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1、山西省晋中市和诚高中2018-2019学年高一英语周练试题(3.2)考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 班级_ 考号_ 姓名_I.单句语法填空(12x2=24分)1) There are many _(古代)buildings in Rome.2) The house is l_ next to the river.3) The Great Wall is the l_ of China.4) My friend Mark can speak English, French and _(西班牙语)5) Words are _(符号) for ideas.6) Athens is known a

2、s the _(发源地) of western _(文明).7) The new _(计划) is to build our own swimming pool.8) France _(面对)the United Kingdom _(在对面)the English Channel.9) Wheat is the main agricultural _(产品)10) The _(协议) says that the troops(军队)will be withdrawn (撤退) within three months.完形填空(20x2=40分)In order to experience th

3、e romantic and artistic(艺术的) Paris atmosphere as much as possible, I decided to _1_ it on foot. Since my hotel was in Montmartre, the north of Paris, I started my city _2_ from that area. In Paris, there were plenty of small shops of art works, chocolate and bars which were well _3_ in an artistic s

4、tyle.After walking for an hour and half, I finally reached the worldwide wellknown Eiffel Tower. _4_,when I saw it in reality for the first time, it didnt look as breathtaking as I had _5_. It looked more like an ugly thing made of brown rotted irons(铁). I only took some pictures and then _6_. While

5、 I was sitting on a bench to rest, an old mans voice attracted my _7_, “Bonjour!” (“Hi” in English) When I turned around, I found the _8_ came from an elderly French man. I _9_,saying “Bonjour!” and started to look at him up and down. He was _10_ a casual yellow jacket and a light blue shirt inside.

6、 He might be my grandpas age. He couldnt speak _11_ English, so we talked to each other with switching among English, French and body language. Travelling _12_ in a foreign country for the first time made me nervous when strangers _13_ me. I tried to avoid giving out any personal _14_ and even thoug

7、ht of running away. Luckily, the elderly man _15_ to be friendly. Finally, he became my tour guide and _16_ some interesting places to me while we were walking along the River Seine. We said goodbye to each other when it became _17_When I was about to go back to the hotel, something _18_ in the dark

8、 sky caught my attention. It was Eiffel Tower! The unattractive rotted iron Eiffel Tower _9_became a diamond in the dark night. Its whole body was covered with dazzling orange lights. That was truly _20_. At that moment, I finally understood why it was such an extraordinary landmark of Paris.1A.reco

9、gnise Binspect Cexplore D. parade2A.voyage Bcelebration Cride D. walk 3A.combined Bdecorated Corganised D. produced4A.Disappointedly BFortunately CObviously D. Magically5A.guessed Bfound Csought D. expected6A.left Bstopped Ccried D. panicked7A.view Battention Cinterest D. curiosity8A.sigh B. laughte

10、r Csignal Dvoice9A.repeated Badmitted Cresponded Dnodded10A.wearing Bdesigning Cholding Dfolding11A.perfect Bfluent Cintelligent Dproper12A.sadly Bhopelessly Caimlessly Dalone13A.harmed Bapproached Cgreeted Dappreciated14A.information Bstory Csecret Dbelief15A.sounded Bpretended Cremained D. proved1

11、6A.awarded Boffered Cintroduced Dexplained17A.cloudy Brainy Csunny Ddark18A.frightening Bshiny Cfunny Dtraditional19A.suddenly Bfiercely Cswiftly D. gently20A.pleasing Bamazing Csatisfying Dmoving.阅读理解.(8x2=16分)A篇IntroductionBlenheim Palace is one of the Europes largest and greatest palaces. It was

12、built between 1705 and 1722 as a reward of the British government to John Churchill, 1st Duke (公爵) of Marlborough, for defeating King Louis s army at Blenheim, a small Bavarian village on the Danube River.The palace was designed by Sir John Vanbrugh, which displayed strength and arm glory. It is the

13、 largest nonroyal building in England and is now listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.Winston ChurchillIn 1874, the palace was the birthplace of the dukes most famous descendant, Winston Churchill, who was to become the UKs Prime Minister (some would say Britains greatest 20thcentury politi

14、cian) and Nobel Prize winner for literature. It is also in Blenheim that Winston got married to Clementine Hozier in 1908.A lasting exhibition is devoted to the mans life, work and writings. Winston and his wife are buried in Bladon Church near the palace.Opening Hours & AdmissionBlenheim is still the home of the 12th Duke of Marlborough and is therefore


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