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1、Dont eat in class 教学设计第一课时一、教学目标通过教学,引导学生学会用英文表达自己对不遵守规矩的人的态度;能熟练使用目标语言谈论某些规章制度;能使用目标语言讨论校园内一些公共场合的规则。1认知目标: 重点词汇:in class, classroom, hallway, gym, arrive late, go out, practice, inside, outside, uniform, sneakers, fight, can, cant, have重点句型:Dont eat in class!Can we wear hats? No, we cant.We dont h

2、ave to wear a school uniform.语言结构: 祈使句 情态动词 can 表示许可的用法。2能力目标: 培养语言运用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。 培养用英语思维的能力和创新意识。 学会不断发现问题和分析问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。3情感目标: 通过小组对话、讨论和调查等一系列的活动,培养学生的合作意识。 通过课堂上与外教的交流,让学生了解不同的国家的不同的文化,培养初步的跨文化交际能力。 4德育目标: 促进学生养成良好的行为习惯和在良好的道德品质。二、教学过程Step One:Lead in1. Greet

3、 with the students by using “Good morning, boys and girls.”2Show the students a picture and revise “What is he/she doing?” by asking questions.T: Look at this girl. What is she doing?S: She is eating an apple.T: Can we eat an apple in class?S: No, we cant.T: So what should we say to the girl.T: We s

4、hould say to the girl :“Dont eat apples in class.”Then point out the other students in the picture and say, each of these students is breaking one of the school rules. So what should we say to them?根据这样的对话,把图片中其他学生不应该在课堂上出现的行为一一列出来, 并且用祈使句的句型排列在黑板上:Dont arrive late for class.Dont run in the hallways

5、.Dont listen to music in the classroom.Dont fight.3. Read the list to class. Then ask the students read the list again.4. Two foreign teachers of our school act out some rules to make clear the meaning of each one. For example: a foreign teacher is pretend to listen to music in class. Then encourage

6、 students to say something to him. “Can we listen to music in class? If you see someone do that, what should you say to him?” “Dont listen to music in class!”邀请我校的外教的参与到课堂中,做出一些违反课堂纪律的事情,引导学生用所学的句型指出他们的错误。外教生动的表演极大的调动了学生的积极性,学生马上能够大胆的运用目标语言指出他们做得不对的地方。如:不要在课堂上听音乐。Step Two:Listening1. Point t o the p

7、icture in activity 2a. Asking students to tell what they are doing.( They are talking school rules.)2. Play the recording, ask the students to put a checkmark next to the activities they are talking about.3. Play the recording again. Point out the list of can and cant in the chart in activity 2a. St

8、udents listen and circle the answers.通过听力训练,让学生能够对今天课堂上所学的目标句型有敏感的反应,并能够在下一个任务环节中熟练地应用。Step Three: DiscussionMake a list of school rules and give students a form like this:ActivitiesIn our schoolIn EnglandIn HollandListen to music in the classroomcantEat in the classroomFight with othersKeep long na

9、ilThrow away the rubbishSpeak loudly in the library1. Ask the students think about the school rules in the form, what we can do or what we cant do in our school. Then discuss the answers with their partners in groups.2. Introduce two foreign teachers to the students. One is from England, the other i

10、s from Holland. Encourage the students to ask them questions, and then discuss how rules of our school are different from those of England and Holland schools.这是一个巩固性的活动,要求学生能运用目标语言进行真实的交际。邀请我校的两名分别来自英国和荷兰的外教参与课堂教学,鼓励学生向他们提问,了解同样的校规在不同的国家和学校有什么不一样的规定。同时也使学生养成良好的运用英语的习惯。Step Four:Introduce your opini

11、on通过与外教交流,各小组根据自己所获得的信息,分析同样的校规在不同的国家和学校的不同之处,然后充分运用所学语言,向全班作汇报。For example: we cant listen to music in class, and the students in England cant, either. But the students in Holland can listen to music in class.课后反思:本单元的教学内容较多,而且非常生活化,所以针对不同的内容设计了不同的任务活动。通过课堂的试验,证实了这些任务的可行性,并达到了意想不到的效果。1在导入新知识时,通过复习旧




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