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1、Lesson 30 Football or polo? 【New words and expressions】(8) cut vt. &vi. 切,割,剪cut ones hair = have a hair cut 理发 cut down the tree = cut the tree down 砍倒树cut the head off 砍脑袋 (off = away from)cut off electricity 切断电源cut sth. into pieces 把切成小片(碎) vt. 割破,划破cut oneself 割伤自己 vi. 横穿,穿越(介词用across/through)c

2、ut across/through 直着穿过 cut a corner 走捷径,超近路No pains, no gains.row vt.& vi. 划船My brother is rowing. 划船 (row强调动作)go boating 去划船(强调玩) vt. 划船载运Can you row me up/across the river? 你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗?kick v. 踢kick me 踢我一脚 kickback n. 回扣, 佣金I get a kickback of 2000 Yuan.kick upstairs 明升暗降 well to go (美语) = w

3、ell done (英语) 做得不错sight n. 眼界, 视域catch sight of 看见out of sight 在视线之外in sight 在视线之内Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见心不烦long sighted 眼光长远, 远视眼short sighted 目光短浅, 近视【课文讲解】1、Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them.call out 大声呼叫,叫喊call out to sb. 对大声喊 2、The ball s

4、truck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water.sothat 如此以致于 (that 引导的结果状语从句)so的后面跟副词或形容词, 如后跟名词时要用such +n. +that【Composition】The wind(threw)(blew)his hat into the river. He(put)(took)out his hand (and) (but)tried to (reach)(catch)it(so)(but) he could not(so) (but) he(jumped) (fell) into the ri

5、ver(and)(but) got it.blew 吹 ,take out 拿出(put out 扑灭), and,reach够得着(catch 接住 抓住), but,so,jump 自己跳 (fall 掉进去),and【Summary writing 】4.The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting.6.However,the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank.but连接两个句子, 中间可用逗号隔开;however只是副词

6、, 只表示意思上得转折, 它可以放在句首也可以放在句中, 只是用一个逗号把它和其他的词隔开就可以【Key structures】The, Some and Anysome不用于否定句,any通常用于否定句和疑问句,some在表示邀请的语气中或在疑问句中如果所期望的回答是肯定的,可以取代anyDo you want some? / Would you want something?Do you want any drink?你想要喝点什么吗?(不愿意给别人喝)在姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)前面通常不加任何冠词。但在特指的海洋、河流、山脉以及部分复合词形式的国名前,一定要用定冠词the;在表示世界

7、上独一无二的东西时,通常要加定冠词the.Many great cities are built on rivers. Paris is on the Seine, London is on the Thames and Rome is on the Tiber. 许多大城市都建在河岸上. 巴黎在塞纳河上, 伦敦在泰晤士河上, 罗马在第伯尔河上. Exercises D (在必要的地方填上冠词a或the)1 _ refrigerators are necessary in _ hot countries.2 Which river is _ longest, _ Nile, _ Amazon,

8、 or _ Mississippi?3 Heyerdahl crossed _ Pacific on _ raft.4 Why is _ Britain sometimes called _ United Kingdom?5 We sailed up _ Red Sea and then went through _ Suez Canal.1.不填in hot countries: 指的是炎热的那类国家, 故不用 the2. the,the,the,the Nile 尼罗河 ; Amazon 亚马逊河 ; Missisippi 密西西比河3.the,athe Atlantic 大西洋raft

9、n. 木筏子(如用by,则不用加任何修饰by raft,用“on,in”一般都要加“the,a/an”,这里指的是这一类,没特指,故加“a”) 4. ,the 如果以单个的词作为国家, 基本上不加the,比方说China,America,Britain,一旦这个词成为缩略形式, 前面就要加the,如:the USA5.the,the横渡海峡用“across”;和运河相连介词用through,不用 “across” 【Multiple choice questions】4. It cuts across the park. It goes _a_ it.a. through b. over c. round d. alonground 围绕 ;along 沿着across 从的表面穿过through 从的内部穿过over 在上方,与下面没接触,over 在用于穿越讲时,表示穿过弧形over the bridge, over the mountains, over the hill


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