(江苏专用)2019年高中英语 unit 3 protecting ourselves section ⅱ welcome to the unit & reading—language points教案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10

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(江苏专用)2019年高中英语 unit 3 protecting ourselves section ⅱ welcome to the unit & reading—language points教案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10_第1页
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《(江苏专用)2019年高中英语 unit 3 protecting ourselves section ⅱ welcome to the unit & reading—language points教案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专用)2019年高中英语 unit 3 protecting ourselves section ⅱ welcome to the unit & reading—language points教案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Welcome to the unit & ReadingLanguage Points.高频单词1deadly adj. 致命的;彻底的2bid n努力争取 vi.出价;投标;试图3prescription n. 处方(药),药方 4bathe vt. & vi. (给)洗澡bath n洗澡5unprotected adj. 无防护的protected (反义词)受保护的protect vt.保护protection n保护6prevention n预防,防止 prevent vt.预防, 防止.重点短语1be_harmful_to对有害2give_a_sideways_gl

2、ance 向旁边瞥了一眼3pass_on 把(疾病)传染给;传递(某物)4contrary_to 与相反5burst on the scene 突然出现6lose sb. to . 因为而失去某人7devote oneself to 专注8have access to 有机会使用.经典句型1句型展示Eventually, the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person often becomes very ill from usually mild sicknesses.最后,人体的免疫系统变得如此脆弱以至于一些轻微的疾病都会使这

3、个人病得很严重。典例背诵The teacher was telling us so interesting a story that we all forgot the time.老师给我们讲了一个这么有趣的故事,结果我们都忘记了时间。2句型展示There_are over 30 million people living with HIV worldwide.现在全球有多于三千万的艾滋病毒携带者生存着。典例背诵There are two boys playing basketball on the playground now.有两个男孩正在操场上打篮球。1unprotected adj.未

4、采取保护措施的,无防护的教材原句The virus is spread in three waysit can be passed on through unprotected sex, through blood and from a mother to her child.这种病毒通过三种方式传播它可以通过没有防护措施的性行为、血液及母婴传播。As much as 40 percent of unprotected crops have been destroyed.没有采取保护措施的庄稼被损毁的多达40%。(1)protection n保护;保障;抵御;防卫under protectio

5、n 受保护(2)protect vt. 保护protect. from/against 保护不受侵害(3)protective adj. 保护的;防护的They traveled under the protection of a number of soldiers.他们在一些士兵的护卫下旅行。The plants should be protected from/against the cold.应该保护这些植物使之不受冻。即境活用1用protect的适当形式填空Her thin coat gave/provided little protection against the cold.H

6、es very protective towards his sister.2. burst on the scene突然出现教材原句However, since the disease burst on the scene in the 1980s, it has become a serious problem around the world.但是,自从艾滋病在20世纪80年代突然爆发以来,它已经成为一个严重的全球性问题。Various computer games burst on the scene during the Internet boom.在互联网热潮时期,各种各样的电脑游

7、戏出现了。on the scene当场,在现场come/appear/arrive on the scene 到场behind the scenes 秘密地,在幕后,不公开的It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.不久,一架直升机来到了现场搭救那次空难中的幸存者。 Most important political decisions are made behind the scenes.大多数的重要政治决定都是秘密作出的。即境活用2A

8、lot of negotiating has been going on _ the scenes.AwithBinCbehind Dat解析:选C。句意:广泛的谈判一直在秘密进行。behind the scenes“在幕后,不公开地”。3. lose sb. to .因为而失去某人教材原句According to the World Health Organization(WHO), more than 4 million children have died of Aids, and more than 15 million children have lost their parents

9、 to Aids.根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的统计,已有超过四百万的儿童死于艾滋病,超过一千五百万的儿童由于艾滋病失去了父母。She has just lost her husband to heart failure.她丈夫刚因心力衰竭去世了。lose sb. sth.使某人输掉或失去某物lose oneself in. 全神贯注于lose heart 灰心lose ones way 迷路lose weight 减轻体重Those comments may well have lost them the election.那些评论很可能使他们输掉这场竞选。My teacher told me

10、 not to lose heart.我的老师告诉我不要灰心。即境活用3完成句子他最近体重轻了不少。He has_lost a lot of weight recently. 上周她母亲被癌症夺去了生命。She lost_her_mother_to cancer last week.4. bid nC努力争取;招标 vi. & vt. (bid, bid)出价;投标;试图教材原句In a bid to control the problem, the government has opened labs to monitor the disease, and in 2003 it also s

11、tarted providing free drugs for Aids patients.在为控制这个问题而做的努力中,政府已开放了实验室来检测这种疾病,并且在2003年已开始向艾滋病人免费提供药品。We received a bid of 5, 000 for the table.我们那张桌子接到了5000英镑的出价。(1)a bid to do sth./for sth. 努力争取(2)bid (money) for sth. 出价购买bid against each other on/for a project 相互竞争对一个项目进行投标bid to do sth. 努力争取做某事Th

12、e company cut prices just before Christmas in a bid to support sales.公司在圣诞节前夕降价促销。They bid 300 for the painting at auction.拍卖会上,他们为那幅画出价300英镑。即境活用4用适当的介词填空We wanted to buy the chair but another couple were bidding against us.A French firm will be bidding for/on the contract.5prevention n预防,防止教材原句Aid

13、s prevention education is very important, and I think we all have to do something to support it.艾滋病预防教育是非常重要的,我认为我们都必须做些事情来予以支持。Stress should be put on the prevention of diseases.疾病应以预防为主。prevent v防止;预防prevent . from(doing) sth. 阻止/制止(做)某事What can we do to prevent the disease from spreading?我们能做些什么来

14、防止这种疾病的蔓延呢?点津(1)prevent/stop . (from) doing sth.中的from可以省略,而keep . from doing sth.中的from不可以省略。(2)以上三个短语用于被动语态时,from均不能省略。We were prevented/stopped/kept from attending the meeting by the heavy rain.大雨使我们没法参加会议。即境活用5完成句子卫兵站在门口阻止任何人离开。Guards stood at the doors to_prevent_anyone_from_leaving.我们强化了对环境污染的防治。We strengthened the_prevention_and_control of environment pollution.Eventually, the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person often becomes very ill from usually mild sicknesses.最后,人体的免疫系统变得如此脆弱以致一些轻微的疾病都会使这个人病得很严重。这是一个主从复合句,so . that . 引导一个结果状语从句。so形容词或副词that. 引导结果状语从句,意思是“如此以致


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