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1、,三分钟口语秀,Learning aims,1.能听、说、读、写单词cook、swim、ping-pong和词组play basketball、speak English、play ping-pong. 2. 能灵活运用句型“Can you ?”“Yes, I can. / No, I cant.” 3. 能完成“Write and say”部分的连线和对话任务。,What can Sarah do ? She can _.,What can Sarah do ? She can _.,What can Sarah do ? She can _.,What can Sarah do ? She

2、 can _.,What can Sarah do ? She can _.,Lets wrap it up! can+动词原形(没有人称和数的变化) I can dance. She can dance. Amy can dance. They can dance.,He can sing.,He can dance.,He can do kungfu.,Sun Yang,swim 游泳,Lets learn,play basketball,ple,b:sktb:l ,Lets learn,Wang Hao,play ping-pong,Lets learn,speak English,sp

3、i:k,Lets learn,cook,kk,Lets learn,Listen and repeat,自编chant,Boys, boys, what can you do ? swim swim I can swim. Girls ,girls , what can you do ? cook ,cook I can cook. Mike, Mike, what can you do ? basketball , basketball , I can play basketball. Sarah,Sarah, what can you do ? English, English, I sp

4、eak English. Children,Children, what can you do ? ping-pong , ping-pong , I can play ping-pong.,根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。,swim,Game one,根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。,play basketball,根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。,play ping-pong,根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。,speak English,根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。,cook,Game two,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Ask a

5、nd answer,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Can you _? Yes, I can / No, I cant.,Can you do any kungfu?,Yes, I can / No, I cant.,I can do some kung fu. I cant do any kung fu. Can you do any k

6、ung fu?,some 常用在肯定句中,any 常用在否定句和疑问句中 。,play basketball,play ping-pong,play football,play the pipa,play the piano,play the erhu,what can you find?,play the pipa,play the piano,play the erhu,speak English and Chinese,sing English songs,dance,swim,cook,play ping-pong,do any kung fu,play the pipa,Can you swim?,Can Mike play basketball?,Can you speak English?,Can you do any kung fu?,Good bye!,


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