仁爱版八年级上册unit 3 our hobbies topic 2 what sweet music!section b教案教学反思教学设计

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《仁爱版八年级上册unit 3 our hobbies topic 2 what sweet music!section b教案教学反思教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱版八年级上册unit 3 our hobbies topic 2 what sweet music!section b教案教学反思教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、仁爱版八年级上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2 What sweet music!Section B教案教学反思教学设计The main activities are1aand3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and a phrase:everyday, simple, be famous for2. Learn some useful sentences:(1) Its hard to say.(2) I dont mind it.3. Go on learn

2、ing about exclamation:(1) How exciting!(2) What sweet music!4. Talk about some types of music:(1) Classical music is serious music.(2) Pop music often xxes and goes quickly.(3) Country music, rock music and jazz are all pop music.(4) Folk music is simple but special.5. Learn how to express likes and

3、 dislikes:(1) Its great! I love it!(2) It is good music.(3) I dont like this kind of music.(4) I hate to listen to rock music. Teaching aids 教具音乐磁带/多媒体课件/小黑板/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟)通过师生互动,复习有关音乐的话题,导入音乐的种类。1. (教师播放学生熟悉的音乐,激发学生学习的兴趣。学生欣赏音乐之后师生对话,引导学生尽量用感叹句谈论音乐

4、。)T:Do you often listen to music in your free time?SS: Yes, we do.T:OK. Lets go to the concert. All right?Ss: Yeah!(欢呼)(教师播放某一音乐会录像的片断,最好选择学生们最喜欢的歌手的录像。)T:What do you think of this concert, S1?S1: How wonderful!T:Good! What about you, S2?S2: What sweet music!T:Whos the singer?Ss: Jay Chou.T:Whats th

5、e name of the song?Ss: Its T:What kind of music is it?Ss: Pop music.T:How many kinds of music do you know?S3: Rock music.S4: Country music.T:Any more?Ss: Sorry, we dont know.T:Now, lets xxe to learn Section B. We will talk about many kinds of music.Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:13分钟)通过欣赏音乐,导入1a,激发学生学习

6、英语的兴趣,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。1. (教师播放事先准备好的音乐,如辣妹子,一条大河,蒙古人等,每首歌播放一小段。)T:Weve just heard some pieces of music, they are all folk music. How do you like them?S1: How wonderful!S2: Its too serious. I dont like it.T: Now, lets enjoy some other pieces of music.2. (教师播放音乐,如英雄,梁祝,十面埋伏等,尽量选用由不同乐器演奏的,每首播放一小段。)T:Do you like them? Theyre all classical music.Ss: Yes./No.(板书,让学生猜测词义,要求学生理解。)classical


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