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1、数词,考点一 基数词,【巧学妙记】巧记100以内的基数词 基数词不难记,找清规律很容易;十二以内词各异, 十三数到十九去,后加teen莫忘记; 二十、三十至九十,正式之后有-ty; 要说“几十几”,中间“-”别丢弃; a hundred是“一百”,请你记住莫大意。,考点二 序数词,【温馨提示】 (1)序数词要加定冠词the,但若序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时省略the。例如: Tom made the mistake for the third time. = It was Toms third time to make the mistake. 这是汤姆第三次出错。,(2)序数词前

2、加a/an表示“又一,再一”。例如: Even though the Greens have 3 children, they still want a fourth one. 尽管格林夫妇已有3个孩子,可他们还想再要一个。 (3) 序数词可以用阿拉伯数字和序数词拼写的最后两个字母简写。例如: 1st第一,2nd第二,3rd第三,4th第四。,【巧学妙记】基数词变序数词规律 基变序,有规律,末尾加上-th。 一、二、三特殊记,面目全非要注意。 八加th,九去e,ve要用f替。 逢十改y为ie,后跟-th莫忘记。 若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。,考点三 数词应用,. 用所给数词的适当形式填空

3、1. (2012遵义中考)I have tried three times, and the teacher asks me to have a _ (four) try. 2. (2011扬州中考)Even a child knows September is the _ (nine) month of a year. 答案: 1. fourth 2. ninth,3. (2011 烟台中考)Ive bought a present for my fathers _ (forty)birthday. 4. (2011肇庆中考)Mr. Smith lives on the _ (six) fl

4、oor. 5. (2011上海中考) Climb up to the _ (eleven) floor, and you can enjoy a better view. 答案: 3. fortieth 4. sixth 5. eleventh,. 单项选择 1. (2012六盘水中考)There are _ days in a week and Tuesday is _ day of the week. A. seven; third B. seven; the third C. seventh; three D. the seventh; three 【解析】选B。句意:一个周有七天,星期

5、二是一个周的第三天。第一个空用基数词表示数量,第二个空用序数词表示次序,且其前加the。故选B。,2. (2011东营中考)There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use weibo very often. 44? That means about _ of your classmates are weibo users, right? A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters 【解析】选D。考查数词的用法。half二分之一; one third 三分之一; two thi

6、rds三分之二; three quarters四分之三。由常识可知44大约是60的四分之三, 故选D。,3. (2011眉山中考)Eight _ students in our school are from countryside. A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of 【解析】选B。hundred,thousand,million等词与基数词连用时应该用单数形式,不能与of短语连用。故选B。,4. (2012恩施中考)He wrote his _ novel when he was _. A. five; fifties B

7、. fifth; fifty C. fifth; fiftieth 【解析】选B。句意:当他五十岁的时候,他写了他的第五部小说。第一个空用序数词表顺序,第二个空用基数词表年龄。,5. (2011怀化中考)July 1st of this year is _ birthday of CPC (中国共产党). A. ninety B. the ninety C. the ninetieth 【解析】选C。句意:今年7月1日是党的第九十个生日。表达第多少个生日时用序数词,故选C。,6. (2011衡阳中考)Kangkang is a school boy. He got a good gift on

8、 his _ birthday. A. fourteenth B. fortieth C. the fortieth 【解析】选A。由school boy可知康康应该是十四岁,而不是四十岁。表达生日时用序数词,序数词与物主代词连用时,其前面的冠词要省略。故选A。,7. (2011德阳中考) I dont believe that this _ boy can paint such a nice picture. A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old 【解析】选C。由“数词-名词-形容词”构成的复合形容词作定语时,其中间的名词用

9、单数形式,故选C。,8. (2012铜仁中考)About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _. A. three five; 1996 B. three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997 D. third fifths; 1990s 【解析】选B。分数的构成为分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子如果大于1,则分母序数词一般都用复数形式,故选B。,9. (2011达州中考)If a=4, b=5, whats the answer to the question “a+2ab+1

10、=? ” _. A. Forty-fifth B. Forty-five C. Twenty-three D. One hundred and twenty-one 【解析】选B。 考查基数词的表达。由题意a=4,b=5 可知 a+2ab+1=45。forty-five表示45。故选B。,10. (2011烟台中考)Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory? No, I think we need _ students. A. another B. two others C. more two D. two more 【解析】选D。数词与more连用时放在more的前面,与another连用时放在another的后面。故选D。,



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