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1、反义疑问句反义疑问句反义疑问句前肯后否Tommy is a naughty boy, isnt he?前否后肯Tommy isnt a naughty boy, is he?注意时态+助动词+人称Its a nice crown, isnt it?Hes been to Greece, hasnt he?(注意!:s 是is还是has) has been to 去过. has been in 呆在. has gone to 在去.路上Youll forgive him, wont you?He made the crown with gold and another metal, didnt

2、he?祈使句will you?Take out your books, will you?Letsshall we?Lets get out of here, shall we? Let uswill you?否定副词hardly(几乎不), never(从不), nothing, few, little, no, seldom(很少), tooto(太以至于不能) Youre never late, are you?动词判断:“be动词照抄,助动词借助”注意事项:不改变原句时态技巧总结:1. 先判断动词,根据句意确定是否需要加not; 2. 再确定主语,用人称代词的主格形式代替主语部分写出下

3、列句子的反意疑问句1、My father is a math teacher, _?2、The children are playing football in the playground now, _?3、We will have a sports meeting this weekend, _?4、You should finish your homework now, _?5、I like swimming very much, _?6、The little boy often does his homework at home on Sundays, _?注意下面几组特殊情况前面出现

4、带有“否定意义”的词语时:后面用肯定形式1. We never play outside at night, _?2. There is little bread on the table, _?3. The little boy has few friends in this new school, _?4. The little boy doesnt like eating sweet food, _?指示代词和there be句型的特殊疑问句构成:切忌不可用代词it, they来代替there,It替代this, that they替代these, those1、There are a

5、few students in the classroom, _?2、This is a big library, _?3、That is a big apple, _?4、These are some red pencils, _?5、Those are two pencil - boxes, _?当陈述部分是I think 加从句时,疑问句应和从句的人称时态保持一致I think chickens can swim, cant they?I think Lucy is a good girl, isnt she?I didnt think he was happy, was he?陈述句的

6、主语是nobody,everyone,somebody等指人的不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用they如果陈述句的主语是something,nothing,anything,everything等指物的不定代词时,反意疑问部分的主语多用itNobody says a word about the accident, do they? 对这个事故没人说什么,是吗?Everything seems all right, doesnt it? 看起来一切顺利,是吗?陈述部分有had better 时,疑问句应用hadnt开头Youd better get up early, hadnt you?陈

7、述部分有情态动词must,问句有2种情况mustnt表示“禁止,不可”时,附加问句通常要用must.You mustnt stop your car here,must you?你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗?must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用neednt. They must finish the work today,neednt they? 他们今天要完成这工作,是吗? 反义疑问句的回答用yes,no, 但是,当陈述部分是否定形式时,回答要按事实They dont work hard, do they? 他们不太努力工作,是吗?-Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力-No,

8、 they dont. 对,他们工作不努力单项选择1、My mothers an English teacher, _?A. is she B. has she C. isnt she D. hasnt she 2、Shes never spoken to a foreign(外国人), _?A. is she B. has she C. isnt she D. hasnt she句式转换:写出下列句子的反意疑问句1、Hes gone to Guangzhou, _?2、The little childs from China, _?将所给的反问句形式填入下面的句子中(只填序号)A. cant

9、 I B. wont he C. doesnt she D. do you E. didnt they F. shouldnt you G. isnt she H. are there I. could she J. do they K. dont they1、Quite a few people like this new student, _?2、I can swim, _?3、My mother often cleans the house at the weekend, _?4、Tom will visit the museum this weekend, _?5、The boys p

10、layed football on the playground yesterday afternoon, _?6、You should finish your homework now, _?7、Quite few people believe the little boy, _?8、You dont like swimming, _?9、My mother is a teacher, _?10、There are few students in the classroom now, _?11、The little girl could hardly walk any farther, _?

11、反意疑问句往年真题:(2013年广州大联盟真题)There isnt a nice book on the table, ? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there经典例题( )1、You were on the farm yesterday, _ you? A. didnt B. dont C. cant D. werent( )2、Dont close the window, _ you? A. did B. will C. was D. wont( )3、Lets go shopping, _ we? A. shall B. will

12、C. was D. is( )4、Joans late for school,_? A. wasnt she B. hasnt she C. isnt she D. doesnt she综合练习1、There will be an exam soon, _?2、There are few people in the street, _? A. arent there B. are there C. are they D. arent they3、Linda went to the zoo three times last year ,_?4、Tom is a worker, isnt Tom?(找错)_5、He had lunch, doesnt he?(找错)_6、They usually have a walk after supper,_?7、They are pictures , _


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