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1、相关短语,1. come to realize 开始意识到 2. as important as 和一样重要 3. push sb. to do 使某人做某事 4. focus more on 更加关注 5. spoken language skills 口语技能/水平,6. communicate with 和交流 7. therefore 因此 8. more attention should be given to 应该更加关注 9. in summary 总之 10. both necessary and beneficial 既有必要又有利,11. in return 反过来 12.

2、 far outweigh. 远远比重要 13. first of all 首先 14. shopping online 网上购物 15. due to lack of supervision 由于缺乏监督 16. whats worse 更糟糕的是,17. bank account 银行账户 18. be harmful to 对有害 19. for instance 例如 20. search for 寻找 21. end up doing 以做结束 22. become disoriented 变得不知所措,1. Most students agree that it helps the

3、m develop the habits of reading aloud. 很多学生认为它有助于培养朗读的习惯。 2. Therefore, more attention should be given to teaching and learning spoken English.因此要更加注意教学英语口语。,相关句式,3. Second, some of the products sold online are probably fake ones due to lack of supervision. 其次, 由于缺乏监督, 有些网上出售的产品很可能是假货。 4. There is n

4、o doubt that it is very convenient for us to have online shopping.毫无疑问, 网上购物很方便。,6. any students rely so much on the Internet that they have lost their ability to create.很多学生过度依赖互联网, 以致于失去了创新能力。,1. 注意审题, 避免缺漏信息点。一般而言, 观点论证的文章通常都是总分或总分总的结构。,2. 考生在论证观点的时候要注意行文严密的逻辑性, 因此考生要注意使用相关的连词、副词或者短语提升文章的层次感。 3.

5、在语言运用方面, 考生可以掌握一 些常用于议论文写作的短语和句型, 如compared with., it is clear /obvious that., From what I have mentioned above we can see that.等。,你校进行题为“是否应该考查英语口语”的 英语辩论赛。以下是正方的主要观点:略,写作内容 请你根据以上内容写一篇短文, 代表正方作 最后的总结陈词。 1. 阐述考查英语口语对各方面的积极影响; 2. 呼吁各界重视英语口语教学。 写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 首句 已给出,不计入句子总数。,例题导写 1. 认真审题。在本作文题的

6、完成中, 不少考生都集中精力对图表内容进行描述, 却忽略了写作内容里的第二个要点:呼吁各界重视英语口语教学。因此, 考生在下笔前,要通读题目, 不能漏掉细节。,2. 分析文体。论证观点无疑属于议论文的范畴, 着重于说理性和逻辑性。考生在写作前要对信息点进行分析,理清信息点之间的关系是递进,转折还是因果关系。本文中, 考查口语对学生、教师和社会三方面都是有利的, 这就是递进关系, 而最后呼吁各界重视英语口语教学则与前面内容构成因果关系, 因此考生可以选用适 当的连词提高文章的逻辑性。,3. 划分信息。本题的信息点较多, 考生在写作前一定要先划分信息点, 否则就会导致写作过程中漏掉信息点或者导致思

7、维混乱。呼吁各界重视口语教学无疑可以作为最后一个信息点, 而对学生、教师、社会有利则要用四个句子概括。因此考生可以考虑2个句子表达口语考试对学生的有利因素, 1个句子表达其对教师的好处, 1个句子表达其对社会的好处。,4. 词汇整理 翻译或完成下列短语。 句1: (1)养成的习惯 _ (2)提高水平 _,improve ones level,develop /form the habit of.,(3)认识到 _ (4)同等重要 _ 句3: (5)关注 _,focus on/focus ones attention on/ concentrate on,come to realize that

8、/be aware that,be as important as/be of the same importance as,句2:,(6) 提高能力/技能 _ (7) 增加趣味性 _ 句5 (8) 重视 _,attach importance to/pay attention to,develop ones skill,make.more interesting/add interest to,5. 难句翻译 翻译下列每组句子并合并成一句。 句1:(1)促使(学生)多阅读, 多对话。 (1)It helps students develop the habits of reading alo

9、ud and having conversations in English. (2)提高(学生)英语水平。 (2)It improves their English level.,合并: Most students agree that it can improve their English level by helping them develop the habits of reading aloud and having conversations in English. (by. 表示手段) 或Most students agree that it helps them devel

10、op the habits of reading aloud and having conversations in English so that they can improve their English level.,(结果状语从句)或Most students agree that it helps them develop the habits of reading aloud and having conversations in English which in turn improves their English level.(定语从句),句3:(1)(口语测试使教师)关注

11、口语教学。(1)The speaking test pushes our teachers to focus more on teaching spoken English. (2)(口语测试使教师)提高自身口语水平。 (2)The speaking test encourages teachers to improve their own spoken language skills. (3)(口语教学)提高课堂趣味性。 (3)English teaching makes the class more interesting.,合并: The speaking test pushes our

12、 teachers to focus more on teaching spoken English, makes the class more interesting and encourages teachers to improve their own spoken language skills.,4. 连句成文,(1)在某人看来:in ones opinion /as far as sb. is concerned / from where one stands / from ones perspective /in ones viewpoint (2)同意某个观点: agree w

13、ith sb. /be for the opinion that/firmly support the view that,(3)首先:above all /first of all/to start with/to begin with/in the first place/in the first instance (4) 表示“递进”的词汇:Whats more/in addition/besides /moreover /furthermore /additionally/For one thing, for another. (一方面,另一方面),(5)因此: as a result

14、 / thus /hence /so / therefore / accordingly / consequently/as consequence (6)表示“总结”的词汇: on the whole /in conclusion /in a word/to sum up/in brief / in summary /to conclude/to summarize/in short,参考范文 Ladies and gentlemen, in summary our team has argued that the testing of spoken English is both nece

15、ssary and beneficial. Most students agree that it helps them develop the habits of reading aloud and having conversations in English which in return improves their English level.,Students come to realize that oral English is as important as reading and writing. In addition, the speaking test pushes our teachers to focus more on teaching spoken English, makes the class more interesting and encourages teachers to improve their own spoken language skills.,Nowadays, English is considered to be a global language so we can use it to



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