小学英语六年级上册《Unit 1 How can I get there?》单元课件

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《小学英语六年级上册《Unit 1 How can I get there?》单元课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语六年级上册《Unit 1 How can I get there?》单元课件(83页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 How can I get there?,第一课时,Lets sing,Where is the toy car?,Where is the toy car?,Its on the desk.,Its under the desk.,Its in the desk.,Whats this?,Its a robot.,Where is the robot from?,Its from the museum.,I want to send the postcard. Where should I go?,post office,Lets try,Wu Yifan and Robin

2、are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.,Where are they? ( ) In the museum. ( ) In the bookstore 2. Is Grandpa there? ( ) Yes, he is. ( ) No, he isnt.,Lets talk,Where is the museum shop/post office?,Listen and answer the question.,Listen again and make conversations.,AB:Where is the museum shop?

3、 B:Its near the door. BC: Where is the post office? C: Its next to the museum.,museum,library,park,zoo,post office,school,Make a map and talk,Is there a park in the city? Yes, there is . Where is it? Its next to/near/behind/ in front of.,Do a survey,Summary,Words: museum talking robot postcard Sente

4、nces: Where is the museum shop? Its near the door. Is there a park in the city? Its next to/near/behind/in front of .,Homework,采访两位家不在本市的朋友或同学,调查有关他们家乡的一些公共场所的位置关系,并做记录。,Unit 1 How can I get there?,第二课时,Lets sing,Where is the hospital ?,post office,science museum,bookstore,hospital,cinema,I want to

5、send my postcard, where shall I go?,post office,I want to see robots, I shall go to the .,science museum,I want to buy a book, I shall go to the .,bookstore,Where is the post office? Next to the hospital. Where is the hospital? Near the cinema. Where is the cinema? Behind the bookstore. Where is the

6、 bookstore? In front of the street.,Lets learn,Listen and make conversations.,A: Where is the bookstore? B: Its next to the hospital. Where is the cinema? C: Its.,school,shoe store,museum,shoe store,park,bookstore,post office,school,science museum.,library,cinema,Make a map and talk,Make a map and t

7、alk,The post office is near the science museum. The cinema is in front of the.,Summary,Words: hospital cinema post office Bookstore science museum,Sentences: Where is the museum shop? Its next to/near/behind/in front of ,Homework,我是小画家 画一张心目中理想的城市的地图,图中的建筑可不受限制,但要求本人能够描述这些建筑物所处的位置, 在班内进行评选活动。,Unit 1

8、 How can I go there?,第三课时,What an interesting film!,Lets try,Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross. 1. ( ) They want to go to the bookstore. 2. ( ) The cinema is next to the bookstore.,left hand,right hand,turn left,turn right,restaurant,Italian restaurant,pizza,Whats this?,street,r_st_

9、 _r_ _t,_t_l_ _n r_st_ _r_ _t,p_ zz_,s_r_ _t,Italian restuarant,Chinese reatuant,Lets talk.,I like . Where is .? How can I get there?,How can I get there?,bookstore,Italian restaurant,cinema,Chinese retaurant,Turn right/left at .,post office,park,shoe store,How can I get to .?,Street 1,Street 2,Summ

10、ary,left Turn at right Interesting Sentences: Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn left at the bookstore. Turn right at the hospital.,Homework,画出从家到学校的路线图,然后根据每天上学的路线,说一说自己怎样去学校。,Unit 1 How can I get there?,第四课时,I can see a .,hospital,I can see a hospital and a cinema.,bookstore,Italian restaurant,

11、cinema,Chinese retaurant,post office,park,shoe store,I want to go to the cinema. Where is the cinema?,Street 1,Street 2,crossing,turn right,turn left,go straight,Lets learn.,Role playing: Be a tour guide.,You are a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Take him to some intresting places. Now you are in

12、front of Tianan men.,Go straight and you can see . Turn right. Turn left.,Summary,Words: crossing go straight turn left turn right Sentences: Turn right here?,Homework,画一张自己城市的简略图,然后以导游的身份来介绍自己的城市。,How can I go there?,第五课时,小小指挥官,turn right,turn left,go straight,Read,map,campass,GPS,We are so hungry.

13、How can we get to Italian restaurant?,Read the following conversations and answer the questions.,Dont worry. I have a new GPS, I can help you.,We are in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me.,Is it far?,No. Now we are behind the hospital. Lets turn right and

14、 turn right again.,There is the restaurant!,My new GPS works.,Yes! Ill tell Grandpa. But lets eat first. Im so hungry.,Now answer the questions.,What is Robins new feature? A. He can find food B. He can find the way.,2. How many places did they pass by?_,3. Which word means “奏效,起作用”_,Fill the blanks

15、. Then retell the story,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _ and _. They _ and then turn right again.,Listen, look and say.,Robin has Follow Is it Where is the,GPS,please!,me,far?,restaurant?,Summary,Words: compass,GPS,stars, feature Sentences: Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature.-GPS,Homework,听Lets read and write部分的录音并跟读,然后读给朋友或家长听。,Unit 1 How can I get there?,第六课时,library,cinema,post office,school,hospital,A:Where is the hospital? B: Its next to the cinema. Where is the cinema? C: Its behind the D:,Where do you want to go?,I wan


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