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1、英 语,第26讲 九年级下册 Modules 78,1include (v.)including(prep.)包括 2speak (v.)speaker(n.)说某种语言的人 3secret (n.)secretary(n.)秘书 4India (n.)Indian(n.)印度人 5kind (adj.)kindness(n.)善举;好意,1spoken English 英语口语 2keep on doing 继续做某事 3make progress 取得进步 4at the same time 同时 5as long as 只要 6be used for 被用作 7along with 连同

2、一起 8on the earth 地球上 9eitheror要么要么,10intend to do sth.打算做某事 11give up 放弃 12laugh at 嘲笑 13try ones best 尽某人最大的努力 14wake up 醒来;叫醒 15stay in touch 保持联系 16be strict with 对某人要求严格 17in modern society 在现代社会 18make a living 谋生,1.my spoken English is not that good 我的英语口语不是太好。 2If you keep on trying,you can m

3、ake progress quickly and find a lot of fun in learning it. 如果你继续努力,你能很快取得进步并找到学习它的乐趣。 3I always thought they were for people who speak good English already. 我原来一直以为,他们是为那些英语已经说得很好的人开办的。 4In a few years time,there may be more people who speak English. 几年以后,可能有更多讲英语的人。,5The reason why English is spoke

4、n everywhere is that in the nineteenth century,English became the language of world trade. 各地都说英语的原因是,在19世纪,英语成为了世界贸易用语。 6They made the hall look wonderful. 它们使得大厅看起来很奇妙。 7Do you intend to stay in China for long? 你打算在中国待很长时间吗?,8Even if I go back to the UK,I will come back and visit you all. 即使我回到英国,

5、我也会回来看望你们所有人的。 9There is no success without effort. 不努力就不会成功。 10You only really lose if you give up 如果你放弃,(那么)你才真的失败了。 11.I woke up to find a new violin at my bedside. 我一觉醒来,发现床边放着一把新的小提琴。,1achieve 【典例在线】 I think Ive achieved a lot. 我认为我已经实现了很多。 As long as you hold on to your dream,youll achieve it.

6、 只要你坚持你的梦想,你会实现它的。 【拓展精析】 achieve是动词“实现,达到”,其名词为achievement。注意achieve与come true都有“实现”的意思,但achieve的主语是人,宾语是梦想,目的,目标等;而come true为不及物动词词组,主语一般为物(梦想,愿望等)。,【活学活用】 (1)After a few years effort,I _C_ my dream at last. Agot to Bcame true Cachieved Dcame to (2)Im sure that your dream will_be_achieved(achieve)

7、 in the future.,2intend 【典例在线】 What do you intend to do/doing this weekend? 这个周末你想做什么? He intended his son for an engineer,but he became a teacher. 他打算让他的儿子成为一名工程师,但他当了老师。 【拓展精析】 intend是动词“打算;计划”,其后可接名词、代词、动词的ing形式,动词不定式或that从句。intend to do sth.intend doing sth.意思为“打算做某事”,intend sb. to do sth.意为“打算让

8、某人做某事”;“intend sb. for.”意为“打算使某人成为”。,【活学活用】 (3)Do you intend _D_ basketball with me? Aplay Bplaying the Cplayed Dto play (4)My sister intended me _C_ the chess club with her. Ajoin Bjoined Cto join Djoining,1Pardon?请再说一遍。 【典例在线】 Listen to the music.Its got a great beat! 听听这音乐。节奏太棒了! Pardon?Oh,yes,bu

9、t its a bit noisy. 请再说一遍。噢,对,有一点嘈杂。 I beg your pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?,【拓展精析】 “Pardon?”相当于“I beg your pardon?”或“Beg your pardon?”,经常用于没有听清或明白对方所说的话,请求对方重复时,意为“请再说一遍”。 【活学活用】 (1)Is this your wallet? _A_?I cant hear you clearly. APardon BOK CAll right DReally (2)When you dont get what people say to you,you c

10、an say “_C_” Asorry Bexcuse me Cpardon Dstop,2(along,together) with和在一起 【典例在线】 More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language,together with some European languages. 越来越多的欧洲学校正把汉语作为一门外语和一些欧洲语言一起教。 He along with his parents has gone to Shanghai. 他和他的父母一起去了上海。,【拓展精析】 along w

11、ithtogether withwith,意为“和一起”,当其连接两个并列名词作主语时,谓语动词须与最前面的名词在人称和数上保持一致。 【活学活用】 (3)The girl with two cats _A_ in the yard when the earthquake happened. Awas playing Bis playing Care playing Dwere playing (4)Tom,along with some friends,_A_ basketball over there. Ais playing Bare playing Cplay Dplays,1take

12、,bring,carry,get,fetch 【特别关注】 Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西带给你哥哥。 Waiter,please bring me a cup of water. 服务员,请给我一杯水。 Mum,can you get/fetch me something to eat? 妈妈,能给我一些吃的吗? The box is too heavy.Can you help me to carry it? 这盒子太重了,你能帮我搬一下吗?,【拓展精析】 都是动词,且有“拿”和“带”的意思,但含义有所不同。 take意为“

13、带走”,常与there连用,常用结构有take sb./sth.to sp.,表示“带某人/某物去某地”; bring意为“拿来”,常与here连用; get意为“得到”; carry意为“搬运”,不强调方向,常有负重的意思; fetch表示“去拿”,强调来回。,【活学活用】 (1)Dont forget to bring your ID card here next time. (2)The school bus takes us to school every day. (3)Please fetch some water for the young trees. (4)Its polit

14、e to let the woman who is carrying a baby take your seat.,1Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you _B_ it for me? No problem. Agive Bfetch Ctake Dcarry 2I have won the English speech competition. _C_?Could you say it more slowly again? AReally BSorry CPardon DExcuse me 3What are you going to do thi

15、s weekend? I together with my classmates _B_ going to climb Mount Qian.(2014,咸宁) Ais Bam Care Dwere,4I love the song by the band Wild and Windy.It _D_ nice.(2014,抚州) Asmells Btastes Cfeels Dsounds 5Julies father _C_ to America last month.He _ there many times.(2014,六盘水) Awent;had gone Bhas gone;has been Cwent;has been Dhas been;had gone 6You should _B_ smoking.Its really bad for your health.(2014,淮安) Alook up Bgive up Cget up Dset up,7Tom,Ill invite you to



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