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1、,Unit 3 Reading,Language points,First impressions.,第一印象.,impressions: n. c 印象;感想 impress vt. 我对他的印象很好.,I had a very good impression of him.,give sb. a favourable impression make an impression on sb.,给某人以好印象 给某人留下印象 这演说给我们留下了深刻的印象.,The speech made a strong impression on us.,The teacher impressed us w

2、ith his sense of humour.,I still cannot believe that I am taking up ,(1)接受(建议或挑战),(2)对产生兴趣 Tom has taken up pottery(陶艺).,(3)开始从事,开始承担,(4)着手处理,着手进行,(5)占去(时间或空间),He took up challenge with courage.,He decided to photograph as his career.,Im going to take this matter up with my lawyer.,Writing the paper

3、 took up most of the weekend.,take off take on take out take over take down take in take hold of take sth by surprise take sth for sth take back,脱下,起飞,成功,雇佣,呈现,接受,拿出,去掉,扣除,接管,接任,占据,取下,记下,拆卸,接纳,吸收;领会,理解;欺骗,I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008,(1)constantly adv. 经常地,反复地 const

4、ant adj.经常的,不变的,忠贞的 老人的手不停的颤抖.,The old mans hands shook constantly.,He is constantly disturbing me.,I am Jays constant fan and supporter.,He has been constant in his scientific research.,(2)remind vt.使记住,提醒; 使想起;使记起,使某人想起某人/某事 提醒某人做某事 提醒某人.,请提醒他迟些吃药 这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切.,Please remind him to take this

5、 medicine later.,The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.,He ed me that I hadnt written to Mother.,remind sb. of sb./sth. remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. that/what/how,As a result, I suffered from “time lag”.,(1)as a result 因此,结果 as a result of result from result in,由于 起因于 导致(=lead to),天

6、下雪,因此她迟到了.,It snowed, as a result, she was late.,(2)suffer from 患(病) 因.受困扰 她为贫困所扰.,She suffers from poverty.,She suffers from headache,This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. 这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,在你的脑子里似乎不断地闪现以

7、前的时光。,flashback 闪回;倒叙。,The events in his happy family life were shown in flashback. 他幸福的家庭生活是用倒叙法来表现的。,“jet lag” 喷气机飞行时差综合症。,tolerate 容忍,忍受.,(2)surroundings专指自然环境,从周围的事物这一客体着眼.用复数. environment可指自然环境,也可指精神环境, 均从环境对人的感受,道德观念的影响着眼.用单数.,eg: The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy ho

8、me environment.,At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.,We simply cannot tolerate cheating in exams. 我们就是不能容许考试作弊行为,(3)lack n. 缺乏,不足,没有,他擅长于自己的工作,但似乎缺乏信心.,He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.,I havent finished the painting for _ of time. A. lack B. short C. need D.

9、 want,A,short of 是形容词短语.,They ed the money to send him to university.,v.缺乏,不足,没有,I s words with which to express my thanks.,Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。,lack for lack of be lacking in have no lack of,He lacks courage = He is lacking in courage.,The plants died for lack

10、of water.,They lacked for nothing, but money.,ache vi. & n. 疼痛 爬山以后,他全身疼痛. 我的背有点疼.,After climbing the mountain, he ached all over.,I have a bit of an ache in my back.,辨析:,ache 指较轻微,局部的持续疼痛; pain 泛指各种程度的疼痛,并常用来指精神上的痛苦.,My body is all aches and pains.,I felt better in no time.,in no time at no time,他们

11、马上就回来.,They will be back in no time.,at once not at all,all the time at all times at times for a time for the time being at a time at one time,一直 随时,永远 有时 暂且,短时间内 暂且 依次,逐一,每次 从前,Soon I was back on my feet again ,be back on ones feet 东山再起,Im back on my feet. 我已经好了(痊愈了)。 He cant wait to get back on hi

12、s feet. 他实在按耐不住了,想重振旗鼓。 Is she back on her feet? 她好了吗?,These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat, you can move swiftly.,(1)by doing 常表方式,方法或手段. 她靠卖报纸挣钱.,She earned money by selling newspapers.,(2)bend 使弯曲,屈身,她弯下腰捡起一块石头,She bent down and picked up a stone.,To

13、uch your toes without bending your knees.,集中(全力)于 她专心致志于这项工作.,She bent her mind to the job.,(3) press v./ n. 按,压,挤;新闻;逼迫,His head was bent over a book.,I pressed the button but nobody answered the door.,The shoe is pressing my toe.,Time presses. Make up your mind.,The English-Chinese Dictionary is i

14、n now.,(4)swiftly adv.迅速的,敏捷的 swift adj.,他沿着黑暗的街道迅速地走回家去.,辨析: swift侧重动作的轻快,顺利; rapid 侧重事物的进展迅速,表示动作快可与 swift 互换; quick侧重动作的快,与swift可互换; fast 侧重速度的快.,He walked swiftly towards home down the dark street.,I lose sight of Wang Pingin all directions,lose sight of: 看不见,忽视,失去联系,我和他完全失掉了联系.,I have lost sigh

15、t of him entirely.,catch sight of at first sight out of sight in/within sight at the sight of,看见 乍一看 看不到,在视野外 看的见,在视野内 一看见,I caught sight of her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.,我从书店出来时看见她上了公共汽车.,(2) in all directions 向四面八方 敌人向四面八方逃窜.,The enemies fled in all directions.,He was sw

16、ept up into,sweep up 扫除,清扫,横扫,She was left to sweep up after the party.,The strong wind swept up the leaves into the air.,12. Exhausted, I slid into bed and,exhausted此处是形容词,作状语,表原因.,slide v. 偷偷地移动;潜行;(使)滑动,船滑入水中.,The ship slid (down) into the water.,1.This kind of plant will die in continuously rainy _. condition B. surrounding C. environments D. surroundings 2.I saw people coming _ all directions to attend


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