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1、follow ones tracks Royal Air Force station many balloons a pair of binoculars spy the enemy make up make out make for be made into be made of,inform sb of sth seem to do sth explain sth must be cant be I could not make him out what he said. He seems to be making a call. The whole story is made up.,A

2、sking for trouble 自找麻烦,ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃(多用于口语) You shouldnt have been so rude to her. You are asking for trouble. 你不该对她那么粗鲁。你这是自找麻烦。 The boss seems to be annoyed. To talk to him now is to ask for trouble. 老板似乎在生气。现在找他谈话是自讨苦吃。, make trouble 闹事, 捣乱、惹麻烦 take the trouble to do sth 费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事

3、 get into trouble 陷入困境, 惹上麻烦 have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难,fast adv. 熟(睡) ladder n. 梯子 shed n. 棚子 sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,讥笑的 tone n. 语气,腔调, fast (1) adv. 熟(睡)(soundly) eg:He is fast asleep . He is sleeping soundly . He is sleeping deeply . 他睡得很熟., ladder (1) n. 梯子 climb up a ladder 爬上梯子 climb down a

4、ladder 爬下梯子 (2) (发迹、成功于)阶段、手段 the ladder to success the ladder of success 成功的阶梯 knock down the ladder knock away the ladder 过河拆桥,sarcastic I squashed him with a sarcastic remark. 我说了一句讽刺的话把他给镇住了。squashskwvt. 镇压;把压扁;使沉默 She poked fun at peoples shortcomings with sarcastic remarks. 她冷嘲热讽地拿别人的缺点开玩笑。 po

5、ke fun at取笑,嘲弄,tone n. 语气,腔调,(1)语气,口气,腔调: The policeman answered in a sarcastic tone. 警察用讽刺的口吻回答。 The waiter greeted us in a friendly tone. 那侍者用友好的口气同我们打招呼。 (2)语调,声调: You should use the rising / falling tone at the end of this sentence. 在这句话的结尾你应该用升调降调。 (3)格调,风格,气氛: Her dress has a bright tone. 她的衣服

6、格调明快。 The building has a foreign tone. 这座建筑物有一种异国情调。, shed (1) n. 棚子、小屋、存放地 a cattle shed 牛棚 a wood shed 木棚子 (2) v. 滴、掉落 shed shed shed (3)v.落叶、脱毛 shed leaves 落叶 ; shed skin 脱皮,Language points:, It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. 我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左右了。 must have done 对发生完得事

7、的一种比较肯定的判断, I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. 我按响了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。于是,我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。 try to do sth 试图做某事 wake sb up

8、wake up sb 叫醒某人 be awake 清醒 ring the doorbell 按响门铃 bedroom 卧室 bath room 浴室 sitting-room living-room 客厅,I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, I dont think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night. 快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽刺的口吻说:“我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。 need doing sth 需要做某事、被需要做某事 at this ti

9、me of the night 夜里这个时候,在这里用作并列连词,意为“在那时,届时”,表示时间.这时主句中可以用过去进行时,过去完成时或“ was/were about to do sth.”结构.例如: Last night I was about to go to bed when the phone rang.昨天晚上我正要上床睡觉时,电话铃响了. I was cooking in the kitchen when someone knocked at the door.我正在厨房做饭,这时有人敲门. He had just finished the book when supper

10、was served.我刚刚读完这本书,这时晚饭就端上来了.,need cleaning 的含义相当于 need to be cleaned。need 表示“需要”时,后面接的动名词有被动的含义 The strap needs mending. 这提包带需要修理。 need doing 表被动意义,主语需要被 花需要被浇水了。 The flower needs watering. 她的房间需要打扫。 Her room needs cleaning need to do 表主动意义,主语需要做 , She needs to do her homework. 她需要做作业。 We need to

11、tell him the truth我们需要告诉他真相。,I dont think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night. 我看不必在夜里这个时侯擦窗子吧。,(1)有些动词如 think, believe, expect, suppose 等后面跟表示否定意思的宾语从句时,否定词not 往往用在主句中,但译成汉语时否定意义应在宾语从句中。我们一般 不说 I think Mary wont come this evening, 而说 I dont think Mary will come this evening。 I dont

12、believe he is still in London. 我相信他已不在伦敦。, I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way(I did), but I said, I enjoy cleaning windows at night. ”我向下面看去。当我看清是一个警察时,差一点儿从梯子上掉下去。我回答了他的话,但马上又后悔不该那样说,我是这样说的:“我喜欢在夜里擦窗子。” regret doing sth

13、后悔做过某事 regret to do sth 遗憾(要)做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,I immediately regretted answering in the way I did. 我立刻后悔不该那样回答。,regret 后面接动名词形式与接不定式的含义不同。接动名词形式表示对做过的事感到后悔,接不定式则表示对现在将发生的事感到遗憾或抱歉 I regretted saying it almost at once. 我几乎马上就后悔说了这话。 We regret to inform you that you neednt come here next week.

14、我们很遗憾地通知你下周不用来这儿了。,Remember to post the letters. 要记着别忘记去邮信。 I remembered to post the letters. 我记着去邮信了。(没有忘记) I remember posting / having posted the letters. 我记得已把信寄了。,Dont forget to ask Tom. 别忘记去问汤姆。 I forgot to ask Tom. 我忘了去问汤姆。 Have you forgotten meeting / having met her at a party? 你忘记了曾在一次聚会上见过她

15、吗?,stop+ 不定式指目的: On the way to the station I stopped to buy a paper. 去车站的路上,我停下来买了一张报纸。 stop+ 动名词形式表示停下正在做的动作: When he told us the story, we just couldnt stop laughing. 他给我们讲故事时我们不禁都笑个不停。,regret doing 后悔做了(对已发生的事情表示后悔) e.g. I regretted saying it almost at once. regret to do sth. 遗憾(对现在要发生的事表示抱歉) e.g

16、.We regret to inform you that you neednt come here next week,remember/forget to do/doing,remember/forget +to do sth. 指末来的动作remembered to post the letters. 我记着去邮信了。(没有忘记) I forgot to ask Tom. 我忘了去问汤姆。 remember/forget doing sth. 指过去的动作(已发生过) I remember posting/having posted the letters. Have you forgotten meeting/having met her at a party?你忘记了曾在一次聚会上见过她吗?,stop to do /doing,stop to do sth.


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