英美诗歌选读 第二讲

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《英美诗歌选读 第二讲》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英美诗歌选读 第二讲(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英美诗歌选读 第二讲英美诗歌的韵步数 第一节单韵步行单韵步诗行(monometer)是由一个韵步构成的诗行。例如斯科若的希腊古瓮颂总结,就是由单韵步诗行写成的诗:Gods chaseRound vase.What say?What play?Dont know.Nice, though. 1(Desmond Skirrow: Ode on a Grecian Urn Summarized)完全由单韵步诗行构成的诗很稀有,单韵步诗行往往出现在多韵步诗行中间,如下面两个诗节中的第七、八诗行:Go and catch a falling star,Get with child a mandrake

2、root,Tell me where all past years are,Or who cleft the Devils foot,Teach me to hear mermaids singing,Or to keep off envys stinging,And findWhat windServes to advance an honest mind. 2(John Donne: Song)第二节双韵步行双韵步诗行(dimeter)是由两个韵步构成的一行诗。例如:Razors | pain you;Rivers | are damp;Acids | stain you;And drug

3、s | cause cramp.Guns arent | lawful;Nooses | give; Gas smells | awful;You might | as well | live. 3(Dorothy Parker: Rsum)除了最后一行,其他诗行都是双韵步,而第六诗行的第二个韵步省略了非重读音节。单韵步和双韵步组合的诗行,威廉斯的红色手推车是个代表性例子:so much | dependsupona red | wheelbarrowglazed | with rainwaterbeside | the whitechickens. 4(W. C. Williams: The

4、 Red Wheelbarrow)第三节三韵步行和四韵步行三韵步诗行(trimeter)和四韵步诗行(tetrameter)是由三个韵步和四个韵步构成的诗行,例如:While I | am ly| ing on | the grassThy two|fold shout | I hearFrom hill | to hill | it seems | to passAt once | far off | and near.And I | can li|sten to | thee yet!Can lie | upon | the plainAnd li|sten, till |I do | b

5、egetThat gol|den time | again. 5(William Wordsworth: To the Cuckoo)在这首诗歌中,每个诗节的第一、三行是由四个韵步构成的诗行,而第二、四行则是由三个韵步构成的诗行。又如:The Ma|riner, | whose eye | is bright,Whose beard | with age | is hoar,Is gone:| and now | the We|dding-GuestTurned from | the bride|grooms door.He went | like one | that hath | been

6、 stunned,And is | of sense | forlorn :A sa|dder and | a wi|ser man,He rose | the mo|rrow morn. 6(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)同样,每个诗节的第一、三行是由四个韵步构成的诗行,而第二、四行则是由三个韵步构成的诗行。三韵步诗行不但常与四韵步诗行交叉使用,也常与双韵步诗行交叉使用。例如:Winter|time nighs;But my | bereave|ment-painIt can|not bring | agai

7、n:Twice no | one dies.Flower |-petal | flee;But, since | it once | hath been,No more | that se|vering | sceneCan ha|rrow me.Birds faint | in dread:I shall | not lose | old strengthIn the | lone frosts | black length:Strength long | since fled! 7(Thomas Hardy: In Tenebris)几乎每个诗节的第一、四行是双韵步行(其中第二诗节第一行为

8、三韵步行,第三韵步省略了非重读音节)。第二、三行为三韵步行。四韵步行还用于抑抑扬格和扬抑抑格韵步。如拜伦描写圣经中的亚述王在宫廷政变中被杀的诗歌赛纳克里布的毁灭第三个诗节,就是标准的抑抑扬格四韵步诗行:_ _/_/ _ _ / _ _/For the An|gel of Death | spread his wings | on the blast, _/_/ _/ _/And breathed | in the face | of the foe | as he passed; _/_ /_/_ _ /And the eyes | of the slee|pers waxed dead|ly

9、 and chill, _ _/_ _/_ _/ _ /And their hearts | but once heaved|, and for e|ver grew still! 8(Lord Byron: The Destruction of Sennacherib)每行诗共十二个音节,划分为四个韵步,每个韵步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节组成。其中第二行第一个韵步省略了一个非重读音节。第四节五韵步行五韵步诗行(pentameter)是由五个韵步构成的诗行。英语诗歌中的五韵步诗行一般都是由五个抑扬格韵步组成,这样的诗行叫抑扬格五韵步诗行(iambic pentameter),这种诗行迄今为

10、止,仍然是英语中使用最多的诗行。例如丁尼生的提脱诺斯第一诗节:The woods | decay|, the woods | decay | and fall,The va|pors weep | their bur|then to | the ground,Man comes | and tills | the field | and lies | beneath,And af|ter ma|ny a | summer | dies the | swan.Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lityConsumes: | I wi|ther slow|ly in | thine

11、 arms,Here at | the qui|et li|mit of | the world,A white|-haird sha|dow roa|ming like | a dreamThe e|ver-si|lent spa|ces of | the East,Far-fol|ded mists|, and glea|ming halls | of morn. 9(Alfred Tennyson: Tithonus)每行诗都是十个音节,几乎每个韵步都是抑扬格。当然,抑扬格韵步行的诗歌并非每个韵步都是抑扬格,往往有非抑扬格韵步的变化,如上面这个诗节的第五行,第三、五韵步就属于抑抑格,具体

12、分析如下: _/_/ _ _ _/ _ _Me on|ly cru|el im|morta|lity莎士比亚的十四行诗都是抑扬格五韵步诗行,但几乎每首十四行诗中都可以找到至少一个非抑扬格韵步。以最著名的我可以把你比作夏天吗?为例: _/_ /_/ _ / _ /But thy | eter|nal sum|mer shall |not fade, _ /_/_ _/ _ /Nor lose | posse|ssion of | that fair | thou owst.这里第二行的第三个韵步是抑抑格。甚至第一行第一、四个韵步都可以读成抑抑格,第五个韵步可以读成扬扬格。除了抑扬格韵步,五韵步还

13、用于其他步格的韵步,如阿诺德的靠自己第一诗节:/_/ _ /_ /_Weary | of my|self, and | sick of | asking / _/ _/ _ /_/.What I | am, and | what I | ought to | be,_ / / _ / _/_/ _At this | vessels | prow I | stand, which | bears me /_ /_/ _ /_/Forwards, | forwards, | oer the | starlit | sea. 10(Mathew Arnold: Self-Dependence)这个诗

14、节的基本节奏是扬抑格,但第一行的第二个韵步被替换成了抑抑格韵步,第二、四行最后一个韵步是尾省略韵步,省略了一个非重读音节。第五节六韵步行六韵步诗行(hexameter)是由六个韵步组成的诗行。其特点有二,一是往往通过停顿将一行六韵步诗行分为两个半行诗,二是它的韵步常使用替换,例如锡德尼的十四行组诗奥斯特洛菲尔与斯苔拉第一首中的前四行: / _ _/_/_ / _ / _/Loving | in truth |, and fain | in verse | my love | to show,_ /_/_ / _/ _ /That she |(dear She) | might take | some plea|sure of | my pain



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