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1、EM-2001易速達汽車引擎強化加速晶片e-Star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Accelerate Chips (Model No.: EM-2001)理論基礎:本產品之理論基礎是利用二價、三價鐵(Fe2、Fe3)材料,受到天然能量的波場引響,該鐵原子的核旋轉和電子旋轉就發生變化,成為所謂激發狀態(Excited state),而具有高階能量。此高階能量能持續10年以上產生每秒一千億次之自然震盪波,藉本晶片的整流共振作用,而有效地將空氣中的氫氧分子迅速活化、微細化,使其瞬間成為類離子狀態。當活化後的空氣進入引擎燃燒室時,對燃油分子的承載量可以達到16倍以上,

2、並使油氣混合比達到1:14.5之最佳比例。經檢驗測試,e-star引擎強化晶片能有效使燃油達到完全燃燒,並提昇引擎效率達1020%。 Rationale:Rationale of the product is to provide iron atoms with high-order energy by changing their nuclear and electron spins in a so-called “excited state” when divalent and trivalent irons (Fe2、Fe3) are affected by the wave zone

3、of natural energy. Such high-order energy can consistently generate one hundred billion natural oscillation waves per second for more than ten years to effectively activate and micronize the hydroxide molecules in the air to be in an ion-like status instantaneously by means of the chips rectificatio

4、n and resonance. Then, when the activated air enters the combustor, the load-carrying capacity of fuel molecules can be increased more than 16 times to reach the optimal fuel-air mixture ratio of 1:14.5. Through many tests and inspections, “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chip” has been proven

5、to be able to help achieving total fuel combustion and improving engine efficiency by some 1020%.安裝方法:將空氣濾清器之螺絲或金屬簧夾鬆開,再將上蓋打開,取出空氣濾蕊。(如圖一)將e-star引擎強化晶片平均鋪於濾蕊上方。(如圖二)以附件卡夾插入e-star引擎強化晶片兩對角洞口。(如圖三)4.將卡夾按下連結空氣濾蕊,使e-star引擎強化晶片不致鬆脫即可,再將空氣濾蕊鎖回濾清器。(如圖四)Installation:Loosen the screws or metal clips on the a

6、ir filter to open the top cover before taking the air filter cartridge out (as shown in Fig 1).Place “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chips” evenly on the filter cartridge (as shown in Fig 2).Insert the attached jump rings into the two diagonal holes on the “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing

7、 Chips” (as shown in Fig 3).Press the jump rings to connect with the air filter cartridge and ensure that the “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chips” will not fall out before securing the air filter cartridge back in the air filter (as shown in Fig 4).D.I.Y.調校法本產品安裝後經適當調校後可立即彰顯效果:1.當安裝完成後,請發動引擎

8、,並將排檔桿推至空檔(N),同時關掉冷氣開關。2.踩油門踏板,將引擎轉速拉至30004000rpm,維持35分鐘,然後回歸怠速狀態。3.停留怠速約3分鐘。最後再重踩油門踏板,將轉速拉至紅線區(50006000rpm),隨即瞬間急放油門踏板並來回猛踩剎車踏板數次,當明顯感覺剎車踏板上浮時,即已提昇剎車效率。4.以上動作在安裝本產品後及每行駛5000公里實施車輛定期保養後自行調校即可。DIY Tuning:After being installed, the product shall reveal its best performance through appropriate tuning:A

9、fter installation, please start the engine and engage the gear into neutral (N) and turn the air-conditioner off at the same time.Step on the accelerator to increase the engine speed to 30004000rpm for 35 minutes before returning to idling condition.Remain idling for approximately 3 minutes before s

10、tepping on the accelerator again to increase the engine speed into the red zone (50006000rpm) for approximate 3 seconds. Then, quickly step off the accelerator and foot heavily on the brake several times. When the brake pedal is apparently moving up, it indicates that the braking efficiency has been

11、 improved.The foregoing DIY tuning procedure shall be carried out after the product is installed and every 5000km regular maintenance.注意事項:1.e-star引擎強化晶片安裝時無正反面之分,安裝時以平鋪於空氣濾蕊上方為佳。2.e-star引擎強化晶片安裝數量,以能覆蓋空氣濾蕊70%以上面積時效果最好。3.安裝e-star引擎強化晶片後,請定期做好車輛保養維修工作,使用原廠機油或空氣濾蕊更能有效彰顯晶片效果。4.本晶片為高精密半導體材質,不可重摔以免碎裂。本晶片

12、如有髒污,可用清水沖洗,不可使用化學藥劑或用刷子摩擦表面。Notices:During installation, it is recommended to place “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chips” flatly above the air filter cartridge. It does not matter which side shall face up.The best performance can be obtained if more than 70% of the air filter cartridge is co

13、vered by “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chips”.After installing “e-star Automobile Engine Reinforcing Chips”, please carry out regular maintenance on the vehicle and only apply the engine oil and air filter cartridge supplied by the original manufacturer in order to maintain the optimal perfo

14、rmance of the chips.The chip is made of high precision semiconductor materials and shall avoid breakage due to heavy falling. Please apply clean water to wash the chip if any dirt exists. Do not apply any chemical or use brush on the surface.檢測報告:檢測單位:財團法人車輛研究測試中心(ARTC)車型:CITROEN BX16TRS M5五門小客車 車身號

15、碼:VF7XBXB0047XB9889 輪胎型式:195/60R14引擎型式:前置直列四缸排檔型式:手排五檔污染測試:測試項目COTHC安裝前31.30 g/km15.924 g/km加裝e-star18.73 g/km2.462 g/km耗能測試:測試項目市區耗能高速耗能平均耗能安裝前8.90 km/13.93 km/10.6 km/加裝e-star10.19 km/15.25 km/12.0 km/加速性測試(註):測試項目極速km/hr0-100km加速性(sec)安裝前13813.9加裝e-star15013.0檢測日期:2000/12/27、2001/1/4。 報告編號:BB-TT289G205、BB-TT289G206。 (註)為試用者安裝後實際道路測試值。本產品為專利品(台灣專利號:89214463;中華人民共和國專利號:00264770.2)。Inspection Report:Inspection Organization: Automobile Research and Test Center (ARTC)Model: CITROEN BX16TRS M5 5-door SedanBody Number: VF7XBXB004



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