剑桥小学英语公开课join in 2 numbers(1)教学设计.doc

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1、剑桥小学英语公开课Join in 2 Numbers(1)教学设计剑桥小学英语2第二单元Numbers第一课时,本节课的核心内容是13到19这七个数字和就物体单复数提问回答的句型:How much is it ? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan. 本节课是单词与句型的教学,我在课堂上采用多样化的教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。根据新课标和本课时在单元中所处位置,我将本课的教学目标确立为以下几点:(一)知识目标:1.使学生能听、说

2、、认读主要单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2. 能根据实际运用How much is it ? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan.自由询问单复数物品的价格。(二)技能目标:提高学生听说认读的综合能力,培养学生观察对比归纳的能力和口语交际的能力。(三)情感目标:培养学生乐于模仿、敢于开口、积极参与的情感态度,增加学生学习英语的兴趣,并使学生在演练中培养合作意识和竞争意识。这节课的重难点就是七个数字单词,特别是单词13.15.18的发音,因为这

3、几个是较为特殊的单词,我为了突出重点,我自制了数字卡片3到9,竖排并列13到19,这七个新数字与单词3到9既有共性,又有特殊性,为了突出重点,我将单词卡片设计成带红色后缀teen的卡片,对于特殊的单词将特殊的地方用黑笔标示,在单词学习环节,我还设计了“快速认读”、“听音贴单词”和“用手指书空”这三种活动来巩固单词,让学生在口、眼、耳、手、脑的充分调动下强化记忆。在句型环节则是通过课件中创设生活情境来实现师生互动、生生互动。在操练环节,鼓励多数学生参与。整个教学程序我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动,具体设计为热身新知趣味操练巩固。在教学流程上,一开课我与学生进行简单的问候并以The t

4、iger jump 边唱边动作来热身,通过简单的肢体语言,让学生在倒数数的同时动起来、演起来、乐起来,拉进师生间的距离,把学生的思想迅速集中到数字相关的英语学习上,创造一种学习英语的氛围。再联系生活中的数字对以前所学的12以内的数进行巩固,然后用一系列的加减计算来导出以前所学数字3到9,也为新授13到19作铺垫。再用一句导语, These are the numbers, today well continue to learn “Numbers”出示了单元主题。在新授环节,单词的教学是由教师的教与学生的自学归纳相结合完成,在此过程中学生进行大量的口腔操练,并通过多种活动“快速认读”、“听音贴

5、单词”和“用手指书空”来巩固单词,让单词教学不那么枯燥;在句型新授环节则是通过创设情境,到超市购物来对How much is it ? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan.采用指名读,师生交换齐读,男女生问答、同桌问答等多种方式操练句型,其间还让学生猜物品价格激发学生参与的热情,让学生在句中巩固数词,以句带词,词不离句。同时给予一定的激励机制,并巩固所学句型。单词和句型的新授完成后,我还将单复数两种问答的句型进行比较,让学生观察发现,培养学生的归纳能力。最后的巩固环节我设计了guessing game这个游戏对物品的价格竞猜,这一过程也是我们对所学

6、的数字与句型的反复运用,在教师给予一定提示“high/low”并配以肢体语言的提示下,学生都愿意参与其中。这也是本课的高潮,也是学生学习输出的成果展示,在教师给予一定的示范后,请同学来做小老师与其他同学互动。最后教师小结:周末即将来临,让我们到超市去购物吧,希望度过美好的时光!作为课堂结束语,让学生们在轻松愉快的氛围中结束本课!Teaching aims:1.Learn to use thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen2.Can use the sentences: How much is it

7、? Its yuan.How much are they? Theyreyuan.Teaching key points:1.Pay attention to the pronunciation of thirteen ,fifteen and eighteen2.Use the sentences freely: How much is it? Its yuan.How much are they? Theyreyuan.Teaching aids:flashcards, CAI. Stickers.Teaching stepsStep 1. Warming up1. Greetings.2

8、. Lets say a chant and act: The tiger jump.3. Free talk: (stick the numbers: three , four, five, six ,seven, eight, nine )-Whats the number?( 12 minus 9?-Whats 8 minus 4?etc.4. T: These are the numbers, today well continue to learn “Numbers”(stick the title and read)Step 2. Pre

9、sentation1. Teach the numbers 13 to 19.a. T: Look, whats the number?( thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen)b. Practice to say, especially the numbers: thirteen, fifteen, eighteenc. Teacher point and the pupils read quickly.d. Lets try to spell the words with fingers wr

10、iting.e. Listen and stick the numbers (thirteen to nineteen) on the corresponding places.(prize with the sticker)2. Teach the sentences:(1) Teach the sentence: How much is it? Its yuan.a. T: Where is it? Its Zhong Bai supermarket. There are so many things in it. Look, an orange juice! how much is it

11、?(stick the sentence: How much is it? ) Five yuan?Two yuan? Lets guess.S1:Three yuan. T: No.S2: Five yuan. T: No.S3: Six yuan. T: Yes, its six yuan. (prize with stickers.)T: Its six yuan. (stick the sentence: Its yuan.)b. Practise to say the sentence: How much is it? Its six yuan. (Teacher ask, stud

12、ent answer. Then exchange.)c. Look at the other things, get the pupils to practise with: How much is it? Its yuan.d. Work in pairs. (prize with stickers.)(2) Teach the sentence: How much are they? Theyre yuan.a. T: Look, there are so many banans, do you like bananas? (Yes) Can you try to ask me?S1:

13、How much is it? T: No. How much are they?(stick the sentence: How much are they? )b. Practise to say the sentence line by line.c. T: How much are they? (Get the pupils to try to answer, maybe : Its nineteen yuan. Maybe: Theyre nineteen yuan.)T: Theyre nineteen yuan. (if someone is right, prize with

14、a big fish.)(stick the sentence: Theyre yuan.)d. Practise to say the sentence: Theyre nineteen yuan.e. Practise to say: How much are they? Theyre nineteen yuan. (Boys ask, girls answer, then exchange. Play the chain game.)c. Look at the other things, get the pupils to practise with: How much are the

15、y? Theyre yuan.d. Work in pairs. (prize with stickers.)Step 3. Consolidation1. Play a guessing game(guess the price) with the things prepared: How much is it? Its yuan.How much are they? Theyre yuan.(prize with the corresponding thing)2. T: The weekend is xxing, lets go shopping at the supermarket . Wish you have a good time. Good bye!



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