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1、It will snow in Harbin教学设计一、教学目标:知识目标:学习snow,rain,sunny,cloudy,windy等表示天气的单词,会用It will snow in Harbin.这种语句描述天气;能运用Im going to . .等语句描述自己的计划。能力目标:学生能口头描述某地的天气,并根据天气计划假期活动,能运用Im going to .描述自己的计划。情感目标:培养学生有计划的合理安排自己事情的能力,培养他们的小组合作意识。二、教学重难点:能口头运用句型It will snow in . It will be sunny in 等描述天气的语句描述某地的天气。

2、三、教学过程:Step1:复习热身复习表示日常活动的动词,同时做动作,激发了孩子们学习的兴趣,为学生的探究学习做好铺垫。T:Hello,boys and girls .May Day is coming ,what are you going to do during the holiday? You have a good plan ,but if it rains , can you.? So ,were going to learn M2U2 It will snow in Harbin. Step2:单词学习1,利用已会的单词学习表示天气的单词rain,rainy,snow,snowy

3、,sun-sunny, windwindy, cloudcloudy,为课文的理解与学习奠定坚实的基础。让学生了解词缀,并利用旧知识记忆新词汇。2,Match the weather icons with the words we have learnt.Step3:文本呈现通过听音,回答问题;跟读,回答更多问题;自学和小组合作等方式,整体理解课文,提出自己问题。1.听音,回答问题:How is the weather in Harbin tomorrow?T: How is the weather tomorrow? Lets listen to the weather report and

4、 find out.S:It will snow in Harbin.2.跟读,划出其它三个城市天气,回答问题: How is the weather in Beijing?How is the weather in Xian? How is the weather in Sanya?Step 4:自学讨论1,小组内读Group work. Read by yourselves, find the words or sentences which you dont know. (读课文,找出你不理解的词和句子) 2,突破难点,根据孩子提出的问题讲解重难点:It will+表示天气的动词。It

5、will be+表示天气的形容词。 It will snow in Harbin.=It will be snowy in Harbin.Step 5:文本练习熟读课文,争当优秀天气预报播音员,体验学以致用的乐趣。 T:Well,children. Let us see who can be a good weather reporter.For example:(老师可以示范播报)Step6: 拓展运用1, T: You are great ! I think you are all very great weather reporters. Now lets do some exercis

6、es:2. Listen to the chant carefully.3. let us say the chant together.Are you ready?(运用歌谣强化练习本课重点句型)Step7: Homework延伸到课堂外的拓展与运用。1,小组内合作完成任务,看图根据天气,有计划的合理的安排自己五一假期内要做的事情,体验合作的乐趣。T:在星期日。How to say it in English?S:On Sunday.T: 在星期一.在星期六S:On Monday.on Saturday.T:Now,look at the weather next week. Hows the weather on Friday?S:It will.on Friday.T: ,what are you going to do ?S:Im going to .2,根据天气计划假期活动,运用句型: It will . on. ; I am going to. .


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