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1、为明学校学生限时训练 高三英语阅读每日一练 使用时间: 组编人: 阅读限时练4班级: 姓名: 小组: 分数: 卷面: 来源:ZXXKA卷 基础题 Task 1:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest,there still remain unusual groups of indigenous(土著的) people.Surprisingly,these people live largely by their own laws and their own socia

2、l customs.And yet,people in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony(殖民地) of the French Republic since 1946.In theory,they should live by the French law.However,their remote locations mean that the French Law is often ignored or unknown,thus making them into an interesting

3、area of “lawlessness” in the world.The lives of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the efforts of a Frenchman from Paris called Gin.Gin spent five months in early 2019 exploring the most remote corners of this area,which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest,with half its populati

4、on of only 250,000 living in its capital,Cayenne.“I have a special love for the French Guianese people.I have worked there on and off for almost ten years,” says Gin.“Ive been able to keep firm friendships with them.Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment.I dont see it as

5、 a lawless land.But rather I see it as an area of freedom.”“I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life,” continues Gin.“I prefer to work in black and white,which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.”His blackandwhite pictures present a

6、 world almost lost in time.These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for.These local citizens now have to balance their traditional selfsupporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic,which brings with it not only necessa

7、ry state welfare,but also alcoholism,betrayal and even suicide.1Why does the author feel surprised about the indigenous people in French Guiana?AThey seldom follow the French law.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KBThey often ignore the Guianese law.CThey are separated from the modern world.来源:DThey are both Guianese a

8、nd French citizens.2Gin introduces the special world of the indigenous Guianese as _.Aa tour guide Ba geographer Ca film director Da photographer3What is Gins attitude towards the lives of the indigenous Guianese?来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KACautious. BDoubtful. CUninterested. DAppreciative.4What does the underl

9、ined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?AThe modern French lifestyle.BThe selfsupporting hunting.CThe uncivilized world.DThe French Republic.B卷 拓展题Task 2:词汇积累1remote adj. _ 2photographic adj._3uncivilized adj._ 4specific adj._5unprepared adj._ 6traditional adj._7welfare n_ 8alcoholism n_我国古代的读


11、结构:提出问题分析问题解决问题,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样”,就是讲不出“为什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。9betrayal n_ 10suicide v_来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KTask 3:语法填空In the_1_ (deep) of the French Guianese rainforest,t

12、here still remain unusual groups of indigenous (土著的) people._2_ (surprising),these people live largely by their own laws and their own social _3_ (custom)And yet,people in this area are in fact French citizens because it _4_ (be) a colony (殖民地) of the French Republic _5_ 1946.In theory,they should l

13、ive by the French law._6_,their remote locations mean that the French law is often ignored or unknown,thus _7_ (make) them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world.教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、

14、品味。Task 4:短文改错(下面文字有六处错误,请改正)His blackandwhite picture present a world almost lost in time.These pictures show people seemingly pushed into the world that they were unprepared These local citizens now have to balance our traditional selfsupporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offering by the

15、 modern French Republic, which brings with it not only necessary state welfare,but also alcoholism,betrayal and even suicide.单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。C卷 挑战题Task 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语)单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检


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