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1、MODULE 3 Heroes检测题 (本检测题满分:100分 ;时间:60分钟)一、 听力部分(满分20分)第一部分 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三个选项。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的选项。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you all the same. C. Thats wonderful.2. A. Yes, I will. B. Sorry, I wont.C. You are right.3. A. Of course. Here it is. B. No, thanks.C. No,

2、 not at all. 4. A. Im glad you enjoy it. B. Not really very well. C. Help yourself to it. 5. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Thanks for telling me. C. It doesnt matter.第二部分 听长对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)6. What does the woman want to talk about with the coach?A. About the game. B. About coaching. C. Ab

3、out football.7. How long did the coach play professional football?A. For 2 years. B. For 10 years. C. For 10 months.8. How did he break his leg? A. In a football match. B. In a traffic accident. C. Falling out of a tree.9. What did he want to do?A. To coach professional football.B. To coach universi

4、ty football.C. To coach high school football.10. Why is he coaching university men now?A. Because he wants to play with young men.B. Because the university wanted him and asked him.C. Because he doesnt want to work with young women.第三部分 听短文,完成第11至15题。短文读两遍。(每小题2分,满分10分)What does Jim like to do?He li

5、kes to play 11. _.When was the football match with No. 8 Middle School?It was on last 12. _ afternoon.How were the players of No. 8 Middle School?They were all big and 13._.When did Jim kick a goal?At the end of the 14. _ of the match.Where did Jim get hurt?His 15. _.二、笔试部分 (满分80分).根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(每小

6、题1分,满分5分)1. Is it necessary to a_ the meeting?2. W_ you do, you must remember you are a student.3. The USA is on the south of C_.4. We havent seen each other since he went a_.5. Our teacher led our class to v_ in this football match.用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)6. It is _ (use) to learn English well.7. He

7、 had lunch _(quick) and went to school.8. Without _(say) a word, he went away.9. His grandfather _(die) for many years.10. Please write as _(care) as possible.句型转换(每小题1分,满分5 分)11. Whatever we do, we never give up!(改为同义句) _ _ _ we do, we never give up!12. We take pride in our country.(改为同义句) We _ _ _

8、 our country.13. She stopped playing when she was twenty-four.(改为同义句)She stopped playing _ _ _ _ twenty-four.14. Must I hand in my homework now?_, _ _.(作出否定回答)15. Tom is going to the zoo, and his mother is going to the zoo, too.(改为同义句)Tom _ _ _his mother _ going to the zoo .单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)16. Ch

9、ina is famous _ its tea and china.A. with B. in C. of D. for17. Dont throw away the waste paper. It needs _ so that it can be reused. A. to destroy B. destroying C. to collect D. collecting18. Tom was busy taking a training class,_ we had to wait for him for half an hour. A. so B. if C. or D. but19.

10、 I met him _ the way to school. A. on B. in C. to D. by20. The plane _ ten minutes ago. A. put off B. set offC. took off D. turned off 21. Tom didnt go to school yesterday _ he was ill. A. because B. because of C. if D. so 22. (2015江苏连云港) In the song I Bet My Life,the US rock band Imagine Dragon tel

11、ls people never to _ catching their dreams. A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give off23. Betune died _ a wound. He died _ the Chinese people. A. of; for B. from; for C. for; of D. of; of24. Little Jack stayed at home _, but he didnt feel _. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lo

12、nely; lonely25. He can hardly move at all,_?A. cant he B. can he C. dont he D. do he.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Chi Li is one of the best-known Chinese writers in the West. She was born in the 1950s. 26 19,Chi entered a medical college in 1976. After she graduated, she 27 as a doctor at a hospital in Wuhan.

13、 As she loved 28 much more, went to Wuhan University to study Chinese language and literature in 1983She chose 29 as her profession(专业) During the 1980s, Chi wrote many works full of love. In the 1990s, her works, such as Apart From Love and The Sun Was Born, were 30 lives of young people and everyday problems.Since 2003, Chi has 31 a higher level in her works.An


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