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1、l2008年济南市高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷第卷(选择题共80分)一、听力测试A听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。(5分)1AYour books are on the sofaBWhats your telephone number?CRick takes the number 17 bus to his company every morning2AWheres the lost and found case?BThe buses are dirty and crowded when it rainsCI need to take the video tape back to

2、the store after school3ADo you have a volleyball,Barry?BIn the future,humans will have less work to doCCome and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale4APlease read aloud in classBCould I invite my friends to the party on Saturday?COur readers want to know something about famous people5AMy aunt took

3、 us out to the park last weekBRunning star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy foodCWhy not come over to my home on Wednesday evening?B听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。(5分)C在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。(5分)11AHes out BHes at home CHes upstairs12AAt the airport BAt the train station CAt his work

4、place13ANew York BSydney CShanghai14AAt 9:00 in the morningBAt 10:00 todayCAt 11:00 tomorrow15ATom Green BSusan Smith CBob WhiteD在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。(5分)16ATo New York BTo Tokyo CTo Paris17ABy telegram BOn the phone COn the Internet18AOn January 29 BOn January 30 COn January 3119ATo

5、have some work to doBTo see a movie CTo meet his old friends20AHe put his things in his roomBHe sent a telegram to New YorkCHe couldnt remember the name and address of his hotel二、选择填空(30分)从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。21-Excuse meIs there pay phone near here?-YesYou can find one near the bus stopAan Bthe

6、 Ca D/22-Nice to meet youIm SamMay I know your name?-Of course name is JennyNice to meet youAMy BYour CHer DHis23-What kind of is your favoriteKevin?-Chinese food! I like it very muchAcity Bfood Csport Dbook24-Lets play ping-pong!-Good idea, I dont have a batAso Bor Cand Dbut25-Where is London? I ha

7、ve a pen pal there-Its EnglandAon Bin Cat Dof26-Is that your sister Tara?-No,it isntIts TinaTina is than TaraAshort Bshortest Cmore short Dshorter27You cool! Are these your new sunglasses?Ataste Blook Csmell Dsound28-Hi,Cindy! How are you?- AHow are you? BHow do you do?CYes,it isDIm fine,thanks29Whi

8、ch Fuwa comes from a panda?30The in the picture is a kind of animalI learned about that in my biology classAcabbage Brobot Cdolphin Druler31 sunny day it is! Its really good to go out for a hikingAWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow32Id like bowls of noodlesOne is for myself and the other two are for my parent

9、sAone Btwo Cthree Dfour33-Did your class have a party last night?-Yes,we didWe really enjoyed Ayourself Bourselves Citself Dherself34- eggs do you need for the soup?-Well,one is probably enoughAHow long BHow wide CHow much DHow many35Would you mind the window? Its cold outsideAgoing Bputting Cclosin

10、g Dtaking36We are going to finish the work the day tomorrowAbefore Bacross Cafter Dbetween37Make sure to the lights when you leaveAturn over Bturn left Cturn off Dturn right38-When is the speech contest?-Oh Friday,September 29thATheyre BIts CIm DShes39Those are my three cousins of them are intereste

11、d in soap operasAEach BAll CBoth DOne40If you take a bus at the airport, will take you half an hour to get hereAthey Bit Cthat Dthese41The boy in brown is your neighbor,Ted, he?Adoesnt Bdont Cisnt Darent42We should do to help the people in troubleAnothing Bsomebody Csomething Dnobody43What do you wa

12、nt when you grow up,Sally?Ato be Bdoes Cdid Dbe44Excuse meCould you please for us? Were thirsty and tiredAmake money Bmake a living Cmake coffee Dmake trouble45Please up your bedroom,JackIts too dirtyAset Bstay Cclean Dcheer46-I want some students for the school concertBill, you sing?-Yes,I canBut only a littleAwould Bmust Cshould Dcan47-So,what do you think of your birthday party?-I like itIts really ,I thinkAgreat Bboring Cugly Dyoung48Pass me one more pen,plea


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