. And he tries to keep up with the Joneses. 的确如此,而且他还

12、要维持一般的生活水准。 Not really. He tries to save, but the family expenses are on his shoulders. Thats why hes on pins and needles. 也不完全如此,他是要存钱,但是要负担家庭的开支的责任,所以他老是紧张兮兮的。 Why doesnt he play to lottery? 他怎么不去买彩票 Because he can bank on the fact that hes not going to make a killing that way. 因为他不认为他会一夜致富。 Squaw

13、k about: 抱怨 Nest egg: 私房钱 Salt away: 存私房钱 Keep up with the Joneses: 保持一般水准 On ones shoulders: 负责任 On pins and needles: 紧张的 Bank on: 确信 Make a killing: 发横财 8. falling behind: 无法维持 Im breaking my neck at tow jobs so I dont fall behind in my bills. 我拼命做两份工作,所以财务上才不会有赤字 Maybe you better face up to the fact th



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