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1、纳米材料的性能及应用,文秀芳 2011.4.14,主要内容,纳米材料的表征,一、引言及纳米材料概述 1.纳米科技研究的重要性 2.什么是纳米材料 3.自然界的纳米材料,What is Nanotechnology?, What does “nanotechnology” mean? What has nanotechnology done? What can we expect it to do? Is it an evolution or a revolution? How will it change industries? How will it change our lives?,Na

2、noscience and nanotechnology concerns objects that are extremely small. How small? Bigger than atoms, but smaller than you can see with a light microscope. 1 100 nanometers (3-4 atoms side by side = 1 nm),“纳米是什么?” 纳米其实是一种长度单位,1纳米是1米的十亿分之一,相当于十个氢原子一个挨一个排起来的长度。20纳米相当于1根头发丝的三千分之一。,What is Nanotechnolog

3、y?,Nanotechnology is about: Making small objects Manipulating small objects Creating new materials by varying the size of the objects Building structures from small objects,Why moving into nanoworld A. Intellectual drive Miniaturization is of interest Less space, faster, less materials, less energy

4、More important: Novel properties/phenomena/process -New structure and functions; Engineering beyond nature Unity and generality -At the building blocks of all natural/artificial things, systems Most efficient length scale for manufacturing -Less energy than for subatomic or macroscopic Transcendent

5、effects: at the confluence of steams -Living/non-living; interdisciplinary; Relevance areas,B. Promise of nanotechnology (example of societal implications) Knowledge base: better comprehension of nature, life A new world of products: -$1trillion/ y in 10-15years -Materials beyond what chemistry can

6、do:$340B/y in 10 years for materials and processing, (estimation by industry group) -Electronnics in 10-15 years: $300B/Y for semiconductor industry, times more for global integrated circuts (estimation by SIA) -Pharmaceutics in 10-15 years about half of production will depend on nanotechnology, aff

7、ecting about $180B/Y Chemical plants in 10-15years:nanostructured catalysts in petroleum and chemical processing about $100B/Y Aerospace: about $70B/Y in 10 years Tools(measurement, simulation)-$22B/Y in 10y Improved healthcare: extend life-span, Its quality, human physical capabilities(-$31B in too

8、ls for healthcare in 10 years ) Sustainability: agriculture, water,energy( -45B/y in 10 years)materials,environment,exiting lighting energy reduction 10% or $100B/Y,Powerful Microscopes,Cat Flea CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystal Fibroblast Cell on Pillars Sickled hemoglobin in red blood cell,Scanning Electron Mi

9、croscope (SEM),Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM),New Tools of the Trade,Scanning Tunneling Microscope Silicon Atoms 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics: Binnig and Rohrer (1983),metal or semiconductor surface,STM操纵原子和分子 Xeon Ni CO,物质中,让科学家能看到高电子密度区域,从而推断单个原子和分子所在的位置,铜片上的铁分子,2.自然界的纳米材料 植物的叶面,如荷叶 飞檐走壁的壁虎

10、 神奇水黾、蜥蜴会水上漂 蜜蜂的“罗盘”腹部的磁性纳米粒子 五彩斑斓的蝴蝶 会吐丝的蜘蛛,洁身自好的荷叶,飞檐走壁的壁虎,水面上自由行走的水黾、蜥蜴,利用“罗盘”定位的蜜蜂,五彩斑斓的蝴蝶,会吐丝的蜘蛛,二、纳米材料的制备,How do you build nanometer-sized objects? Top Down (Lithography) Bottom Up (Self-Assembly),Lithography,Putting It All Together (with the naked eye),Macroscopic Self-Assembly!,Putting It Al

11、l Together (from the bottom up!),Molecular Self-Assembly!,Chemical,Biological,A. Chemical Vapor Deposition,Chemical reaction:,ZnO and SnO Nanobelts SCIENCE VOL 291 9 MARCH 2001,二氧化硅纳米线棒,B. 水热和溶剂热法(hydrothermal Solvothermal Synthesis) 较高温度和较高压力下溶液中的化学合成。 水热法最初是为了模拟地矿生成条件。 水热法被广泛用于分子筛合成,晶体生长等。近些年被用于纳米

12、材料的制备。 1996年,钱逸泰等提出溶剂热。 特征: 体系一般处于非理想、非平衡状态 溶剂处于接近临界、临界或超临界状态,优点: 反应物活性改变和提高,有可能代替固相反应,并可制备出固相反应难以制备出的材料; 中间态、介稳态以及特殊相易于生成,能合成介稳态或者其他特殊凝聚态的化合物、新化合物。 能够合成熔点低、蒸气压高、高温分解的物质; 低温、等压、溶液条件,有利于生长缺陷少、取向好、完美的晶体,并且产物晶体的粒度可控; 由于环境气氛可调,因而可合成低价态、中间价态与特殊价态化合物的生成,并能进行均匀搀杂。,Dilute polymer solution,Chiou, NR; Lui, CM

13、; Guan, JJ, et al. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 2007,2(6): 354-357,C. 溶胶凝胶法sol-gel 采用无机盐或金属有机化合物,如醇盐为前驱物,前驱物在水中水解(或者在其他溶剂中溶剂解),反应生成物聚集形成溶胶。然后经蒸发干燥从溶胶转变为凝胶。 典型的软化学合成。 如: 正硅酸乙酯,Putting It All Together (beyond molecules),Array of 5 nm Au nanocrystals,A new nanocomposite material!,Nanoscopic Self-Assembly!,三、纳

14、米材料的表征,SPM (Scanning Probe Microscopy)主要成员STM扫描隧道显微镜 SFM扫描力显微镜 AFM原子力显微镜 MFM磁力显微镜 LFM摩擦力显微镜 EFM静电力显微镜等 NSOM扫描近场光学显微镜等,1、扫描探针显微镜(Scanning Probe Microscopy),由于Z和I成指数关系,Z 的很小改变就能引起I 的巨大变化,可以通过反馈电路控制Z以保持I不变,这样就能取出样品表面起伏的信号。当针尖的曲率半径R和Z都小到原子尺度时,就可以得到样品表面原子排列和原子形态的清晰图象。,STM 是利用曲率半径为原子尺度的针尖在样品表面扫描,利用针尖与样品原子

15、之间的量子隧道效应来获取样品表面图象的。当样品和针尖接近,其电子云互相重叠,在两者之间加一个电压V,电子就可以在二者之间转移,形成隧道电流I。,IVexp(-2kZ) (Z为针尖和样品之间的距离,k为衰减系数。),STM扫描隧道显微镜,C60分子笼结构的STM照片 J. Hou et al. Nature Vol409 18 January 2001,J. W. G. Wildoeret al., NATURE VOL 391 1 JANUARY 1998,扫描力显微镜Scanning Force Microscopy 通过检测不同的相互作用力(斥力、摩擦力、弹力、范德华力、静电力、氢键力和粘

16、附力等),SFM还可以表征样品表面的某些物理、化学性质。,SFM工作原理图,AFM测试图,Molecular Manipulation,Researchers from IBM Zurich pushed individual molecules across a surface to form a molecular abacus. (AFM),DPN (Dip Pen Nanolithography)技术 “浸沾笔纳米图形制作技术”,美国西北大学的Mirkin 研究小组开发 用AFM 的针尖作“笔”,固态基底作“纸”,能与基底有化学作用力的分子作“墨水”,分子通过凝结在针尖与基底间水滴的毛细作用直接“书写”到基底表面。,“Dip-Pen“ Nanolithography Richard D. Piner, Jin Zhu, Feng



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