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1、八年级上册英语复习过关资料Units16Unit 1 How often do you do exercise?多久一次 how often高中 high school网上冲浪 surf the Internet多少 how many 垃圾食品 junk food 去玩滑板go skateboarding当然 of course 几乎不 hardly ever的结果 the result of大量 a lot of/ lots of 对有益 be good for饮食习惯 eating habits照顾 look after 与一样 the same as取得好成绩get good grade

2、s一周两次 twice a week 一个月五次five times a month 至于 as forUnit 2 Whats the matter?受凉;感冒have a cold 喉咙have a sore throat 肚子痛have a stomachache躺下休息lie down and rest 看牙医see a dentist加蜂蜜的热茶hot tea with honey有压力的be stressed out变得疲劳get tired 均衡饮食eat a balanced diet保持健康stay healthy 寄宿家庭host family此时;现在at the mom

3、ent 阴阳平衡a balance of yin and yang 拥有健康的生活方式have a healthy life styleUnit 3 What are you doing for vacation?多长时间 how long 回来 get back (to) 去度假 take a vacation去露营 go camping 去远足 go hiking 去观光 go sightseeing骑单车go bike riding 去钓鱼 go fishing 走开go away送给某人某物send sb. sth. 询问关于ask sb. about散步take walks就做决定d

4、ecide on 完成某事finish doing sth. 不同的事情something different忘记做过某事 forget doing sth. 忘记要做某事 forget to do sth. 前往某地 leave for 和某人一起度过时光 spend time with sb.Unit 4 How do you get to school?坐公共汽by bus乘地铁 take the subway 骑单车 ride a bike/ bicycle步行 on foot 乘小船 by boat 到学校 get to school多远 how far 决定于 depend on

5、带到去 take to公交站 bus stop 火车站 train station 从家到学校from home to school早班车 the early bus北美洲 North America 很快吃早餐have a quick breakfast不要担心dont worry 最受欢迎的the most popular 大约5英里about five miles离学校10公里ten kilometers from school 生病住在医院be ill in the hospitalUnit 5 Can you come to my party?为考试学习study for a tes

6、t 帮助我的父母help my parents去看医生go to the doctor 看望我姑妈visit my aunt 来参加聚会come to the party上钢琴课 have a piano lesson去听音乐会go to the concert 参加网球训练have tennis training尽快回信write soon临时照看他的妹妹babysit his sister保持安静keep quiet 后天the day after tomorrow顺便来访come over全天the whole dayUnit 6 Im more outgoing than my sis

7、ter.超出 more than共有的 in common 擅长 be good at在某些方面 in some ways 看上去一样look the same看上去不一样look different 与一样 the same as 与不一样 be different from使某人发笑make sb. laugh 在某事上打败某人 beat sb. in sth. 小学 primary school 停止说话stop talkingUnits 16 重点句型Unit 1 How often do you do exercise?1. 你通常在周末干什么?我通常踢足球。What do you

8、usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer.2. 他们周末干什么?他们经常去看电影。What do they do on weekends? They often go to the movies.3. 他在周末干什么?他有时看电视。 What does he do on weekends? He sometimes watches TV.4. 你多久购一次物?我一个月购一次物。How often do you shop? I shop once a month.5. Katrina多久锻炼一次?她一个星期锻炼两次。How often does

9、Katrina exercise? She exercises twice a week.Unit 2 Whats the matter?1. 你怎么了?我头痛。你应该去睡觉。Whats the matter with you? I have a headache. You should go to bed.2. 他怎么了?他胃痛。他不应该吃东西。Whats the matter with him? He has a stomachache. He shouldnt eat anything.3. 她怎么了?她牙痛。她应该去看牙医。Whats the matter with her? She

10、should see a dentist.4. Gina怎么了?她感到不舒服。她不应该去参加聚会。Whats the matter with Gina? Shes not feeling well. She shouldnt go to the party.5. 拥有健康的生活方式是容易的,而均衡饮食是重要的。Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet.Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?1. 你假期打算做什么?我打算去看望我奶奶。 Wha

11、t are you doing for vacation? Im visiting my grandmother.2. 她假期打算做什么?她打算去野营。 What is she doing for vacation? She is going camping.3. 他们假期打算做什么?他们打算在家放松一下。 What are they doing for vacation? Theyre relaxing at home.4. 你打算什么时候去?我准备周一去。 When are you going? Im going on Monday.5. 你打算待多长时间?我打算待三天。How long

12、are you staying? Im staying for three days.Unit 4 How do you get to school?1. 你是怎样到学校的?我骑自行车。 How do you get to school? I ride my bike.2. 他是怎样到学校的?他步行去学校。 How does he get to school? He walks to school.3. 他们是怎么到家的?他们坐火车。How do they get to school? They take the train.4. 那需要花多长时间?大约四十分钟。How long does i

13、t take? It takes about forty minutes.5. 从你家到学校有多远?三英里。How far is it from your home to school? Its three miles.Unit 5 Can you come to my party?1. 你能来参加我的聚会吗?当然,我很愿意。/ 对不起,我不能。我得帮助我妈妈。Can you come to my party? Sure, Id love to. / Im sorry, I cant. I have to help my mom.2. 她能去看电影吗?不,她不能去。她要去踢足球。 Can sh

14、e go to the movies? No, she cant. Shes playing soccer.3. 他能去参加棒球比赛吗?不,他不能。他得学习。 Can he go to the baseball game? No, he cant. He has to study.4. 他们能去听音乐会吗?不,他们不能。他们要去参加一个聚会。 Can they go to the concert? No, they cant. Theyre going to a party.5. 谢谢你的邀请。对不起,我这周不能去拜访你。 Thank you for your invitation. Im sorry I cant visit you this week.Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.1. Tina比Tara高。 Tina is taller than Tara.2. Tom比Sam更擅长运动。 Tom is more athletic than Sam.3. Liu Ying不如Liu Li擅长体育。 Liu Ying is not as good at sports as Liu Li.4. 对我来说,好朋友喜欢做与我一样的事情。 For me, a goo


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