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1、1非谓语动词复习纲要(二)动名词【基本概念】1.现行高中教材中将动名词和现在分词统称为-ing 形式。这样处理英语传统语法项目的初衷是简化语法术语、淡化语法概念,让学生更多地通过语感掌握其用法。然而,在教学实践中却遇到了另外一些不好解决的问题。其一,取消了“现在分词”的概念之后,增加了“现在分词和过去分词的区别”这一关键知识的教学难度:其二,混淆动名词和现在分词的概念使得属于动名词范围的一些细节问题的教学不容易开展,如动名词做宾语的问题、分词和动名词的逻辑主语问题等。现在分词和动名词都可以做定语和表语,概念却有所不同。遇到这些问题完全可以采取淡化或者回避的办法,就如同我们很少强调形容词做定语、

2、表语同名词做定语、表语的区别一样。学生能够领悟其中的区别更好,不能理解也无关紧要。2.动名词在书写形式上同现在分词相同,但语法概念和语法功能各异。动名词具有名词的语法作用,在句子中主要充当主语和宾语。例 1:动名词做主语Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. ( P.16, Senior Book2A )Checking information is very import

3、ant. ( P.20, Senior Book2A )Doing this can save a lot of time and money. (P.20, Senior Book2A )Learning new words and useful expressions is very important for me. ( P.22, Senior Book2A)例 2:动名词做宾语After a short while he started directing films himself. ( P.26, Senior Book2A )Disney stopped drawing and

4、 watched the mouse. ( P.2, Senior Book2A )例 3:动名词做介词的宾语Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening. (P.3, Senior Book 1B )after 在句中为介词,动名词 opening 做介词的宾语,形容词性物主代词its 是动名词的逻辑主语。The money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of that spent on each white child. (

5、P.38, Senior Book2 )I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude. ( P.35, Senior Book2B )having been 是动名词 being 的完成式,做介词 for 的宾语。【关键知识】2动名词一章的关键知识是动名词做宾语同不定式做宾语的区别。这种区别根据“约定俗成”的原则成为语法规则,因此没有过多的道理可讲。牢牢记住这些规则,在语言实践中能够熟练地运用,便是最好的学习方法。1.下列动词只能用动名词做宾语, 不能用不定式

6、:suggest, finish, enjoy, practise, miss, avoid, require, delay, excuse, pardon, consider, deny, escape, cant help, risk 等。Besides, I enjoy learning about new things from politics to sports and music. ( P.22, Senior Book2A)Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play. ( P.25, Senior

7、Book2A)2.一些动词后用动名词做宾语和用不定式做宾语意思不同。remember, forget, regret 后用动名词做宾语表示已经发生过了的动作;用不定式做宾语表示将要发生或尚未发生的动作。remember to do 表示记住要去做某事; remember doing 表示记得曾经做过某事。regret doing 表示后悔做了某事;regret to say (tell) 表示遗憾地说(告诉) 。- The light in the office is still on.- Oh, I forgot _. (1991 年全国高考试题)A. turning it off B. t

8、urn it offC. to turn it off D. having turned it off答案为 C。句子的意思是“我刚才忘记了关灯” , “关灯”的动作没有发生。- You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.- Well, now I regret _ that. (1995 年全国高考试题)A. to do B. to be doingC. to have done D. having done答案为 D。having done 是动名词 doing 的完成式,表示该动作先于谓语动作,句子的意思是“后悔在会

9、议上提出反对意见” 。try to do 表示“设法做” (克服困难、障碍努力做) ;try doing 表示“试着做” (对结果没有把握,尝试去做,看看是否可以) 。The little time we have together we try _ wisely. (上海市 1995 年高考试题)A. spending it B. to spend itC. to spend D. spending thatthe little time we have together 是 spend 的宾语,前置以示强调。正确的答案为 C。3like (love) to do 表示具体的一次性动作; l

10、ike (love) doing 表示倾向性的动作。Little Tom should love _ to the theatre this evening. (1992 年全国高考试题)A. to be taken B. to takeC. being taken D. taken答案为 A。时间状语暗示了应该考虑“一次性动作 ”。本试题中 little Tom和谓语动词 take(带领) 为动宾关系,必须注意被动概念的使用。动词 need 的用法同动名词做宾语有密切的关系。a)当主语是表示“人”的词语时, need 的宾语用动词不定式的一般式,这时不定式同句子的主语也是主谓关系。Right

11、 now you need to stay still until help comes. ( P.43, Senior Book2B)但是,也有少数句子 need 的宾语同句子的主语构成动宾关系,这时 need的宾语可以用动名词或不定式的被动式:The patient will need looking after.b)当主语是表示“事”或“物”的词语时,主语同 need 往往为动宾关系。这时,用 need to be done 或 need doing 均可,但要注意 need doing 是用动名词的主动式表示被动的概念。These shoes need repairing.These

12、shoes need to be repaired.You have come just in time to help us.”“Fine. What needs _?” (1985 年广东高考试题)A. I do B. doneC. to be done D. to do答案为 C。what 是句子的主语,表示事物。stop to do 和 stop doing 的语法结构不同,因此意思也就不同。stop doing 中的 doing 是动名词做宾语,表示 stop 动作的对象,意思为“停止做某事” 。Stop to do 中的不定式 to do 是目的状语,表示“停止正在做的事的目的是要

13、做某事” 。Lets have a break.Not now. I dont want to stop _ yet. (1985 年广东高考试题)A. study B. to studyC. for studying D. studying答案为 D。mean doing 的意思是“意谓着” 、 “就是” 。4I meant to tell you yesterday, but you were not in the office.(P.13, Senior Book2B)Missing the train means waiting for an hour.mean to do 的意思是“

14、意欲做”或“打算做” 。What do you mean to do?【相关知识及其运用】1.动名词的逻辑主语动名词的逻辑主语表示动名词所代表的动作是谁做的。动名词逻辑主语规范的表达形式是:无生命的内容用名词的一般形式。有生命的内容如果是名词,用该名词的所有格;如果是代词,则用形容词性物主代词。He has always insisted on his being called Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner.译文:他总是坚持让别人称呼他特纳博士而不是特纳先生。his 是动名词 being called 的逻辑主语,但同 call 构成被动关系。如果是主动关系

15、应为 call him Dr. Turner。再看下列两道试题:They insisted on _ a thorough rest before going back to work.A. him to take B. he tookC. his taking D. his taken答案为 C。_ made her mother very angry.A. Helens married Jack B. Helen has married JackC. Helen marrying Jack D. Helens marrying Jack答案为 D。2.动名词的完成式所有非谓语动词的完成式都表示非谓语动作先于谓语动作,动名词的完成式也不例外。Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party. (2000 年上海市高考试题)A. having not been invite


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