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1、雅思口语food类常见话题一、 食物喜好&饮食健康1 I dont like fried food. Its greasy an not good for your health温馨提示:不喜欢某种食物的经典表达2 We should keep a banlanced diet and avoid food with lots of sugar and fat温馨提示:倡导健康饮食的经典素材3 relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition温馨提示:快餐危害的表达方

2、式4 its become a trend now to eat food in fast food restaurants like KFC,McDonalds. Increasingly quick life tempo and tightly served fast food the first choice for the people.温馨提示:快餐盛行原因的妙语5 and you are fed up with family made up meals. Eating out at a nice restaurant is a nice choice. In restaurants

3、, not only taste the exquisite food, but also enjoy the excellent service.温馨提示:逃脱家庭饭菜的最好excuse6 However, eating out may present a couple of problems, there are so many restaurants in different styles you have to decide which to take. During buy hours, you have to reserve table beforehand. Even with

4、the menu in the hand, you have to consider what to order温馨提示:every coin has two coins 凡事一体两面,外出就餐也是有代价的7 There are many occasions to dining together, such as birthday party, wedding party, and Buffy party for colleagues and old friends.温馨提示:聚餐的绝佳timingIELTS classical speaking topics-ExtensionFood (剑

5、四,test2 part1)What kind of food do you like to eat?Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? (why)Whats the main meal in China?Restaurant(剑八,test2,part2)You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you are going to sayYou can mak

6、e some notes to help ou if you wishDescribe a restaurant that you enjoy going toYou should say:Where the restaurant wasWhy you choose this restaurant?What type of food you ate in this restaurant and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant?Part3Why do you think people go to restaurants when

7、 they want to celebrate something?Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants? Why do you think what is?Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap restaurant would you agree?文化贴士:table mannersManners in ever

8、y country are different. What is polite in China may not be polite in America. These basic rules will help you enjoy your western food with your American friends. One, always put the napkin on your leg first. Before you leave the table, fold your napkin and put it beside your plate. Two, as the meal

9、 is served, use the silver well far this from the plate first. Three, for eating, remember not to talk with your mouth full of food. Four, sit up straight at the table, bring food up to your mouth. Dont leaning down to your plate. Five, cut large pieces of meat, potatoes, bread, meat, vegetables int

10、o bite size pieces. Eat the pieces one at a time. Six, when eating the spaghetti, wine the noodles up on your folk. This spaghetti on your folk should be eaten one bite. Its very impolite to eat half your noodle and allow your other half to fall back on your plate. Seven, when you have finished your

11、 meal, put your knife and folk side by side on the plate, this signals that you have finished eating.怎么样,7条餐桌礼仪熟记在心了吗?了解文化时帮你轻松应对雅思听力西餐传统西方人在重要节日时总会举行party, party的venue(场地),invitations(邀请人),cost fee(花费)及reservation(预定)便是雅思听力考试中考察的首要内容,而menu order更不在话下了。接下来我们就以前把一把西餐进餐的五步骤吧。Step1:开胃菜 appetizerStep2: 主菜 main course(常考的听力词汇为roast beef, grilled steak,seafood,salmon)Step3 蔬菜 vegetables (常考的听力词汇为carrot,lentil,tomato)Step4 甜点 Dessert (常考的听力为pudding, pie ice-cream, salad)Step5 饮料 Drinks (常考听力词汇为 coffee, wine, beer, cola ,sprite)来源:石家庄思创教育:


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