8aunit 4 同步辅导(下)

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《8aunit 4 同步辅导(下)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《8aunit 4 同步辅导(下)(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 前 热 身词汇运用1. What does DIY (准确地) mean?2. Something (not healthy) is likely to cause illness.3. (糟糕的)! There is something wrong with my bike.4. And (反而),he asked me another question.5. Did you a Ivys birthday party?答案:1. exactly 2.unhealthy 3.Terrible 4.Instead 5.Attend选词填空(从方框中选用合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。)not

2、 be smoke excite healthy teach oneself for yourself as usual buy open put up1. He tried the door with the knife.2. Can you help me the picture, please?3. crazy about the computer games.4. I was so when I heard the good news.5. Jack decided some books about DIY for his dad.6. Suzys dad wants to give

3、up .7. Something is likely to cause illness or poor health.8. , the police caught the thief in the end.9. She often Japanese after work.10. Can you wash clothes , boys and girls?答案:1.to open 2.put up 3.Dont 4.excited 5.to buy 6.smoking 7.unhealthy 8.As usual 9.teaches herself 10.for yourselvesUnit4重

4、要句型1. Here are clear instructions.这儿有很清楚的说明。【考点聚焦】这句是个倒装句型。在英语中当句子以一些副词there, here, so等开头时,常需倒装。倒装句可分为两种类型:全部倒装和部分倒装。当主语是指物的名词时,采用全部倒装;当主语是人称代词时,则用部分倒装。eg: There goes the bell. 铃响了。Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。注意:以there,here引导的倒装句,其谓语动词的“单复数”采用“就近原则”。eg: Here is a boy and two young men in the room.一个男

5、孩和两个年轻人在房间里。单项选择( ) Look!_.A.Herehecomes B.HerecomesheC.Hecamehere D.Heredoeshecome答案: A 2. Youd better get some tools.你最好去取一些工具来。【考点聚焦】had better意为“最好”,是一种提建议的句型,语气较委婉,其后接动词原形,否定式是在其后直接加not。eg: Wed better start now.我们最好现在就出发开始。Youd better not smoke in the room.你最好别在房间里吸烟。单项选择( ) 1.Mum, canIdo the h

6、omework tomorrow? You _finish it today.A.hadbetter B.hadrather C.hadbetterdont D.hadrather not( ) 2. The little boy is sleeping. Youmake noise here.A.hadbetternot to B. wouldbetternotC.hadbetternot D. wouldbetter句子翻译你最好不要告诉我任何无关紧要的事情。 答案:AC Youd better not tell me anything unimportant.3. It says, “D

7、o it yourself.” 它上面写着,“自己去做。” 【考点聚焦】 “say” 表报纸,杂志,标志牌或说明书上写着什么。eg: There is a sign at the corner of the street. It says, “No parking.” 街道的拐角处有一个标志牌,上面写着“禁止停车”单项选择( )You mustnt swim here. Look at the sign. It_ No swimming.Oh, I_ notice it. Thanks for telling me.A.says; dont B. writes; dontC.says; did

8、ntD. writes; didnt答案:C4. It stands for “do-it-yourself. 它代表“自己动手做”。【考点聚焦】stand for意为“代表;象征”,多用于抽象事物。eg: What do the letters UN stand for? 字母UN代表什么?单项选择( ) 1. Its too bad that my best friend will Shanghai tomorrow. Ill miss her. A. stand for B. care for C. leave for( ) 2. What exactly does the sign _

9、? A. stand for B. stood for C. stand up D. stood up句子翻译这儿的“S”代表什么? 答案:CA. What does the “s” here stand for?5. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.当你自己动手做事时,也就是你自己制作、修补或装饰东西,而不是花钱请人去做。【考点聚焦】instead of意为“而不是,代替”,是一个短语介词、后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。instea

10、d是副词,多放在句首或句末,单独使用。eg: Why did you visit Beijing instead of visiting Shanghai? 你为什么到北京游玩,而不是到上海?Lets ask Millie for help, instead. 咱们该请米莉帮忙吧。单项选择( ) 1. We shouldnt use plastic bags. We should take our own bags . And we also should walk driving to the supermarket. A. instead, instead B. instead, inst

11、ead of C. instead of, instead D. instead of, instead of( ) 2. I will stay at home to do some reading _ going to the cinema.A. instead B. instead of C. instead to D.to instead( ) 3. It will take days by car, so lets fly _. A. instead in B. instead C. instead of D. instead off答案:BBB6. I enjoy making s

12、omething new.我喜欢制作一些新的东西。【考点聚焦】something new意为“一些新的东西”,当形容词修饰复合不定代词时,必须后置。eg: nothing important没有什么重要的东西【知识拓展】复合不定代词有:somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nothing, everybody, everyone, everythingeg: Listen to me, boys and girls. I have something special to you. 同学们,听我说,我有一些特别的事情要告诉你们。单项选择( ) 1.Could you please tell me_ in todays newspaper? Sorry, _. A. something special, special nothing B. special something, special nothing C. anything special, something special D. something special, noth



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