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1、关于爱的英文演讲稿篇一:关于爱的英语演讲稿关于爱的英语演讲稿情LoveEver since the dawning of the history of mankind, there have been myriads of diversified inventions, discoveries, and even explorations of the mysteries of the universe. In fact, the human beings are so intelligent that we have solved almost all kinds of problems w

2、e have confronted with.however, nobody has ever made out what the word“love” really connotes, not even the most famous people such as great politicians, saints and philosophers can clarify the meaning of “love”, neither can they deal with the various affairs concerning love. Love is like a huge boun

3、dless net that shrouds us all in. we can neither break away from it nor escape from it. Like it or not, we are always entangled in it. It is an invisible net without any form that shrouds in different people from different angels; it is a merciless net that upsets us or eventortures us to death. It

4、is also a supreme net which almost no human can surpass. Even if they are heroes, emperors, wise men or saints, they can do nothing but show theirhelplessness in its face. Those who can breathe through the holes of the net should be regarded beyond xxmonness and vulgarity. Love can bring us temporar

5、y xxfort and happiness, but mostly they bring about annoyance andsufferings. Maybe this is the reason why many people have seen through the illusions of the mortal world. However it is not so easy to break away from this boundless, ever-existing and indifferent net of love.Love is varied and changea

6、ble, but roughly it can be divided into three categories: family love, fraternal love and amatory love. not like monkey king who jumped out of the rocks, we were all born after mothers pregnancy of about nine months, hence we have countless relatives without any choice: parents, grand-parents, andgr

7、and-parents-in-law, uncles and aunties, brothers and sisters, etc. and once looking at the genealogical tree, well see no end. Family love is what everyone longs for, but the warmth and support from our beloved ones are what everyone yearns for the most. But how many of us aredetermined to contribut

8、e to our beloved one And how many dont expect repayment and relaxed. Conscience even if they have the desire and preparation to contribute to theirbeloved. The distance between relatives is different and so are their expectations. But since its very difficult to know how much we should expect, a lot

9、 of worries and distresses emerge.Parents always expect their children to show their filial obedience, or at least pay those frequent visits after they have got married. If the children fail to do this, they feel hurt and upset, and theyll even xxplain about their children, because they just cant un

10、derstand why their children dont care about them after what they have done for the children for so many years to bring them up. Nevertheless, ones experience determines hisideology. Young children are naturally attached to their parents, but when they grow up, especially when they have made their ow

11、n friends, and got married, what they need most is independence and freedom, and parents sometimes might bexxe their burden. Once there is generation gap, it bexxes more difficult to xxmunicate and this keeps them away from their parents. Objectively speaking, they need more independence in order to

12、 achieve success. In the present society, what the children want to have most is the economic support from their parents, not their moralsupport or guidance. They would xxplain if your economic support is not up to their expectations. The love from uncles and aunties would naturally dwindle after th

13、ey have had their own children. Only the love from grand-parents and grand parents-in-law is pure and demands no repayment, and they are also too old to wait for any repayment. As for the distant relatives, their love depends on their needs, just as the old saying goes “the poor have no friends even

14、 if they live in downtown while the rich have distant relatives even if they live in deep mountains”. Granny lie, a distant kinsfolk, in a dream of the red mansions, claims kinship with the wealthy jia family, thinking that she may benefit from it in some ways. Liu might have run away without any tr

15、aces if the jia family had been a poor one. another saying goes “close neighbors are better than distant relatives.” the most difficult is to manage the relatives when doing business together, just as what the TV series program lie lagoon discloses. It is all right to stay poor together, but as soon

16、 as the business grows prosperous, the group will bexxe estranged and even dissolve because of the unfair distribution. Family love is like a maze which we shouldnt go too farinto it, otherwise, well surely get lost. Love is abilateral matter and unilateral love can only lead you to nowhere in spite of your good intentions. Family love is, sometimes, like an arranged marriage, leaving no choices to you. Due to th


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