2019中考英语二轮复习 阅读理精题(五)1

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1、2019中考英语阅读理精题(五)【能力选练】 A(2019中考教育类选练)Next time youre unhappy or complaining about your life, dont turn to a cheerful comedy. You might find a tear-jerking tragedy(催人泪下的悲剧) is just the thing you need to brighten your day. A team of researchers at Ohio State University, US, has found sad movies can ma

2、ke people happier, Science Daily reported last month. Many people find tragedies make them realize how good their own lives are, the study showed. “People seem to use tragedies as a way to reflect on the important relationships in their own lives,” said Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, leader of the stud

3、y. “Tragic stories often focus on themes of eternal(永恒的) love, and this leads viewers to think about their loved ones and count their good and helpful things.” In the study, researchers gathered 361 college students and showed them the 2007 movie, Atonement. The movie is about two lovers who are sep

4、arated(分离) and finally die during World War II. Before and after the movie, the students were asked questions measuring(衡量) how happy they were with their lives. Researchers also asked them before, after and three times during the movie to measure various emotions, including sadness. Researchers fou

5、nd that the sadder students felt while watching the movie, the more likely they were to think about real people they had close relationships with in life. This increased their happiness after watching the movie. Knobloch-Westerwick explained that negative(消极的) moods make people more thoughtful. “Pos

6、itive(积极的) emotions show that everything is fine, you dont have to worry, you dont have to think about problems in your life,” she said. “But negative emotions, like sadness, make you think more critically about your situation. So seeing a tragic movie may make you sad, but that will make you to thi

7、nk more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more.” The link between watching a tragic story and feeling better has long been recognized. The ancient Greeks even had a word for the feeling of happiness after seeing something sad that led to the modern English word “catharsis (宣泄)”.

8、 The study also showed that relationships are a very important source of happiness in our lives, so it is no surprise that thinking about your loved ones makes you happier, researchers said. 1. Which of the following about the study of Ohio State University is NOT true? A. Only sadness is measured i

9、n the study. B. Students emotions are measured by asking questions.C. The study shows relationships are a source of happiness. D. Those who felt sadder when watching the movie were more likely to be happier after that.2. Why are ancient Greeks mentioned in the passage? A. To introduce the meaning of

10、 the word “Catharsis”.B. To explain the importance of knowing how to become happier.C. To prove that they were of high intelligence and guessed its meaning.D. To tell readers the relationship between tragedies and happiness was found long ago. 3. From Knobloch-Westerwicks explanation, we can learn t

11、hat . A. seeing tragedies makes you more thoughtful B. positive emotions make you think more about your relationshipsC. negative emotions show you have no need to think about your situation D. after seeing comedies, you will appreciate your close relationships more4. Which is the title of the passag

12、e? A. Watching sad films may start smiles B. There is eternal love in the world C. Its useless to complain about life D. Comedies should make way for tragedies参考答案1A 2D 3A 4A【能力选练】 BIt was a very hot summer morning but inside the Pyramid(金字塔) it was quite cool. Tom and his classmates had just walked

13、 into the Pyramid and were very surprised to see what it was like.They went to the Queens Room. They saw a passage ( 通道). At the end of it there was a small room. They were told that they couldnt go into that room, because it was newly found. Tom looked towards the passage. Two of his friends Jason

14、and Peter saw him and said “Dont get into trouble, Tom!”. As soon as nobody was looking, Tom went up the dark passage, opened the door and walked in. Suddenly the door closed behind him. The room was very dark, but luckily Tom had brought a torch (手电筒 ) with him. When he turned it on, he saw two whi

15、te faces in front of him. “Oh, no!” he cried and ran to the door. He quickly opened it and went down the passage to the Queens Room as fast as he could.As soon as Tom disappeared, Jason and Peter took the pieces of white cloth(布) off their faces and walked slowly down the passage. They couldnt stop

16、laughing. “That will teach him a lesson,” said Jason.1. Why did Jason and Peter say “Dont get into trouble, Tom!”?A. Because they knew that Tom was thinking of getting into that small room.B. Because Tom had got into trouble earlier that day.C. Because Tom was very much afraid.D. Because they were not good friends.2. What did Tom



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