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1、英语演讲稿失眠篇一:英语演讲稿怎么谈恋爱英语发言稿(关于学生恋爱)my classmates,please deliberate over what i will say. about twenty years ago,we came into the we were just babies, we wereunable to we started then,we have stayed at school for fifteen twenty years have past,if not home then we dont date oncampus,where and where shou

2、ld we dateat homeor after you gratuate if you really want to date just after gratuate,i want ask yousome you know how old you are nowwhat about three years laterthenone year to fing a boy or girl and one or two years to last,if you find heor she is not the one you two years ,when you get married,how

3、 oldare youexpeciall girls,who are very sensitive to the age. so if you love he/her and he/her like you absoulity too,why notthere are fewso good chance to miss,after this there is no shop in this village,understandthereare too many excamples like you like her but she dont love you,she love you but

4、youloveanther.please catch your chance!go!what about youwhat do you think of dating on campus篇二:恋爱演讲稿 恋爱演讲稿恋爱在不同的阶段会有不同的感受和想法。现在我就围绕我们大学生来谈谈恋爱这个话题。记得初中时舅舅就和我说大学是恋爱的天堂,但我现在觉得这个想法是多么的肤浅,因为如今我的初恋还没有送出去呀。但我的初吻早已结束在某个夏天,当夜幕降临时,也不知道是我爸还是我妈下的手。曾看过许多同学的个性签名,最直接的一个男同学是丈母娘,该发货啦!第二个,我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你的耳朵,你脑海里会闪现些什


6、求,都渴求理想中的另一半的出现。 在当代的大学校园里,可以说“谈恋爱”已被视为一道风景线,男女同学手拉手的背影在校园里随处可见,甚至有的学生认为“大学里没谈过恋爱,十分可惜”,“谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱”是“大学的一门 必修课”有些同学还调侃道不谈恋爱是一种不误正业的一种表现。我也有点觉得,之前我一直在看非常完美,很喜欢里面的一首歌,我只想做你的公主,拥有那平凡的幸福。 大学,这么一个风花雪月的地方,这个时候女生虽然免不了还有一些孩子气,但心理上成熟度是远大于男生的了,可以说女生的青春是无价之宝,但这时候男生既没有多大的智慧。也没有财富和地位,更没有事业,如果有一个真心实意陪在他身边的女生,他应该

7、好好珍惜。因为这个女孩会鼓励他不断地成长,共同奋斗的日子是多么美好的,在这个男生一无所有的年纪,女生用她最美好的最美的一段年纪陪他度过,所以男生应该要懂得更加爱护,平时被心爱的女生欺负,遭骂,做各种活都是应该的。 恋爱的意义虽有积极的一面,有时也会危害青年的心理健康。怎样才算爱上了呢,为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我爱你爱的深层。但人无完人,都会有缺点,恋爱的进一步发展还会带来社会问题,比如说一时冲动,多了一条生命,这对女生造成心理负担是超重。 如果失恋了怎么办,因为你的女神或男神找到更好的了,这时候只能是nerve mind ,youwill find someone like him,可以祝

8、福他们,走出校园,走到结婚,再到离婚。但为情所困的青年也不少,各种自杀也不是新闻了。如果没有恰当的心理指导或较强的自我调控能力。失恋对青年的心理打击是很大的。人就是如此的矛盾,你要得到甜蜜的报偿就必须经受得住考验。 对于大学的恋爱,不持否定的看法,但是恋爱要慎重好好考虑,一定是意趣相投,有缘的,不然最终只会给人带来过多的压力和烦恼。爱情,本来就是一件宁缺毋滥的事情,急不得,急不得。汪国真也说不要轻易去爱,更不要轻易去恨,让自己活的轻松些,让青春多留下些潇洒的印痕。最后借用俞敏洪说的一句话,在大学要做的一件事:谈恋爱。“能谈恋爱最好,因为大学的恋爱生活是一场风花雪月的真诚感情。没可能的话就拉倒。

9、我的演讲完毕。谢谢大家篇三:关于谢霆锋的英语演讲稿 hello everybody , the next i introduce a person, he is our idol is an exampleto all of us. see other reports, said nicholas tse among global chinese businessmanand the hall of fame, he is in an at that time by , both glad and feel sad. in recent years, looked at himto grow

10、up, from scallions, from crude to experience to mature, he in recent yearsin work and family many performance, more and more like a real man not easy when, especially in the entertainment circle yes, sour, sweet,bitter, hot, mixed emotions, only oneself know chinese taste, drop hanging heart,heart h

11、ang drop. whether in east or west, entertainers social position, in fact andthe most close to the bottom, although he dresses bright beautiful, lens before ahandsome, actually have a pair of sad tears, inner lack of suffering to thehumanitarian.nicholas tses rare place, is to do his own music, doing

12、 music, not just do songs.music is a singers own soul, and songs are not. nicholas tses music has its own soul,rather than a a delicatelypacked cans songs. originally, he just do a singing singer is enough, or justdo a packaging do creative singer look good, dont charge the strength, but also athank

13、less task. he is the most rare place, is his firm faith, the persistent pursuit of an ideal courage, change the fate of thestrong toughness, and he in the chaotic world, can stillmaintain a pure, a good, although his nature has been repeatedly sketch into poor,shameless, the shape of the evil. who k

14、nows he speak of nokia lumia800 message thesewords as he faced the attitude towards life, and also his virtue. afford for thought,it is worth thinking only do certain things and how to see the unknown ability, it doesnt matterwho you are the most important thing is that you try to how to life becaus

15、e only theordinary people do not have the ordinary life 大家好,接下来我为大家介绍一个人,她是我们的偶像也是我们大家学习的榜样。前些天看报道,说谢霆锋跻身全球华商名人堂了,他在采访时说:“当我哮喘病发作时,什么都不会去想,用尽全力,只会为呼吸那一口空气。为了这口气,我会把ktv忘掉,把谈恋爱忘掉。把足球、看电视、打电脑一切统统都忘掉,什么都不要,只想要这口气,这就是我的诚恳。” 一时间感慨万千,既欣慰又心酸。这些年,看着他长大,从青葱,从生涩到历练再到成熟,他近些年来在工作和家庭的诸多表现,越来越像个男人。 真男人不易当,尤其在娱乐圈的爷们,酸甜苦辣,五味杂陈,只有自己明白个中滋味。点滴挂心头,心头挂点滴。无论是在东方或西方,演艺人员的社会地位,其实与底层最为接近,别看他衣着光鲜靓丽,镜头前帅气十足,其实都有一把辛酸泪,内心苦楚不足为外人道。谢霆锋的难得之处,就在于努力做自己的音乐,做音乐,而不仅仅是做歌曲。音乐是有着歌者自己的灵魂的,而歌曲则没有。谢霆锋的音乐有自己的灵魂,而非一首一首包装精美的


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