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1、小升初英语题型备考之 用所给词的适当形式填空,主讲人: XX,Charades Game 比手画脚,take photos,1,2,stand up,play computer games,3,go running,4,do homework,5,6,play basketball,get up,7,8,go to school,play the piano,9,10,dig a hole,sit down,11,listen to music,12,play table tennis,13,go fishing,14,fly a kite,15,water the flowers,16,17

2、,play football,18,sweep the floor,go to bed,19,go swimming,20,题型分析,小升初英语考试中 用所给词的适当形式填空所占分值是?,根据括号内的词提示,用适当的形式填空,每空一词。(10%) 1. Tom plays the piano _. (wonderful) 2. My father usually _(cook) at 5 oclock. 3. _ Helen like _(swim) every day? 4. Its the _ of January. (twelve) 5. What _ you _ yesterday?

3、We _ our homework. (do) 6. One of the _ is from Class 2. (run) 7. Jim came here _ of all. (early),2013年广州市15所民办学校小升初联合素质检测考试,思考一下,这几道题的考查点是什么?,题型主要考点,动词,副词,数词,代词,句型,名词,形容词,考察点1:动词,1. 动词时态,1)You cant see her now because she _ (have) a class in the classroom 2)She_(be) short in 2002, but now she_(look

4、) taller. 3)My father_ me a toy car as my last birthday present.(buy),考察点1:动词,2. 动词搭配,1)I enjoy _ (listen) to music. 2)Would you like _ (play) tennis ? 3)My mother often (tell) me _ (not read) in bed. 4)Its cold outside, so youd better _ (put) on your coat. 5)What about _(have) fun in the sea? Great

5、! Good idea!,考察点2: 名词,1,名词单变复,1)-Are these any on the farm?-Yes, there are some.(goose) 2)There are some _ (tomato) on the desk.,2,名词所有格,1)Its thirty-eight _(minute) walk from my home to Lianhua Supermarket.,考察点2: 名词,3,名变形,1) She is _(friend) to all of us. 2) All children are _(interest) in cartoons

6、. 3)Why not go and enjoy yourself in the _(wonder) country of South Africa.,考察点3:形容词,1原形,比较级与最高级,1)Summer in New York is as (hot ) as Nanjing. 2)Guangzhou is much than other cities around it.(noisy) 3)Which is the _ (popular) food in China?,He felt _(happy) during his holiday.,2系动词+形容词,3形容词变副词,Jim c

7、an play music _ (beautiful). The teacher told us to listen (careful).,考察点3:形容词,3形容词变副词,1)Jim can play music _ (beautiful). 2)The teacher told us to listen (care).,4形容词的转换,Its (polite) of you to say such unkind words to your mother.,考察点3:数词,基数词变序数词,1)Osaka is the largest city in Japan.(two) 2)Kitty i

8、s arriving on Sunday , the _ (five) of January. 3)September is _(nine) month of a year. 4)Tree Planting Day is on the _ (twelve) of April.,考察点4:代词,1)All of _ (we) like new clothes 2)There are a lot of books. Please put _ (they) into the library. 3)The boys like to listen to music when they do _ (the

9、y) homework. 4)Help _ (you) to some steak, children. Its very delicious.,考点5:句型,1)If I get the first place in the exam, my brother_ (take) me to Paris this summer. 2)_(watch) basketball match is my favourite hobby. 3)Messi is one of the best football_(player) in the world. 4)They _(visit) Summer Pal

10、ace if it doesnt rain tomorrow 5). Its time for us _ (start).,解题思路,1. 弄清所给词的词性。,2. 结合空格前后的词,确定所要填入词的词性、 词类及单词的拼写形式,即要注意所填单词 在句子中充当的成分、前后的修饰语、固定 形式或固定搭配。,比一比,Where is Lucy? Lily is looking for _(she). _ ( not open) the window, its cold outside. _ the man _ (see) the doctor yesterday? The sun _(rise)

11、from east. You should _ (be) careful. They _(fly) to the Shanghai yesterday. Are these any _ (goose) on the farm? Would you like _ (play) tennis ?,根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。,(一),her,Dont open,rises,be,flew,geese,to play,(二),Joan (not swim) before breakfast every day. This year is her _ (twenty) birthday T

12、hese (write) write lots of interesting stories for kids. Why not _ (listen) to music? Summer in New York is as (hot ) as Nanjing. I with my father _(be) at home the day before yesterday. My mother often _(tell) me _ (not read) in bed. There _(be) a big cake and many candles at the party yesterday.,doesnt swim,twentieth,writers,listen,hot,was,was,Thank you for your listening!,


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