六年级下册英语教案unit 9 look at these beautiful places in the world 第一课时_湘少版

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六年级下册英语教案unit 9 look at these beautiful places in the world 第一课时_湘少版_第1页
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1、教师授课时间 月 日 星期 课时第 27 课时课题Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world.课型新授教学目的(一) 语言目标1. 词汇:(1) 能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, the Great Wall, Big Ben, places of interest。(2) 能听懂、会说、认读短语travel to London, take pictures。2. 句型:(1) 能用“I went to.” “I travelled to.”

2、 “I saw.” “I enjoyed. ”描述自己的旅游见闻。(2) 能用“I want to.”表达自己的旅游愿望。(二) 应用目标1. 能用“I went to ” “I travelled to.” “I saw.” “I enjoyed.”描述旅游见闻;能用“I want to.”表达自己的旅游愿望。2. 能用简单的语句询问他人的旅游见闻。3. 能听懂、会说A部分对话。重点(1) 能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, the Great Wall, Big Ben, places of in

3、terest 。(2) 能用“I went to.” “I travelled to.” “I saw.” “I enjoyed.”描述自己的旅游见闻;能用“I want to.”表达自己的旅游愿望。难点能在图片的帮助下复述课文A部分。教学准备用于新授单词的图片、单词卡片、教学图片、教学音频教学过程Step 1热身/ 复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. GreetingsT: Good morning. /Good afternoon, class. How are you?Ss: Good morning. /Good afternoon. Im fine, thank you.2

4、. Revision教师出示国旗图片,与学生一起复习各国家名称。T: Look, I have some flags of many countries. What countries are they? T: Now, please look at the words of these countries, read them one by one.(教师先让学生根据图片说国家名,然后以开火车的方式,让学生看单词说国家名,做到对国家名音、形、义的复习。)Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)1. New words(1) travel to London, take pictur

5、es, Big Ben教师展示几幅英国的风景名胜的图片:Big Ben, London Eye, London Bridge。T: My friends like travelling around the world. They travel to London in the UK. And they take pictures there. Please look at the pictures.教师板书 travel to London, take pictures 并带读。出示Big Ben的图片。T: Look at this picture. Its very famous. Wh

6、at can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see a clock.T: Yes, its Big Ben.板书Big Ben并带读。T: Who can tell us about it?T: Its a clock. Its very old. But the clock is still working.(2) the Eiffel Tower出示the Eiffel Tower的图片,贴于黑板上。T: Look at this picture, we can see a tower.板书tower, 并分音节教读T: Its the Eiffel T

7、ower.补充板书the Eiffel Tower,并带读。T: Where is it?Ss: Its in France.此处教师可用中文向学生补充介绍the Eiffel Tower的相关知识。(3) the Golden Gate Bridge教师出示一张the Golden Gate Bridge的照片。T: I have a picture of a famous bridge in the USA.Its the Golden Gate Bridge.板书 the Golden Gate Bridge 并带读。T: How do you think of the Golden G

8、ate Bridge?S1: Its very beautiful.S2: Its nice.T: Yes, its over the sea. Its very beautiful at night.(4) go to places of interestT: They are all places of interest in the world.板书 places of interest 并带读。T: I want to go to places of interest.补充板书 go to places of interest。T: I want to travel to the US

9、A.I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge.How about you?S: .教师出示一些关于长城的图片,边向学生介绍。T: I like travelling. I have some beautiful pictures. Please guess, where is it?Ss: Its the Great Wall.T: Yes, its the Great Wall.(出示单词卡片the Great Wall, 板书并带读新词。)I went to the Great Wall last summer.I saw the Great Wall. I

10、ts very old.And its very long.I enjoyed walking on the Great Wall.I went to.I saw.T: Where did you go during your holidays?S1: I went to.T: What did you see?S1: I saw.T: How about you?S2: I went to.I saw.教师与23名学生对话,学生说说自己的旅游经历,学生既是口头练习,也是给其他学生做语言示范。T: Where did you go during the holidays? Please tal

11、k about it with your partners.同桌之间互相谈论自己的旅游见闻,然后选取两组向全班介绍。A: Where did you go during the holidays?B: I went to.A: What did you see? B: I saw.(6) 词汇操练 利用音频的地道发音带读。 火眼金睛:教师出示B部分四个世界风景名胜的阴影图,让学生猜一猜是什么地方。2. The dialogue(1) Read and answer学生自读课文,回答问题:Q: How many places are there in the text?Where are the

12、y?(2) Read and answer细读课文,回答问题。Q1: Where did Peter go last year?Q2: Where did Anne go last winter?Q3: Where did Lingling go last week?Q4: Where did Mingming go?(3) Read together and thinkQ: Which place do you want to go? Why?(4) Follow the tape跟音频或动画朗读课文,模仿正确的语音、语调。Step 3 趣味练习(Practice)小小解说员:学生四人一小组

13、,任选课文中的一个风景名胜,进行介绍。如:S1: Peter went to the Eiffel Tower last year.S2: Its in France.S3: He saw a big and tall tower.S4: He took pictures of the Eiffel Tower.All: Its very beautiful.学生可能会直接说a clock,教师要注意引导学生说完整的句子。可能有的学生知道,教师可以让学生用中文介绍大本钟的相关情况,然后教师用简单的英语描述。有条件的学校,教师可以通过多媒体课件向学生介绍相关的知识。作业1. 听录音,朗读课文。2. 选择A部分中任意一个景点,介绍该景点。.3. 找一找自己旅游过程中印象最深刻的一个景点的照片,口头练习介绍该景点。板书设计教学后记同桌之间的练习交流也是小组互助合作学习中的一种,同学之间互教互学、彼此交流知识,避免了与教师对话的被动性,同学之间平等地交流,增添了学生学习的主动性。第 6 页


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