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1、普通语言学概论 第 6 次课 第二章 语音学和音位学(2),第二节 辅音和元音,本次课的任务,基本内容:辅音 元音 英语语音(辅音元音) 知识性质:理解记忆型(先是理解,然后记忆) 学习目标:学会多维度描写语音 重点难点:知识庞杂,难以理解 学习方法:吃透概念,分清条理,逐渐建立一 个完整清晰的知识框架,或者将课 本上的图表内化在心里。,第二节的引言,1. 在对音段的描写中,首当其中的基本区分就是关于辅音和元音的区分。 2. 辅音和元音的区分在于 ? 3. 对辅音和元音的描写为什么以不同的标准进行?,2.2.1 辅音,1. 辅音总的发音特点:Consonants are produced “b

2、y a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction.” 2. 辅音分类的两个标准: 1.Manner of Articulation; 2.Place of Articulation 3. The MANNER OF ARTICULATION refers to the ways in which articulation can be accomplished: (a) the articul

3、ators may close off the oral tract for an instant or for a relatively long period; (b) they may,narrow the space considerably; or (c) they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other. 1. STOP or PLOSIVE (塞音、闭塞音或破裂音、 爆破音) 2. NASAL (鼻音) 3. FRICATIVE (摩擦音、擦音) 4. APPROXIMATANT (近音

4、) 5. LATERAL (边音) 6. TRILL (颤音) 7. TAP and FLAP (一次接触音和闪音) 8. AFFRICATE (塞擦音 或 破擦音),4. PLACE of ARTICULATION refers to the point where a consonant is made. Practically consonants may be produced at any place between the lips and the vocal folds. 1. BILABIAL (双唇音) 2. LABIODENTAL (唇齿音) 3. DENTAL (齿音)

5、4. ALVEOLAR (齿龈音) 5. POSTALVEOLAR (齿龈后音) 6. RETROFLEX (卷舌音) 7. PALATAL (硬腭音),8. VELAR (软腭音) 9. UVULAR (小舌音) 10. PHARYNGEAL (咽音) 11. GLOTTAL (声门音) 5. 对上述音的描写中,所涉及的方面有: 1. 发音规则; 2.主要代表,1. STOP or PLOSIVE (塞音/闭塞音/口腔塞音或破裂音/爆破音),发音特点:Complete closure of the articulators is involved so that the airstream

6、cannot escape through the mouth. 发音器官完全关闭,气流无法从口腔通过 发音的三个阶段: 1. the closing phase/ 闭塞期、闭合期 2. the hold or compression phase/ 相持期或压缩期 3. the release phase / 释放期(or PLOSION) 此音何以得名: (略),主要代表:英语语音中的p, b, t, d, k, g是爆破音。,2. NASAL (鼻音),发音规则:If the air is stopped in the oral cavity but the soft palate is

7、down so that it can go out though the nasal cavity, the sound produced is a NASAL STOP. Otherwise it is an ORAL STOP. 如果气流在口腔中受阻,同时软腭下垂,从而使得气流得以穿过鼻腔,这样产生的音是鼻腔塞音,否则就是口腔塞音。 此音何以得名:Although both types of sounds are stops, phoneticians have retained the term STOP to indicate an oral stop and used the te

8、rm NASAL to,indicate a nasal stop. 主要代表:英语和汉语语音中的m, n, 属于鼻塞音,或鼻音。,3. FRICATIVE (摩擦音/擦音),发音规则:A fricative is produced when there is close approximation of two articulators so that the airstream is partially obstructed and turbulent airflow is produced. 两个发音器官靠拢,导致气流部分阻隔,从而产生气流振荡。 此音何以得名:The audible f

9、riction defines this class of sounds and thus explains the label “fricative”. 主要代表:英语语音中的f, v, , , s, z, , ,h。,4. APPROXIMATANT (近音),发音规则:This is an articulation in which one articulator is close to another, but without the vocal tract being narrowed to such an extent that a turbulent airstream is p

10、roduced. The gap between the articulators is therefore larger than for a fricative and no turbulence (friction) is generated. 发这个音时,两个发音器官相互靠近,但是声道变窄的程度又不至于产生气流振荡;此时,发音器官之间的空隙比发摩擦音时要大,也不会产生振荡(摩擦)。 特别说明:,1. 英语中,这类语音包括w,j (虽然r在国际音标表中是一个不同的音,但是为了印刷的方便,常常写作r。) 2. 因为j和w还可以被分析为元音,所以值得注意的是这类范畴与元音范畴重叠。,5. L

11、ATERAL (边音),发音规则:The obstruction of the airstream is at a point along the center of the vocal tract, with incomplete closure between one or both sides of the tongue and the roof and the mouth. 气流在口腔通道中心的某一点上受阻,并在舌的一侧或两侧及口腔顶部之间形成不完全闭塞。 此音何以得名:As the lateral pasaage forms a stricture of open approxima

12、tion, it is called “lateral”. If friction is produced, it is a “lateral fricative”. If no noise of friction is produced, it is a “lateral approximant”. 由于舌边通道形成对近音的阻塞,,所以被称作“边音”。如果形成了摩擦,则被称作“边 摩擦音”,如果没有摩擦产生,则被称作“边近音”。 主要代表:l是英语中唯一的边音。,6. TRILL (颤音),发音规则:A trill (sometimes called ROLL) is produced wh

13、en an articulator is set vibrating by the airstream.当发音器官受气流影响而振动时,颤音(有时候称作是ROLL)便产生了。 主要代表:主要的颤音是r, 比如,某些苏格兰英语中的red 和rye这些单词中的 r音。,7.1. TAP (一次接触音),背景知识:过去,一次接触音和闪音曾经被划为同一范畴,但是最近语音学家们一致认为有必要将二者区分开来。 发音规则:When the tongue makes a single tap against the alveolar ridge to produce only one vibration, th

14、e sound is called a tap(). 当舌接触齿龈一次,有并且只有一次振动,那么所发出的音就是一次接触音。 主要代表:例子之一就是用美式发音来替换city和letter中的t, d, n音,也就是sII和le。,7.2. FLAP (闪音),发音规则:The flap() is pronounced with the tip of the tongue curled up and back in a retroflex gesture and then striking the roof of the mouth in the post-alveolar regions as

15、it returns to its position behind the lower front teeth. 发这个音时,舌尖向上向后翻转,然后回到下前齿处,在后齿龈区触碰上颚而发出的。 主要代表:在某些美式英语中,闪音发生在重音节中带r的元音之后,例如dirty和sorting。,8. AFFRICATE (塞擦音 或 破擦音),发音规则:Affricates involve more than on of these manners of articulation in that they consists of a stop followed immediately afterwar

16、ds by a fricative at the same place of articulation. 塞擦音的发音涉及不只一种发音方式,因为它们包括一个闭塞音以及紧随其后的发音部位相同的摩擦音。 主要代表:英语中,church中t和jet中的d都属于塞擦音。还有tr,dr,ts,dz.,1. BILABIAL (双唇音),发音规则:Bilabial consonants are made with the two lips. 双唇音的发音,涉及双唇。 主要代表:英语中的双唇音包括p, b, m,例如pet, bet 和met。 特别说明:we 和wet中的w虽然涉及上下唇的接近,但是发音又有细微的差异,由于舌体同时抬高至软腭,w在国际音标表里被当作是唇软腭近音(labial-velar approximant),所以被排除在辅音表之外,而被列入“其他符号”。,2. LABIODEN



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