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1、广东省江门市第二中学2018-2019学年八年级英语12月月考试题听力部分(25分)一、听力理解(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)、听句子,选择与其相对应的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C.、 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. Twice a week. B. Three times a week. C. Four times a week.( )7. A. He had a sore back.

2、B. He had a fever. C. He had a toothache.( )8. A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Sunday. ( )9. A. By car. B. By air. C. By train.( )10. A. No, she cant. B. Yes, she can. C. We dont know. 、 听长对话,选择正确答案。 对话读两遍。(5分)( )11. Where did Tom go when Jeff called?A. The post office. B. The bank. C. The hosp

3、ital.( )12. Who has a cold?A. Tom. B. Toms father. C. Toms mother.( )13. Why does Jeff call Tom?A. Because he wants to invite Tom to his house. B. Because he wants to visit Tom.C. Because he wants to ask Tom to his party.( )14. What is Tom going to do on Wednesday? A. To visit Jeff. B. To stay at ho

4、me. C. To go shopping.( )15. When is Tom going to have a math test?A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Wednesday.、 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. What did Sara do in the town? A. She bought a pair of new shoes. B. She visited her aunt. C. She visited a friend.( )17. Where was Saras aunts home?A. N

5、ext to a supermarket. B. Next to a school. C. Next to a hospital.( )18. How did Sara go to the town?A. By train. B. By air. C. By bus.( )19. When did Sara come to a shoe shop?A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon.( )20. Who walked to Sara from the shoe shop?A. Her aunt. B. Her uncle. C.

6、 Her grandmother. 、 听短文,完成下面的表格。每空不超过三个单词。短文读两遍。(5分)Laura SmithEmily MorganSameThey were born in the 21. .They go to the same 22. .They like 23. .DifferentEmily is 24. physics, but Laura likes chemistry.Emily thinks skateboarding is 25. , but Laura loves swimming.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )26. When I arri

7、ved at his office, he on telephone.A. was talking B. talked C. talks D. is talking( )27. Look, there is a hole our new door.A. on B. under C. in D. near( )28. We are thinking about to London this summer. A. moving B. move C. to move D. moved( )29. Several birds were singing .A. in the tree B. on the

8、 tree C. at the treeD. to the tree( )30. I the road and come to a big river. A. across B. though C. through D. cross( )31.When we speak to people, we should be . A. as polite as possible B. as polite as possibly C. as politely as possible D. as politely as possibly( )32. you work, your English will

9、be.A. The more, better B. The harder; the betterC. Harder; better D. The hardest; the best( )33. Im sure our team will this time.A. win them B. beat themC. fail them D. lose them( )34. It is difficult me with you. A. of; stayingB. of; to stayC. for; stayingD. for; to stay( )35. After cleaning the wi

10、ndows, the room looks . A. more bright B. much brighter C. most bright D. much bright( )36. She spent time studying English. A. much so B. so much C. such much D. so many( )37. - does your journey take? - It takes me about an hour. A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often( )38. We enjoy playi

11、ng sports , especially basketball and football. A. as well as B. as well C. alsoD. either ( )39. John is so busy a novel that he to have dinner. A. reading; forgets B. to read; forgets C. to read; forgot D. reading; forgot( )40. - How was the play? - .A. It will be on this evening B. It happened in

12、1949C. Lu Xun wrote it D. It was wonderful三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)There is an American story about three sisters. They loved each other very much. Each 41 could only be happy when she was with her sister.The oldest sister stood 42 . Her name was Corn. Corn was beautiful and strong.The middle sister liked to twine(缠绕) 43 her sister Corn. Her name was Bean. As Bean grew taller, she could give Corn a 44 hug.The 45 sister was very brave. She stayed at the 46 of Corn and Bean to


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